
Merge pull request #1232 from Unity-Technologies/remove-sampleDirectionDiscardWS

HDRenderPipeline: Remove sampleDirectionDiscardWS in reflection (not used)
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real F_Schlick(real f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return (f90 - f0) * x5 + f0; // sub mul mul mul sub mad

real3 F_Schlick(real3 f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return f0 * (1.0 - x5) + (f90 * x5); // sub mul mul mul sub mul mad*3

// Does not handle TIR.
real F_Transm_Schlick(real f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return (1.0 - f90 * x5) - f0 * (1.0 - x5); // sub mul mul mul mad sub mad

// Does not handle TIR.
real3 F_Transm_Schlick(real3 f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return (1.0 - f90 * x5) - f0 * (1.0 - x5); // sub mul mul mul mad sub mad*3

// Fresnel dieletric / conductor
real3 F_FresnelConductor(real3 eta, real3 etak, real cosTheta)
// Note: etak2 = etak * etak (optimization for Artist Friendly Metallic Fresnel below)
// eta = eta_t / eta_i and etak = k_t / n_i
real3 F_FresnelConductor(real3 eta, real3 etak2, real cosTheta)
real3 etak2 = etak * etak;
real3 t0 = eta2 - etak2 - sinTheta2;
real3 a2plusb2 = sqrt(t0 * t0 + 4.0 * eta2 * etak2);

return 0.5 * (Rp + Rs);
// Conversion FO/IOR
// ior is a value between 1.0 and 3.0. 1.0 is air interface
real IorToFresnel0(real transmittedIor, real incidentIor = 1.0)
return Sq((transmittedIor - incidentIor) / (transmittedIor + incidentIor));
// Assume air interface for top
// Note: Don't handle the case fresnel0 == 1
real Fresnel0ToIor(real fresnel0)
real sqrtF0 = sqrt(fresnel0);
return (1.0 + sqrtF0) / (1.0 - sqrtF0);
// This function is a coarse approximation of computing fresnel0 for a different top than air (here clear coat of IOR 1.5) when we only have fresnel0 with air interface
// This function is equivalent to IorToFresnel0(Fresnel0ToIor(fresnel0), 1.5)
// mean
// real sqrtF0 = sqrt(fresnel0);
// return Sq(1.0 - 5.0 * sqrtF0) / Sq(5.0 - sqrtF0);
// Optimization: Fit of the function (3 mad) for range [0.04 (should return 0), 1 (should return 1)]
TEMPLATE_1_REAL(ConvertF0ForAirInterfaceToF0ForClearCoat15, fresnel0, return saturate(-0.0256868 + fresnel0 * (0.326846 + (0.978946 - 0.283835 * fresnel0) * fresnel0)))
// Artist Friendly Metallic Fresnel Ref: http://jcgt.org/published/0003/04/03/paper.pdf
real3 GetIorN(real3 f0, real3 edgeTint)
real3 sqrtF0 = sqrt(f0);
return lerp((1.0 - f0) / (1.0 + f0), (1.0 + sqrtF0) / (1.0 - sqrt(f0)), edgeTint);
real3 getIorK2(real3 f0, real3 n)
real3 nf0 = Sq(n + 1.0) * f0 - Sq(f0 - 1.0);
return nf0 / (1.0 - f0);
// Specular BRDF

real a2 = Sq(roughness);
real s = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0;
real s = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0;
return a2 / (s * s);

real DV_SmithJointGGX(real NdotH, real NdotL, real NdotV, real roughness, real partLambdaV)
real a2 = Sq(roughness);
real s = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0;
real s = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0;
real lambdaV = NdotL * partLambdaV;
real lambdaL = NdotV * sqrt((-NdotL * a2 + NdotL) * NdotL + a2);

// Inline D_GGXAniso() * V_SmithJointGGXAniso() together for better code generation.
real DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(real TdotH, real BdotH, real NdotH, real NdotV,
real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL,
real roughnessT, real roughnessB, real partLambdaV)
real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL,
real roughnessT, real roughnessB, real partLambdaV)
real a2 = roughnessT * roughnessB;
real3 v = real3(roughnessB * TdotH, roughnessT * BdotH, a2 * NdotH);

real DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(real TdotH, real BdotH, real NdotH,
real TdotV, real BdotV, real NdotV,
real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL,
real roughnessT, real roughnessB)
real TdotV, real BdotV, real NdotV,
real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL,
real roughnessT, real roughnessB)
roughnessT, roughnessB, partLambdaV);
roughnessT, roughnessB, partLambdaV);

real fd90 = 0.5 + (perceptualRoughness + perceptualRoughness * LdotV);
// Two schlick fresnel term
real lightScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, fd90, NdotL);
real viewScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, fd90, NdotV);
real viewScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, fd90, NdotV);
// Normalize the BRDF for polar view angles of up to (Pi/4).
// We use the worst case of (roughness = albedo = 1), and, for each view angle,

