
Update comments

Aras Pranckevicius 8 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 21 次插入19 次删除
  1. 40


RenderLoop.renderLoopDelegate -= Render;
// Main entry point for our scriptable render loop
bool Render (Camera[] cameras, RenderLoop loop)

return true;
// Setup lighting variables for shader to use
// We only support up to 8 visible lights here. More complex approaches would
// be doing some sort of per-object light setups, but here we go for simplest possible
// approach.
// Just take first 8 lights. Possible improvements: sort lights by intensity or distance
// to the viewer, so that "most important" lights in the scene are picked, and not the 8
// that happened to be first.
// x - light count
// y - zero (needed by d3d9 VS loop instruction; initial loop value)
// z - one (needed by d3d9 VS loop instruction; loop increment)
// w - unused
Vector4 lightCountVector = new Vector4 (lightCount, 0, 1, 0);
// Prepare light data
Vector4[] lightColors = new Vector4[kMaxLights];
Vector4[] lightPositions = new Vector4[kMaxLights];
Vector4[] lightSpotDirections = new Vector4[kMaxLights];

lightColors[i] = light.finalColor;
if (light.lightType == LightType.Directional)
// light position for directional lights is: (-direction, 0)
// light position for point/spot lights is: (position, 1)
// float atten = 1.0 / (1.0 + lengthSq * unity_LightAtten[i].z);
// float atten = 1.0 / (1.0 + lengthSq * LightAtten[i].z);
// float rho = max (0, dot(normalize(toLight), unity_SpotDirection[i].xyz));
// float spotAtt = (rho - unity_LightAtten[i].x) * unity_LightAtten[i].y;
// float rho = max (0, dot(normalize(toLight), SpotDirection[i].xyz));
// float spotAtt = (rho - LightAtten[i].x) * LightAtten[i].y;
// spotAtt = saturate(spotAtt);
// and the above works for all light types, i.e. spot light code works out
// to correct math for point & directional lights as well.

float quadAtten;
if (light.lightType == LightType.Directional)
quadAtten = 0.0f;
quadAtten = 25.0f / rangeSq;
float quadAtten = (light.lightType == LightType.Directional) ? 0.0f : 25.0f / rangeSq;
// spot direction & attenuation
if (light.lightType == LightType.Spot)

// ambient lighting spherical harmonics values
// setup global shader variables to contain all the data computed above
cmd.SetGlobalVector ("globalLightCount", lightCountVector);
cmd.SetGlobalVector ("globalLightCount", new Vector4 (lightCount, 0, 0, 0));
// Prepare L2 spherical harmonics values for efficient evaluation in a shader
static void GetShaderConstantsFromNormalizedSH (ref SphericalHarmonicsL2 ambientProbe, Vector4[] outCoefficients)
for (int channelIdx = 0; channelIdx < 3; ++channelIdx)
