
Merge branch 'HDRP/staging' of https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline into HDRP/staging

sebastienlagarde 7 年前
共有 6 个文件被更改,包括 59 次插入8 次删除
  1. 1
  2. 11
  3. 5
  4. 13
  5. 35
  6. 2


- When LightLayers is enabled, the AmbientOclusion is store in the GBuffer in deferred path allowing to avoid double occlusion with SSAO. In forward the double occlusion is now always avoided.
- Added the possibility to add an override transform on the camera for volume interpolation
- Added desired lux intensity and auto multiplier for HDRI sky
- Added an option to disable light by type in the debug menu
- Added gradient sky
### Fixed


var list = new List<DebugUI.Widget>();
list.Add(new DebugUI.Foldout
displayName = "Show Light By Type",
children = {
new DebugUI.BoolField { displayName = "Show Directional Lights", getter = () => lightingDebugSettings.showDirectionalLight, setter = value => lightingDebugSettings.showDirectionalLight = value },
new DebugUI.BoolField { displayName = "Show Punctual Lights", getter = () => lightingDebugSettings.showPunctualLight, setter = value => lightingDebugSettings.showPunctualLight = value },
new DebugUI.BoolField { displayName = "Show Area Lights", getter = () => lightingDebugSettings.showAreaLight, setter = value => lightingDebugSettings.showAreaLight = value },
new DebugUI.BoolField { displayName = "Show Reflection Probe", getter = () => lightingDebugSettings.showReflectionProbe, setter = value => lightingDebugSettings.showReflectionProbe = value },
list.Add(new DebugUI.EnumField
displayName = "Shadow Debug Mode",


public float debugExposure = 0.0f;
public bool showPunctualLight = true;
public bool showDirectionalLight = true;
public bool showAreaLight = true;
public bool showReflectionProbe = true;
public LightLoop.TileClusterDebug tileClusterDebug = LightLoop.TileClusterDebug.None;
public LightLoop.TileClusterCategoryDebug tileClusterDebugByCategory = LightLoop.TileClusterCategoryDebug.Punctual;


// Disk,
public static class GPULightTypeExtension
public static bool IsAreaLight(this GPULightType lightType)
return lightType == GPULightType.Rectangle || lightType == GPULightType.Line;
public static bool IsSpot(this GPULightType lightType)
return lightType == GPULightType.Spot || lightType == GPULightType.ProjectorBox || lightType == GPULightType.ProjectorPyramid;
// This is use to distinguish between reflection and refraction probe in LightLoop
public enum GPUImageBasedLightingType


namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline
class ShadowSetup : IDisposable
// shadow related stuff

return true;
public bool GetDirectionalLightData(CommandBuffer cmd, ShadowSettings shadowSettings, GPULightType gpuLightType, VisibleLight light, HDAdditionalLightData additionalData, AdditionalShadowData additionalShadowData, int lightIndex)
public bool GetDirectionalLightData(CommandBuffer cmd, ShadowSettings shadowSettings, GPULightType gpuLightType, VisibleLight light, HDAdditionalLightData additionalData, AdditionalShadowData additionalShadowData, int lightIndex, DebugDisplaySettings debugDisplaySettings)
var directionalLightData = new DirectionalLightData();

return false;
// Discard light if disabled in debug display settings
if (!debugDisplaySettings.lightingDebugSettings.showDirectionalLight)
return false;
directionalLightData.lightLayers = additionalData.GetLightLayers();

public bool GetLightData(CommandBuffer cmd, ShadowSettings shadowSettings, Camera camera, GPULightType gpuLightType,
VisibleLight light, HDAdditionalLightData additionalLightData, AdditionalShadowData additionalshadowData,
int lightIndex, ref Vector3 lightDimensions)
int lightIndex, ref Vector3 lightDimensions, DebugDisplaySettings debugDisplaySettings)
var lightData = new LightData();

bool applyRangeAttenuation = additionalLightData.applyRangeAttenuation && (gpuLightType != GPULightType.ProjectorBox);
// Discard light if disabled in debug display settings
if (lightData.lightType.IsAreaLight())
if (!debugDisplaySettings.lightingDebugSettings.showAreaLight)
return false;
if (!debugDisplaySettings.lightingDebugSettings.showPunctualLight)
return false;
// In the shader we do range remapping: (x - start) / (end - start) = (dist^2 * rangeAttenuationScale + rangeAttenuationBias)
if (applyRangeAttenuation)

public bool GetEnvLightData(CommandBuffer cmd, Camera camera, ProbeWrapper probe)
public bool GetEnvLightData(CommandBuffer cmd, Camera camera, ProbeWrapper probe, DebugDisplaySettings debugDisplaySettings)
return false;
// Discard probe if disabled in debug menu
if (!debugDisplaySettings.lightingDebugSettings.showReflectionProbe)
return false;
var capturePosition = Vector3.zero;

// Return true if BakedShadowMask are enabled
public bool PrepareLightsForGPU(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera hdCamera, ShadowSettings shadowSettings, CullResults cullResults,
ReflectionProbeCullResults reflectionProbeCullResults, DensityVolumeList densityVolumes)
ReflectionProbeCullResults reflectionProbeCullResults, DensityVolumeList densityVolumes, DebugDisplaySettings debugDisplaySettings)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Prepare Lights For GPU"))

// Directional rendering side, it is separated as it is always visible so no volume to handle here
if (gpuLightType == GPULightType.Directional)
if (GetDirectionalLightData(cmd, shadowSettings, gpuLightType, light, additionalLightData, additionalShadowData, lightIndex))
if (GetDirectionalLightData(cmd, shadowSettings, gpuLightType, light, additionalLightData, additionalShadowData, lightIndex, debugDisplaySettings))

Vector3 lightDimensions = new Vector3(); // X = length or width, Y = height, Z = range (depth)
// Punctual, area, projector lights - the rendering side.
if (GetLightData(cmd, shadowSettings, camera, gpuLightType, light, additionalLightData, additionalShadowData, lightIndex, ref lightDimensions))
if (GetLightData(cmd, shadowSettings, camera, gpuLightType, light, additionalLightData, additionalShadowData, lightIndex, ref lightDimensions, debugDisplaySettings))
switch (lightCategory)

var probeWrapper = ProbeWrapper.Wrap(probe, planarProbe);
if (GetEnvLightData(cmd, camera, probeWrapper))
if (GetEnvLightData(cmd, camera, probeWrapper, debugDisplaySettings))
GetEnvLightVolumeDataAndBound(probeWrapper, lightVolumeType, worldToView);
if (stereoEnabled)


bool enableBakeShadowMask;
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "TP_PrepareLightsForGPU", CustomSamplerId.TPPrepareLightsForGPU.GetSampler()))
enableBakeShadowMask = m_LightLoop.PrepareLightsForGPU(cmd, hdCamera, m_ShadowSettings, m_CullResults, m_ReflectionProbeCullResults, densityVolumes);
enableBakeShadowMask = m_LightLoop.PrepareLightsForGPU(cmd, hdCamera, m_ShadowSettings, m_CullResults, m_ReflectionProbeCullResults, densityVolumes, m_DebugDisplaySettings);
ConfigureForShadowMask(enableBakeShadowMask, cmd);
ConfigureForLightLayers(hdCamera.frameSettings.enableLightLayers, cmd);
