
Cosmetics, auto-merge cleanup (VolumetricLighting.cs vs compute should be fixed though)

Stephane Laroche 6 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 42 次插入43 次删除
  1. 10
  2. 75


// Generated from UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.DensityVolumeData
// Generated from UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.DensityVolumeProperties
struct DensityVolumeData
struct DensityVolumeProperties
float3 scattering;
float extinction;

// Accessors for UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.DensityVolumeData
// Accessors for UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.DensityVolumeProperties
float3 GetScattering(DensityVolumeData value)
float3 GetScattering(DensityVolumeProperties value)
float GetExtinction(DensityVolumeData value)
float GetExtinction(DensityVolumeProperties value)
return value.extinction;


return RoughnessToPerceptualRoughness(LinearVarianceToRoughness(v));
/* Return the unpolarized version of the complete dielectric Fresnel equations
* from `FresnelDielectric` without accounting for wave phase shift.
// TODO: we have this in BSDF lib, just verify
// Return the unpolarized version of the complete dielectric Fresnel equations
// from `FresnelDielectric` without accounting for wave phase shift.
// TODO: verify we have in BSDF lib
float FresnelUnpolarized(in float ct1, in float n1, in float n2)
float cti = ct1;

/* Helper function that parses the BSDFData object to generate the current layer's
* statistics.
* TODO: R12 Should be replace by a fetch to FGD.
* T12 should be multiplied by TIR.
* (more like p8, T21 <- T21*TIR, R21 <- R21 + (1-TIR)*T21 )
///Helper function that parses the BSDFData object to generate the current layer's
// statistics.
// TODO: R12 Should be replace by a fetch to FGD.
// T12 should be multiplied by TIR.
// (more like p8, T21 <- T21*TIR, R21 <- R21 + (1-TIR)*T21 )
void ComputeStatistics(in float cti, in int i, in BSDFData bsdfData,
out float ctt,
out float3 R12, out float3 T12, out float3 R21, out float3 T21,

out float s_r21, out float s_t21, out float j21)
/* Case of the dielectric coating */
// Case of the dielectric coating
/* Update energy */
// Update energy
R0 = FresnelUnpolarized(cti, n12, 1.0); // TODO
R0 = FresnelUnpolarized(cti, n12, 1.0);
R12 = R0; // sltodo: FGD
R12 = R0; // TODO: FGD
/* Update mean */
// Update mean
float sti = sqrt(1.0 - Sq(cti));
float stt = sti / n12;
if(stt <= 1.0f) {

ctt = -1.0;
/* Update variance */
// Update variance
s_r12 = RoughnessToLinearVariance(bsdfData.coatRoughness);
s_t12 = RoughnessToLinearVariance(bsdfData.coatRoughness * 0.5 * abs((ctt*n12 - cti)/(ctt*n12)));
j12 = (ctt/cti)*n12;

j21 = 1.0/j12;
/* Case of the media layer */
// Case of the media layer
/* Update energy */
// Update energy
/* Update mean */
// Update mean
/* Update variance */
// Update variance
s_r12 = 0.0;
s_t12 = 0.0;
j12 = 1.0;

j21 = 1.0;
/* Case of the dielectric / conductor base */
// Case of the dielectric / conductor base
/* Update energy */
// Update energy
R12 = F_Schlick(bsdfData.fresnel0, cti);
T12 = 0.0;

R21 = R12;
T21 = T12;
/* Update mean */
// Update mean
/* Update variance */
// Update variance
// HACK: we will not propagate all needed last values, as we have 4,
// but the adding cycle for the last layer can be shortcircuited for

void ComputeAdding(float _cti, in BSDFData bsdfData, inout PreLightData preLightData, bool perLightCaller = false)
/* Global Variables */
// Global Variables
float cti = _cti;
float3 R0i = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Ri0 = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
T0i = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Ti0 = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

float _s_r0m, s_r12, m_rr; // we will need these outside the loop for further calculations
/* Iterate over the layers */
// Iterate over the layers
/* Variables for the adding step */
// Variables for the adding step
/* Layer specific evaluation of the transmittance, reflectance, variance */
// Layer specific evaluation of the transmittance, reflectance, variance
/* Multiple scattering forms */
// Multiple scattering forms
float3 denom = (float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - Ri0*R12); //i = new layer, 0 = cumulative top (llab3.1 to 3.4)
float3 m_R0i = (mean(denom) <= 0.0f)? float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) : (T0i*R12*Ti0) / denom; //(llab3.1)
float3 m_Ri0 = (mean(denom) <= 0.0f)? float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) : (T21*Ri0*T12) / denom; //(llab3.2)

m_rr = mean(m_Rr);
/* Evaluate the adding operator on the energy */
// Evaluate the adding operator on the energy
/* Scalar forms for the energy */
// Scalar forms for the energy
/* Evaluate the adding operator on the normalized variance */
// Evaluate the adding operator on the normalized variance
_s_r0m = s_ti0 + j0i*(s_t0i + s_r12 + m_rr*(s_r12+s_ri0));
float _s_r0i = (r0i*s_r0i + m_r0i*_s_r0m) / e_r0i;
float _s_t0i = j12*s_t0i + s_t12 + j12*(s_r12 + s_ri0)*m_rr;

_s_r0i = (e_r0i > 0.0) ? _s_r0i/e_r0i : 0.0;
_s_ri0 = (e_ri0 > 0.0) ? _s_ri0/e_ri0 : 0.0;
/* Store the coefficient and variance */
// Store the coefficient and variance
if(m_r0i > 0.0) {
// TODO: cleanup and check if unroll works, then need only top layer, can use an if
// and the rest of the array is not needed

preLightData.vLayerPerceptualRoughness[i] = 0.0;
/* Update energy */
// Update energy
R0i = e_R0i;
T0i = e_T0i;
Ri0 = e_Ri0;

/* Update mean */
// Update mean
cti = ctt;
// We need to escape this update on the last vlayer iteration,

if( i < (NB_VLAYERS-1) )
/* Update variance */
// Update variance
/* Update jacobian */
// Update jacobian
j0i *= j12;
ji0 *= j21;