// Ref: Diffuse Lighting for GGX + Smith Microsurfaces, p. 113.
real3 DiffuseGGXNoPI(real3 albedo, real NdotV, real NdotL, real NdotH, real LdotV, real roughness)
real facing = 0.5 + 0.5 * LdotV; // (LdotH)^2
real rough = facing * (0.9 - 0.4 * facing) * (0.5 / NdotH + 1);
real facing = 0.5 + 0.5 * LdotV; // (LdotH)^2
real rough = facing * (0.9 - 0.4 * facing) * (0.5 / NdotH + 1);
real smooth = transmitL * transmitV * 1.05; // Normalize F_t over the hemisphere
real single = lerp(smooth, rough, roughness); // Rescaled by PI
real multiple = roughness * (0.1159 * PI); // Rescaled by PI
real smooth = transmitL * transmitV * 1.05; // Normalize F_t over the hemisphere
real single = lerp(smooth, rough, roughness); // Rescaled by PI
real multiple = roughness * (0.1159 * PI); // Rescaled by PI
return single + albedo * multiple;

// Note that we could save 2 cycles by inlining the multiplication by INV_PI.
return INV_PI * DiffuseGGXNoPI(albedo, NdotV, NdotL, NdotH, LdotV, roughness);
// Conversion FO/IOR
// ior is a value between 1.0 and 3.0. 1.0 is air interface
real IorToFresnel0(real transmittedIor, real incidentIor = 1.0)
return Sq((transmittedIor - incidentIor) / (transmittedIor + incidentIor));
// Assume air interface for top
// Note: Don't handle the case fresnel0 == 1
real Fresnel0ToIor(real fresnel0)
real sqrtF0 = sqrt(fresnel0);
return (1.0 + sqrtF0) / (1.0 - sqrtF0);
// This function is a coarse approximation of computing fresnel0 for a different top than air (here clear coat of IOR 1.5) when we only have fresnel0 with air interface
// This function is equivalent to IorToFresnel0(Fresnel0ToIor(fresnel0), 1.5)
// mean
// real sqrtF0 = sqrt(fresnel0);
// return Sq(1.0 - 5.0 * sqrtF0) / Sq(5.0 - sqrtF0);
// Optimization: Fit of the function (3 mad) for range [0.04 (should return 0), 1 (should return 1)]
TEMPLATE_1_REAL(ConvertF0ForAirInterfaceToF0ForClearCoat15, fresnel0, return saturate(-0.0256868 + fresnel0 * (0.326846 + (0.978946 - 0.283835 * fresnel0) * fresnel0)))
// Iridescence


public float weight;
public float multiplier;
public Vector3 sampleDirectionDiscardWS;
// Sampling properties
public int envIndex;


float3 boxSideFadeNegative;
float weight;
float multiplier;
float3 sampleDirectionDiscardWS;
int envIndex;

float GetMultiplier(EnvLightData value)
return value.multiplier;
float3 GetSampleDirectionDiscardWS(EnvLightData value)
return value.sampleDirectionDiscardWS;
int GetEnvIndex(EnvLightData value)


var capturePosition = Vector3.zero;
var influenceToWorld = probe.influenceToWorld;
var sampleDirectionDiscardWS = Vector3.zero;
// 31 bits index, 1 bit cache type
var envIndex = -1;
if (probe.planarReflectionProbe != null)

// We transform it to object space by translating the capturePosition
var vp = gpuProj * gpuView * Matrix4x4.Translate(capturePosition);
m_Env2DCaptureVP[fetchIndex] = vp;
sampleDirectionDiscardWS = captureRotation * Vector3.forward;
else if (probe.reflectionProbe != null)

envLightData.blendDistanceNegative = probe.blendDistanceNegative;
envLightData.boxSideFadePositive = probe.boxSideFadePositive;
envLightData.boxSideFadeNegative = probe.boxSideFadeNegative;
envLightData.sampleDirectionDiscardWS = sampleDirectionDiscardWS;
envLightData.influenceRight = influenceToWorld.GetColumn(0).normalized;
envLightData.influenceUp = influenceToWorld.GetColumn(1).normalized;

return m_enableBakeShadowMask;

// XRTODO: If possible, we could generate a non-oblique stereo projection
// matrix. It's ok if it's not the exact same matrix, as long as it encompasses
// the same FOV as the original projection matrix (which would mean padding each half
// of the frustum with the max half-angle). We don't need the light information in
// of the frustum with the max half-angle). We don't need the light information in
// real projection space. We just use screen space to figure out what is proximal
// to a cluster or tile.
// Once we generate this non-oblique projection matrix, it can be shared across both eyes (un-array)


float roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness);
R = lerp(R, preLightData.iblR, saturate(smoothstep(0, 1, roughness * roughness)));
float3 sampleDirectionDiscardWS = lightData.sampleDirectionDiscardWS;
if (dot(sampleDirectionDiscardWS, R) < 0) // Use by planar reflection to early reject opposite plan reflection, neutral for reflection probe
return lighting;
float3 F = preLightData.specularFGD;
float iblMipLevel = PerceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness);


//#include "../SubsurfaceScattering/SubsurfaceScattering.hlsl"
//#include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/VolumeRendering.hlsl"
//NEWLITTODO : wireup CBUFFERs for ambientocclusion, and other uniforms and samplers used:
//NEWLITTODO : wireup CBUFFERs for ambientocclusion, and other uniforms and samplers used:
// We need this for AO, Depth/Color pyramids, LTC lights data, FGD pre-integrated data.

