using UnityEditor ;
using UnityEditor.AnimatedValues ;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.LightweightPipeline
public static GUIContent enableVertexLightLabel = new GUIContent ( "Vertex Lighting" ,
"If enabled shades additional lights exceeding the maximum number of pixel lights per-vertex up to the maximum of 8 lights." ) ;
public static GUIContent requireCameraDepthTexture = new GUIContent ( "Camera Depth Texture" , "If enabled the pipeline will generate camera's depth that can be bound in shaders as _CameraDepthTexture. This is necessary for some effect like Soft Particles." ) ;
public static GUIContent requireDepthTexture = new GUIContent ( "Depth Texture" , "If enabled the pipeline will generate camera's depth that can be bound in shaders as _CameraDepthTexture." ) ;
public static GUIContent requireSoftParticles = new GUIContent ( "Soft Particles" , "If enabled the pipeline will enable SOFT_PARTICLES keyword." ) ;
public static GUIContent shadowType = new GUIContent ( "Type" ,
"Global shadow settings. Options are NO_SHADOW, HARD_SHADOWS and SOFT_SHADOWS." ) ;
public static string [ ] shadowCascadeOptions = { "No Cascades" , "Two Cascades" , "Four Cascades" } ;
AnimBool m_ShowSoftParticles = new AnimBool ( ) ;
private int kMaxSupportedPixelLights = 8 ;
private float kMinRenderScale = 0.1f ;
private float kMaxRenderScale = 4.0f ;
private SerializedProperty m_RequireCameraDepthTextureProp ;
private SerializedProperty m_RequireDepthTextureProp ;
private SerializedProperty m_RequireSoftParticlesProp ;
private SerializedProperty m_ShadowTypeProp ;
private SerializedProperty m_ShadowNearPlaneOffsetProp ;
private SerializedProperty m_ShadowDistanceProp ;
m_RenderScale = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_RenderScale" ) ;
m_MaxPixelLights = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_MaxPixelLights" ) ;
m_SupportsVertexLightProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_SupportsVertexLight" ) ;
m_RequireCameraDepthTextureProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_RequireCameraDepthTexture" ) ;
m_RequireDepthTextureProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_RequireDepthTexture" ) ;
m_RequireSoftParticlesProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_RequireSoftParticles" ) ;
m_ShadowTypeProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_ShadowType" ) ;
m_ShadowNearPlaneOffsetProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_ShadowNearPlaneOffset" ) ;
m_ShadowDistanceProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_ShadowDistance" ) ;
m_ShadowCascade4SplitProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_Cascade4Split" ) ;
m_HDR = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_SupportsHDR" ) ;
m_MSAA = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_MSAA" ) ;
m_ShowSoftParticles . valueChanged . AddListener ( Repaint ) ;
m_ShowSoftParticles . value = m_RequireSoftParticlesProp . boolValue ;
void OnDisable ( )
m_ShowSoftParticles . valueChanged . RemoveListener ( Repaint ) ;
void UpdateAnimationValues ( )
m_ShowSoftParticles . target = m_RequireDepthTextureProp . boolValue ;
void DrawAnimatedProperty ( SerializedProperty prop , GUIContent content , AnimBool animation )
using ( var group = new EditorGUILayout . FadeGroupScope ( animation . faded ) )
if ( group . visible )
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( prop , content ) ;
protected void DoPopup ( GUIContent label , SerializedProperty property , string [ ] options )
serializedObject . Update ( ) ;
UpdateAnimationValues ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . Space ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . LabelField ( Styles . renderingLabel , EditorStyles . boldLabel ) ;
EditorGUI . indentLevel + + ;
m_MaxPixelLights . intValue = EditorGUILayout . IntSlider ( m_MaxPixelLights . intValue , 0 , kMaxSupportedPixelLights ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_SupportsVertexLightProp , Styles . enableVertexLightLabel ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_RequireCameraDepthTextureProp , Styles . requireCameraDepthTexture ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_RequireDepthTextureProp , Styles . requireDepthTexture ) ;
DrawAnimatedProperty ( m_RequireSoftParticlesProp , Styles . requireSoftParticles , m_ShowSoftParticles ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_HDR , Styles . hdrContent ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_MSAA , Styles . msaaContent ) ;