
Integrate PR feedback to unify some code in UpdateRenderingPathState

Keep m_isFptlEnabled and m_isFptlEnabledForForwardOpaque together, along with the comments
Robert Srinivasiah 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 6 次插入7 次删除
  1. 13


GlobalTextureSettings textureSettings,
ShadowInitParameters shadowInit, ShadowSettings shadowSettings, IBLFilterGGX iblFilterGGX)
// Deferred opaque are always using Fptl. Forward opaque can use Fptl or Cluster, transparent use cluster.
// When MSAA is enabled we disable Fptl as it become expensive compare to cluster
// In HD, MSAA is only supported for forward only rendering, no MSAA in deferred mode (for code complexity reasons)
// If Deferred, enable Fptl. If we are forward renderer only and not using Fptl for forward opaque, disable Fptl
m_isFptlEnabledForForwardOpaque = tileSettings.enableFptlForForwardOpaque; // TODO: Disable if MSAA
m_Resources = renderPipelineResources;
m_TileSettings = tileSettings;

public void UpdateRenderingPathState(bool useForwardRenderingOnly)
// Deferred opaque are always using Fptl. Forward opaque can use Fptl or Cluster, transparent use cluster.
// When MSAA is enabled we disable Fptl as it become expensive compare to cluster
// In HD, MSAA is only supported for forward only rendering, no MSAA in deferred mode (for code complexity reasons)
// If Deferred, enable Fptl. If we are forward renderer only and not using Fptl for forward opaque, disable Fptl
m_isFptlEnabledForForwardOpaque = m_TileSettings.enableFptlForForwardOpaque; // TODO: Disable if MSAA
if (GetFeatureVariantsEnabled())
