public struct AtlasInit |
{ |
public BaseInit baseInit; // the base class's initializer
public string shaderKeyword; // the global shader keyword to use when rendering the shadowmap
public BaseInit baseInit; // the base class's initializer
public string shaderKeyword; // the global shader keyword to use when rendering the shadowmap
public Shader shadowClearShader; |
public ComputeShader shadowBlurMoments; |
} |
// UI stuff
public ShadowAtlas( ref AtlasInit init ) : base( ref init.baseInit ) |
{ |
m_ClearMat = new Material( Shader.Find( "Hidden/ScriptableRenderPipeline/ShadowClear" ) ); |
m_ClearMat = CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial(init.shadowClearShader); |
m_Cleanup = (CachedEntry entry) => { Free( entry ); }; |
m_Comparator = (ref Key k, ref CachedEntry entry) => { return k.id == entry.key.id && k.faceIdx == entry.key.faceIdx; }; |
public void Dispose() |
{ |
if( m_Shadowmap != null ) |
m_Shadowmap.Release(); |
m_Shadowmap.Release(); |
CoreUtils.Destroy(m_ClearMat); |
} |
override public bool Reserve( FrameId frameId, Camera camera, bool cameraRelativeRendering, ref ShadowData shadowData, ShadowRequest sr, uint width, uint height, ref VectorArray<ShadowData> entries, ref VectorArray<ShadowPayload> payload, List<VisibleLight> lights) |
sd.edgeTolerance = asd.edgeTolerance; |
sd.viewBias = new Vector4( asd.viewBiasMin, asd.viewBiasMax, asd.viewBiasScale, 2.0f / ce.current.proj.m00 / ce.current.viewport.width * 1.4142135623730950488016887242097f ); |
sd.normalBias = new Vector4( asd.normalBiasMin, asd.normalBiasMax, asd.normalBiasScale, ShadowUtils.Asfloat( flags ) ); |
// write :(
ce.current.shadowAlgo = (GPUShadowAlgorithm) shadowAlgo; |
m_EntryCache[ceIdx] = ce; |
cmd.SetViewport( m_EntryCache[i].current.viewport ); |
cbName = "Shadowmap.ClearRect"; |
cmd.BeginSample( cbName ); |
if( m_ClearMat == null ) |
m_ClearMat = new Material( Shader.Find( "Hidden/ScriptableRenderPipeline/ShadowClear" ) ); |
CoreUtils.DrawFullScreen( cmd, m_ClearMat, null, 0 ); |
cmd.EndSample( cbName ); |
cmd.SetViewProjectionMatrices( m_EntryCache[i].current.view, m_EntryCache[i].current.proj ); |
m_Flags |= SystemInfo.usesReversedZBuffer ? Flags.reversed_z : 0; |
m_SampleCount = sampleCount <= 0 ? 1 : (sampleCount > k_MaxSampleCount ? k_MaxSampleCount : sampleCount); |
m_MomentBlurCS = Resources.Load<ComputeShader>( "ShadowBlurMoments" ); |
m_MomentBlurCS = init.shadowBlurMoments; |
if( m_MomentBlurCS ) |
{ |