} |
// Only use mode11 of BC6H encoding
public void EncodeFastCubemap(CommandBuffer cmb, RenderTargetIdentifier source, int sourceSize, RenderTargetIdentifier target, int fromMip, int toMip) |
/// <summary>
/// Encode a Cubemap in BC6H.
/// It will encode all faces and selected mips of the Cubemap.
/// It uses only mode 11 of BC6H.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmb">Command buffer for execution</param>
/// <param name="source">The source Cubemap</param>
/// <param name="sourceSize">The size of the source Cubemap</param>
/// <param name="target">The compressed texture.
/// It must be a BC6H Cubemap or Cubemap array with the same size as the source Cubemap</param>
/// <param name="fromMip">Starting mip to encode</param>
/// <param name="toMip">Last mip to encode</param>
/// <param name="targetArrayIndex">The index of the cubemap to store the compressed texture.
/// Only relevant when target is a CubemapArray</param>
public void EncodeFastCubemap(CommandBuffer cmb, RenderTargetIdentifier source, int sourceSize, RenderTargetIdentifier target, int fromMip, int toMip, int targetArrayIndex = 0) |
{ |
var maxMip = Mathf.Max(0, (int)(Mathf.Log(sourceSize) / Mathf.Log(2)) - 2); |
var actualFromMip = (int)Mathf.Clamp(fromMip, 0, maxMip); |
cmb.DispatchCompute(m_Shader, m_KEncodeFastCubemapMip, size, size, 6); |
} |
var startSlice = 6 * targetArrayIndex; |
cmb.CopyTexture(__Tmp_RT[rtMip], faceId, 0, target, faceId, mip); |
cmb.CopyTexture(__Tmp_RT[rtMip], faceId, 0, target, startSlice + faceId, mip); |
} |
for (var mip = actualFromMip; mip <= actualToMip; ++mip) |
public static class BC6HExtensions |
{ |
public static void BC6HEncodeFastCubemap(this CommandBuffer cmb, RenderTargetIdentifier source, int sourceSize, RenderTargetIdentifier target, int fromMip, int toMip) |
public static void BC6HEncodeFastCubemap(this CommandBuffer cmb, RenderTargetIdentifier source, int sourceSize, RenderTargetIdentifier target, int fromMip, int toMip, int targetArrayIndex = 0) |
BC6H.DefaultInstance.EncodeFastCubemap(cmb, source, sourceSize, target, fromMip, toMip); |
BC6H.DefaultInstance.EncodeFastCubemap(cmb, source, sourceSize, target, fromMip, toMip, targetArrayIndex); |
} |
} |
} |