# include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Refraction.hlsl"
# include "HDRP/Lighting/Reflection/VolumeProjection .hlsl"
# include "HDRP/Lighting/LightDefinition.cs .hlsl"
# define SSRTID Refraction
# include "HDRP/Lighting/Reflection/ScreenSpaceTracing.hlsl"
# undef SSRTID
# include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Refraction.hlsl"
#include "HDRP/Lighting/LightDefinition.cs .hlsl"
#include "HDRP/Lighting/Reflection/VolumeProjection .hlsl"
# define SSRTID Refraction
# include "HDRP/Lighting/Reflection/ScreenSpaceTracing.hlsl"
# undef SSRTID
# if defined(_REFRACTION_PLANE)
# define REFRACTION_MODEL(V, posInputs, bsdfData) RefractionModelPlane(V, posInputs.positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, bsdfData.ior, bsdfData.thickness)
# elif defined(_REFRACTION_SPHERE)
# define REFRACTION_MODEL(V, posInputs, bsdfData) RefractionModelSphere(V, posInputs.positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, bsdfData.ior, bsdfData.thickness)
# endif
# if defined(_REFRACTION_PLANE)
# define REFRACTION_MODEL(V, posInputs, bsdfData) RefractionModelPlane(V, posInputs.positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, bsdfData.ior, bsdfData.thickness)
# elif defined(_REFRACTION_SPHERE)
# define REFRACTION_MODEL(V, posInputs, bsdfData) RefractionModelSphere(V, posInputs.positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, bsdfData.ior, bsdfData.thickness)
# endif
# define REFRACTION_SSRAY_IN ScreenSpaceProxyRaycastInput
# define REFRACTION_SSRAY_QUERY(input, hit) ScreenSpaceProxyRaycastRefraction(input, hit)
# elif defined(_REFRACTION_SSRAY_HIZ)
# define REFRACTION_SSRAY_IN ScreenSpaceHiZRaymarchInput
# define REFRACTION_SSRAY_QUERY(input, hit) ScreenSpaceHiZRaymarchRefraction(input, hit)
# endif
# define REFRACTION_SSRAY_IN ScreenSpaceProxyRaycastInput
# define REFRACTION_SSRAY_QUERY(input, hit) ScreenSpaceProxyRaycastRefraction(input, hit)
# elif defined(_REFRACTION_SSRAY_HIZ)
# define REFRACTION_SSRAY_IN ScreenSpaceHiZRaymarchInput
# define REFRACTION_SSRAY_QUERY(input, hit) ScreenSpaceHiZRaymarchRefraction(input, hit)
# endif
// This method allows us to know at compile time what material features should be removed from the code by Tile (Indepenently of the value of material feature flag per pixel).
#include "../../Lighting/LightEvaluation.hlsl"
#include "../../Lighting/Reflection/VolumeProjection.hlsl"
// Lighting structure for light accumulation
// TODO: factor this code in common, so other material authoring don't require to rewrite everything,
// TODO: test the strech from Tomasz
// float roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(preLightData.IblPerceptualRoughness);
// float shrunkRoughness = AnisotropicStrechAtGrazingAngle(roughness, roughness, NdotV);
// Guideline for reflection volume: In HDRenderPipeline we separate the projection volume (the proxy of the scene) from the influence volume (what pixel on the screen is affected)
// However we add the constrain that the shape of the projection and influence volume is the same (i.e if we have a sphere shape projection volume, we have a shape influence).
// It allow to have more coherence for the dynamic if in shader code.
// Users can also chose to not have any projection, in this case we use the property minProjectionDistance to minimize code change. minProjectionDistance is set to huge number
// that simulate effect of no shape projection
float3 coatR = preLightData.coatIblR;
// In Unity the cubemaps are capture with the localToWorld transform of the component.
// This mean that location and orientation matter. So after intersection of proxy volume we need to convert back to world.
float3x3 worldToIS = WorldToInfluenceSpace(lightData);
float3 positionIS = WorldToInfluencePosition(lightData, worldToIS, positionWS);
float3 dirIS = mul(R, worldToIS);
float3x3 worldToPS = WorldToProxySpace(lightData);
float3 positionPS = WorldToProxyPosition(lightData, worldToPS, positionWS);
float3 dirPS = mul(R, worldToPS);
float projectionDistance = 0;
// 1. First process the projection
if (influenceShapeType == ENVSHAPETYPE_SPHERE)
projectionDistance = IntersectSphereProxy(lightData, dirPS, positionPS);
// We can reuse dist calculate in LS directly in WS as there is no scaling. Also the offset is already include in lightData.capturePositionWS
float3 capturePositionWS = lightData.capturePositionWS;
R = (positionWS + projectionDistance * R) - capturePositionWS;
// Test again for clear coat
dirPS = mul(coatR, worldToPS);
projectionDistance = IntersectSphereProxy(lightData, dirPS, positionPS);
coatR = (positionWS + projectionDistance * coatR) - capturePositionWS;
weight = InfluenceSphereWeight(lightData, bsdfData, positionWS, positionIS, dirIS);
else if (influenceShapeType == ENVSHAPETYPE_BOX)
projectionDistance = IntersectBoxProxy(lightData, dirPS, positionPS);
// No need to normalize for fetching cubemap
// We can reuse dist calculate in LS directly in WS as there is no scaling. Also the offset is already include in lightData.capturePositionWS
float3 capturePositionWS = lightData.capturePositionWS;
R = (positionWS + projectionDistance * R) - capturePositionWS;
// TODO: add distance based roughness
EvaluateLight_EnvIntersection(positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, lightData, influenceShapeType, R, weight);
// Test again for clear coat
dirPS = mul(coatR, worldToPS);
projectionDistance = IntersectBoxProxy(lightData, dirPS, positionPS);
coatR = (positionWS + projectionDistance * coatR) - capturePositionWS;
weight = InfluenceBoxWeight(lightData, bsdfData, positionWS, positionIS, dirIS);
// Don't do clear coating for refraction
float3 coatR = preLightData.coatIblR;
EvaluateLight_EnvIntersection(positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, lightData, influenceShapeType, coatR, weight);
float3 radiusToProxy = R;
float4 preLD = SampleEnv(lightLoopContext, lightData.envIndex, R, iblMipLevel);
weight *= preLD.a;
weight *= preLD.a; // Not used by reflection probe currently, allow the texture to mask itself (fallback to sky)
// Smooth weighting
weight = Smoothstep01(weight);
weight *= lightData.weight;
UpdateLightingHierarchyWeights(hierarchyWeight, weight);
envLighting *= weight * lightData.multiplier;
if (_DebugLightingMode != 0)
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
switch (_DebugLightingMode)
diffuseLighting = indirectAmbientOcclusion;
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting