
[PlanarReflection] Updated test scene and planar cache

Frédéric Vauchelles 7 年前
共有 3 个文件被更改,包括 345 次插入36 次删除
  1. 161
  2. 209
  3. 11


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using System;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline
public class PlanarReflectionProbeCache
internal static readonly int s_InputTexID = Shader.PropertyToID("_InputTex");
internal static readonly int s_LoDID = Shader.PropertyToID("_LoD");
internal static readonly int s_FaceIndexID = Shader.PropertyToID("_FaceIndex");
enum ProbeFilteringState
int m_ProbeSize;
int m_CacheSize;
IBLFilterGGX m_IBLFilterGGX;
TextureCache2D m_TextureCache;
RenderTexture m_TempRenderTexture;
RenderTexture m_ConvolutionTargetTexture;
ProbeFilteringState[] m_ProbeBakingState;
Material m_ConvertTextureMaterial;
MaterialPropertyBlock m_ConvertTextureMPB;
bool m_PerformBC6HCompression;
public PlanarReflectionProbeCache(IBLFilterGGX iblFilter, int cacheSize, int probeSize, TextureFormat probeFormat, bool isMipmaped)
// BC6H requires CPP feature not yet available
probeFormat = TextureFormat.RGBAHalf;
Debug.Assert(probeFormat == TextureFormat.BC6H || probeFormat == TextureFormat.RGBAHalf, "Reflection Probe Cache format for HDRP can only be BC6H or FP16.");
m_ProbeSize = probeSize;
m_CacheSize = cacheSize;
m_TextureCache = new TextureCache2D();
m_TextureCache.AllocTextureArray(cacheSize, probeSize, probeSize, probeFormat, isMipmaped);
m_IBLFilterGGX = iblFilter;
m_PerformBC6HCompression = probeFormat == TextureFormat.BC6H;
void Initialize()
if(m_TempRenderTexture == null)
// Temporary RT used for convolution and compression
m_TempRenderTexture = new RenderTexture(m_ProbeSize, m_ProbeSize, 1, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf);
m_TempRenderTexture.dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2D;
m_TempRenderTexture.useMipMap = true;
m_TempRenderTexture.autoGenerateMips = false;
m_ConvolutionTargetTexture = new RenderTexture(m_ProbeSize, m_ProbeSize, 1, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf);
m_ConvolutionTargetTexture.dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2D;
m_ConvolutionTargetTexture.useMipMap = true;
m_ConvolutionTargetTexture.autoGenerateMips = false;
m_ConvertTextureMaterial = CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial("Hidden/SRP/BlitCubeTextureFace");
m_ConvertTextureMPB = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
void InitializeProbeBakingStates()
m_ProbeBakingState = new ProbeFilteringState[m_CacheSize];
for (int i = 0; i < m_CacheSize; ++i)
m_ProbeBakingState[i] = ProbeFilteringState.Convolving;
public void Release()
if(m_TextureCache != null)
m_TextureCache = null;
if(m_TempRenderTexture != null)
m_TempRenderTexture = null;
m_ProbeBakingState = null;
public void NewFrame()
// This method is used to convert inputs that are either compressed or not of the right size.
// We can't use Graphics.ConvertTexture here because it does not work with a RenderTexture as destination.
void ConvertTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, Texture input, RenderTexture target)
m_ConvertTextureMPB.SetTexture(s_InputTexID, input);
m_ConvertTextureMPB.SetFloat(s_LoDID, 0.0f); // We want to convert mip 0 to whatever the size of the destination cache is.
CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, target, ClearFlag.None, Color.black, 0, 0);
CoreUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, m_ConvertTextureMaterial, m_ConvertTextureMPB);
Texture ConvolveProbeTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, Texture texture)
// Probes can be either Cubemaps (for baked probes) or RenderTextures (for realtime probes)
Texture2D texture2D = texture as Texture2D;
RenderTexture renderTexture = texture as RenderTexture;
RenderTexture convolutionSourceTexture = null;
if (texture2D != null)
// if the size if different from the cache probe size or if the input texture format is compressed, we need to convert it
// 1) to a format for which we can generate mip maps
// 2) to the proper reflection probe cache size
var sizeMismatch = texture2D.width != m_ProbeSize || texture2D.height != m_ProbeSize;
var formatMismatch = texture2D.format != TextureFormat.RGBAHalf; // Temporary RT for convolution is always FP16
if (formatMismatch || sizeMismatch)
if (sizeMismatch)
Debug.LogWarningFormat("Baked Planar Reflection Probe {0} does not match HDRP Planar Reflection Probe Cache size of {1}. Consider baking it at the same size for better loading performance.", texture.name, m_ProbeSize);
else if (texture2D.format == TextureFormat.BC6H)
Debug.LogWarningFormat("Baked Planar Reflection Probe {0} is compressed but the HDRP Planar Reflection Probe Cache is not. Consider removing compression from the input texture for better quality.", texture.name);
ConvertTexture(cmd, texture2D, m_TempRenderTexture);
cmd.CopyTexture(texture2D, 0, 0, m_TempRenderTexture, 0, 0);
// Ideally if input is not compressed and has mipmaps, don't do anything here. Problem is, we can't know if mips have been already convolved offline...
convolutionSourceTexture = m_TempRenderTexture;
Debug.Assert(renderTexture != null);
if (renderTexture.dimension != TextureDimension.Tex2D)
Debug.LogError("Planar Realtime reflection probe should always be a 2D RenderTexture.");
return null;
// TODO: Do a different case for downsizing, in this case, instead of doing ConvertTexture just use the relevant mipmaps.
var sizeMismatch = renderTexture.width != m_ProbeSize || renderTexture.height != m_ProbeSize;
if (sizeMismatch)
ConvertTexture(cmd, renderTexture, m_TempRenderTexture);
convolutionSourceTexture = m_TempRenderTexture;
convolutionSourceTexture = renderTexture;
// Generate unfiltered mipmaps as a base for convolution
// TODO: Make sure that we don't first convolve everything on the GPU with the legacy code path executed after rendering the probe.
m_IBLFilterGGX.FilterPlanarTexture(cmd, convolutionSourceTexture, m_ConvolutionTargetTexture);
return m_ConvolutionTargetTexture;
public int FetchSlice(CommandBuffer cmd, Texture texture)
bool needUpdate;
var sliceIndex = m_TextureCache.ReserveSlice(texture, out needUpdate);
if (sliceIndex != -1)
if(needUpdate || m_ProbeBakingState[sliceIndex] != ProbeFilteringState.Ready)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Convolve Planar Reflection Probe"))
// For now baking is done directly but will be time sliced in the future. Just preparing the code here.
m_ProbeBakingState[sliceIndex] = ProbeFilteringState.Convolving;
Texture result = ConvolveProbeTexture(cmd, texture);
if (result == null)
return -1;
if (m_PerformBC6HCompression)
throw new NotImplementedException("BC6H Support not implemented for PlanarReflectionProbeCache");
m_TextureCache.UpdateSlice(cmd, sliceIndex, result, m_TextureCache.GetTextureHash(texture)); // Be careful to provide the update count from the input texture, not the temporary one used for convolving.
m_ProbeBakingState[sliceIndex] = ProbeFilteringState.Ready;
return sliceIndex;
public Texture GetTexCache()
return m_TextureCache.GetTexCache();


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