
Update some comment + add definition of real to half for SHADER_API_MOBILE

sebastienlagarde 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 34 次插入15 次删除
  1. 49


// Convention:
// Unity is Y up - left handed
// The lighting code assume that 1 Unity unit (1uu) == 1 meters. This is very important regarding physically based light unit and inverse square attenuation
// space at the end of the variable name
// WS: world space

// VertDefault
// FragDefault / FragForward / FragDeferred
// constant floating number written as 1.0 (not 1, not 1.0, not 1.0h)
// constant floating number written as 1.0 (not 1, not 1.0f, not 1.0h)
// Do not use "in", only "out" or "inout" as califier, no "inline" keyword either, useless.
// When declaring "out" argument of function, they are always last
// headers from ShaderLibrary do not include "common.hlsl", this should be included in the .shader using it (or Material.hlsl)
// These structures need to be align on float4 to respect various packing rules from sahder language.
// This mean that these structure need to be padded.
// These structures need to be align on float4 to respect various packing rules from shader language. This mean that these structure need to be padded.
// Rules: When doing an array for constant buffer variables, we always use float4 to avoid any packing issue, particularly between compute shader and pixel shaders
// i.e don't use SetGlobalFloatArray or SetComputeFloatParams
// The array can be alias in hlsl. Exemple:
// uniform float4 packedArray[3];
// static float unpackedArray[12] = (float[12])packedArray;
// Do not use "in", only "out" or "inout" as califier, not "inline" keyword either, useless.
// The function of the shader library are stateless, no uniform decalare in it.
// If a function require to have both a half and a float version, then both need to be explicitly define
#ifndef real
// The lighting code assume that 1 Unity unit (1uu) == 1 meters. This is very important regarding physically based light unit and inverse square attenuation
#define real half
#define real2 half2
#define real3 half3
#define real4 half4
// When declaring "out" argument of function, they are always last
#define real2x2 half2x2
#define real2x3 half2x3
#define real3x2 half3x2
#define real3x3 half3x3
#define real3x4 half3x4
#define real4x3 half4x3
#define real4x4 half4x4
// headers from ShaderLibrary do not include "common.hlsl", this should be included in the .shader using it (or Material.hlsl)
// Rules: When doing an array for constant buffer variables, we always use float4 to avoid any packing issue, particularly between compute shader and pixel shaders
// i.e don't use SetGlobalFloatArray or SetComputeFloatParams
// The array can be alias in hlsl. Exemple:
// uniform float4 packedArray[3];
// static float unpackedArray[12] = (float[12]packedArray;
#ifndef real
#define real float
#define real2 float2
#define real3 float3

// Include language header

// Computes (FastSign(s) * x) using 2x VALU.
// See the comment about FastSign() below.
real FastMulBySignOf(real s, real x, bool ignoreNegZero = true)
float FastMulBySignOf(float s, float x, bool ignoreNegZero = true)
#if !defined(SHADER_API_GLES)
if (ignoreNegZero)

// Therefore, we treat -0 as +0 by default: FastSign(+0) = FastSign(-0) = 1.
// If (ignoreNegZero = false), FastSign(-0, false) = -1.
// Note that the sign() function in HLSL implements signum, which returns 0 for 0.
real FastSign(real s, bool ignoreNegZero = true)
float FastSign(float s, bool ignoreNegZero = true)
return FastMulBySignOf(s, 1.0, ignoreNegZero);
