
[BC6H] Can encode into a Cubemap Array

Frédéric Vauchelles 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 22 次插入4 次删除
  1. 26


// Only use mode11 of BC6H encoding
public void EncodeFastCubemap(CommandBuffer cmb, RenderTargetIdentifier source, int sourceSize, RenderTargetIdentifier target, int fromMip, int toMip)
/// <summary>
/// Encode a Cubemap in BC6H.
/// It will encode all faces and selected mips of the Cubemap.
/// It uses only mode 11 of BC6H.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmb">Command buffer for execution</param>
/// <param name="source">The source Cubemap</param>
/// <param name="sourceSize">The size of the source Cubemap</param>
/// <param name="target">The compressed texture.
/// It must be a BC6H Cubemap or Cubemap array with the same size as the source Cubemap</param>
/// <param name="fromMip">Starting mip to encode</param>
/// <param name="toMip">Last mip to encode</param>
/// <param name="targetArrayIndex">The index of the cubemap to store the compressed texture.
/// Only relevant when target is a CubemapArray</param>
public void EncodeFastCubemap(CommandBuffer cmb, RenderTargetIdentifier source, int sourceSize, RenderTargetIdentifier target, int fromMip, int toMip, int targetArrayIndex = 0)
var maxMip = Mathf.Max(0, (int)(Mathf.Log(sourceSize) / Mathf.Log(2)) - 2);
var actualFromMip = (int)Mathf.Clamp(fromMip, 0, maxMip);

cmb.DispatchCompute(m_Shader, m_KEncodeFastCubemapMip, size, size, 6);
var startSlice = 6 * targetArrayIndex;
cmb.CopyTexture(__Tmp_RT[rtMip], faceId, 0, target, faceId, mip);
cmb.CopyTexture(__Tmp_RT[rtMip], faceId, 0, target, startSlice + faceId, mip);
for (var mip = actualFromMip; mip <= actualToMip; ++mip)

public static class BC6HExtensions
public static void BC6HEncodeFastCubemap(this CommandBuffer cmb, RenderTargetIdentifier source, int sourceSize, RenderTargetIdentifier target, int fromMip, int toMip)
public static void BC6HEncodeFastCubemap(this CommandBuffer cmb, RenderTargetIdentifier source, int sourceSize, RenderTargetIdentifier target, int fromMip, int toMip, int targetArrayIndex = 0)
BC6H.DefaultInstance.EncodeFastCubemap(cmb, source, sourceSize, target, fromMip, toMip);
BC6H.DefaultInstance.EncodeFastCubemap(cmb, source, sourceSize, target, fromMip, toMip, targetArrayIndex);