// This function is similar to ApplyDebugToSurfaceData but for BSDFData
// NOTE:
// NOTE:
// This will be available and used in ShaderPassForward.hlsl since in StackLit.shader,
// just before including the core code of the pass (ShaderPassForward.hlsl) we include
// Material.hlsl (or Lighting.hlsl which includes it) which in turn includes us,
// This will be available and used in ShaderPassForward.hlsl since in StackLit.shader,
// just before including the core code of the pass (ShaderPassForward.hlsl) we include
// Material.hlsl (or Lighting.hlsl which includes it) which in turn includes us,
// StackLit.shader, via the #if defined(UNITY_MATERIAL_*) glue mechanism.
void ApplyDebugToBSDFData(inout BSDFData bsdfData)

// this can be use also in case of debug lighting mode like specular only
//bool overrideSpecularColor = _DebugLightingSpecularColor.x != 0.0;

// PreLightData
// PreLightData
// Make sure we respect naming conventions to reuse ShaderPassForward as is,
// ie struct (even if opaque to the ShaderPassForward) name is PreLightData,
// GetPreLightData prototype.

float NdotV = ClampNdotV(preLightData.NdotV);
float3 iblN[2], iblR[2];
float3 iblN[2], iblR[2];
// We will need two hacked N for the stretch anisotropic hack later.
// (Could use a UNITY_UNROLL loop, but not much code to dupe)

// Note: that this also assumes all specular comes from GGX BSDFs.
// (That's the FGD we use above to get integral[BSDF/F (N.w) dw] )
// In our case, since this compensation term is already an average
// applied to a sum (akin to a "split sum" approximation) we will
// In our case, since this compensation term is already an average
// applied to a sum (akin to a "split sum" approximation) we will
// just lerp our two "specularReflectivities"
preLightData.energyCompensation = 1.0 / lerp(specularReflectivity[0], specularReflectivity[1], bsdfData.lobeMix) - 1.0;

float NdotL = dot(N, L);
//float LdotV = dot(L, V);
// color and attenuation are outputted by EvaluateLight:
// color and attenuation are outputted by EvaluateLight:
float3 color;
float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Directional(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, bakeLightingData, N, L, color, attenuation);

return lighting;
// NEWLITTODO: For a refence rendering option for area light, like LIT_DISPLAY_REFERENCE_AREA option in eg EvaluateBSDF_<area light type> :
// NEWLITTODO: For a refence rendering option for area light, like LIT_DISPLAY_REFERENCE_AREA option in eg EvaluateBSDF_<area light type> :
//#include "LitReference.hlsl"

// Steps are:
// -Calculate influence weights from intersection with the proxies.
// Since the weights are influence blending weights, we can correctly
// Since the weights are influence blending weights, we can correctly
// -Fetch 2 samples of preintegrated environment lighting
// -Fetch 2 samples of preintegrated environment lighting
// -Use the 2 BSDF preintegration terms we pre-fetched in preLightData
// -Use the 2 BSDF preintegration terms we pre-fetched in preLightData
// -Multiply the two split sum terms together for each lobe
// -Multiply the two split sum terms together for each lobe
// and linearly combine the results.
// Note: using influenceShapeType and projectionShapeType instead of (lightData|proxyData).shapeType allow to make compiler optimization in case the type is know (like for sky)

weight = lerp(tempWeight[0], tempWeight[1], bsdfData.lobeMix);
// TODO: reflections + coating
// TODO: reflections + coating
// When we are rough, we tend to see outward shifting of the reflection when at the boundary of the projection volume
// Also it appear like more sharp. To avoid these artifact and at the same time get better match to reference we lerp to original unmodified reflection.

roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[1]);
R[1] = lerp(R[1], preLightData.iblR[1], saturate(smoothstep(0, 1, roughness * roughness)));
float3 sampleDirectionDiscardWS = lightData.sampleDirectionDiscardWS;
// Use by planar reflection to early reject opposite plan reflection, neutral for reflection probe
if ( (dot(sampleDirectionDiscardWS, R[0]) < 0) && (dot(sampleDirectionDiscardWS, R[1]) < 0))
return lighting;
float4 preLD[2];
float4 preLD[2];
float iblMipLevel = PerceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness[0]);
preLD[0] = SampleEnv(lightLoopContext, lightData.envIndex, R[0], iblMipLevel);

specularLighting = lighting.direct.specular + lighting.indirect.specularReflected;
// Apply the fudge factor (boost) to compensate for multiple scattering not accounted for in BSDF.
// This assumes all spec comes from a GGX BSDF.
// Note: The multiply with fresnel0 is to apply it only for metallic
// Note: The multiply with fresnel0 is to apply it only for metallic
specularLighting *= 1.0 + bsdfData.fresnel0 * preLightData.energyCompensation;
