# endif
// In case we pack data uint16 buffer we need to change the output render target format to uint16
// TODO: Is there a way to automate these output type based on the format declare in lit.cs ?
#define GBufferType0 uint4
#define GBufferType1 uint4
// TODO: How to abstract that ? We would like to avoid this PS4 test here
// On PS4 we need to specify manually the format of the output render target, output type is not enough
#pragma PSSL_target_output_format(target 0 FMT_UINT16_ABGR)
#pragma PSSL_target_output_format(target 1 FMT_UINT16_ABGR)
// GBuffer texture declaration
void EncodeIntoGBuffer( SurfaceData surfaceData,
float3 bakeDiffuseLighting,
uint2 positionSS,
out GBufferType0 outGBufferU0,
out GBufferType1 outGBufferU1
float4 outGBuffer0, outGBuffer1, outGBuffer2, outGBuffer3;
// RT0 - 8:8:8:8 sRGB
// Lighting
outGBuffer3 = float4(bakeDiffuseLighting, 0.0);
// Now pack all buffer into 2 uint buffer
// We don't have hardware sRGB to store base color in case we pack int u16, so rather than perform full sRGB encoding just use cheap gamma20
// TODO: test alternative like FastLinearToSRGB to better match unpacked gbuffer
outGBuffer0.xyz = LinearToGamma20(outGBuffer0.xyz);
uint packedGBuffer1 = PackR10G10B10A2(outGBuffer1);
outGBufferU0 = uint4( PackFloatToUInt(outGBuffer0.x, 8, 0) | PackFloatToUInt(outGBuffer0.y, 8, 8),
PackFloatToUInt(outGBuffer0.z, 8, 0) | PackFloatToUInt(outGBuffer0.w, 8, 8),
(packedGBuffer1 & 0x0000FFFF),
(packedGBuffer1 & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
uint packedGBuffer3 = PackToR11G11B10f(outGBuffer3.xyz);
outGBufferU1 = uint4( PackFloatToUInt(outGBuffer2.x, 8, 0) | PackFloatToUInt(outGBuffer2.y, 8, 8),
PackFloatToUInt(outGBuffer2.z, 8, 0) | PackFloatToUInt(outGBuffer2.w, 8, 8),
(packedGBuffer3 & 0x0000FFFF),
(packedGBuffer3 & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
float4 DecodeGBuffer0(GBufferType0 encodedGBuffer0)
float4 decodedGBuffer0;
decodedGBuffer0.x = UnpackUIntToFloat(encodedGBuffer0.x, 8, 0);
decodedGBuffer0.y = UnpackUIntToFloat(encodedGBuffer0.x, 8, 8);
decodedGBuffer0.z = UnpackUIntToFloat(encodedGBuffer0.y, 8, 0);
decodedGBuffer0.w = UnpackUIntToFloat(encodedGBuffer0.y, 8, 8);
decodedGBuffer0.xyz = Gamma20ToLinear(encodedGBuffer0.xyz);
decodedGBuffer0 = encodedGBuffer0;
return decodedGBuffer0;
void DecodeFromGBuffer(
out float3 bakeDiffuseLighting)
GBufferType0 inGBufferU0 = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_GBufferTexture0, positionSS);
GBufferType1 inGBufferU1 = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_GBufferTexture1, positionSS);
float4 inGBuffer0, inGBuffer1, inGBuffer2, inGBuffer3;
inGBuffer0 = DecodeGBuffer0(inGBufferU0);
uint packedGBuffer1 = inGBufferU0.z | inGBufferU0.w << 16;
inGBuffer1 = UnpackR10G10B10A2(packedGBuffer1);
inGBuffer2.x = UnpackUIntToFloat(inGBufferU1.x, 8, 0);
inGBuffer2.y = UnpackUIntToFloat(inGBufferU1.x, 8, 8);
inGBuffer2.z = UnpackUIntToFloat(inGBufferU1.y, 8, 0);
inGBuffer2.w = UnpackUIntToFloat(inGBufferU1.y, 8, 8);
uint packedGBuffer3 = inGBufferU1.z | inGBufferU1.w << 16;
inGBuffer3.xyz = UnpackFromR11G11B10f(packedGBuffer1);
inGBuffer3.w = 0.0;
float3 baseColor = inGBuffer0.rgb;
bsdfData.specularOcclusion = inGBuffer0.a;