publicstaticGUIContentXRSettingsLabel=newGUIContent("XR Config","Enable XR in Player Settings. Then SetConfig can be used to set this configuration to XRSettings.");
publicstaticGUIContentrenderScaleLabel=newGUIContent("Render Scale","Scales (and reallocates) the camera render target allowing the game to render at a resolution different than native resolution. UI is always rendered at native resolution.");
publicstaticGUIContentviewportScaleLabel=newGUIContent("Viewport Scale","Scales the section of the render target being rendered. Use for dynamic resolution adjustments.");
publicstaticGUIContentrenderScaleLabel=newGUIContent("Target Scale","Scales the camera render target allowing the game to render at a resolution different than native resolution. UI is always rendered at native resolution. When in VR mode, uses value set in XRGraphicsConfig instead.");
publicstaticGUIContentrenderScaleLabel=newGUIContent("Render Scale","Scales the camera render target allowing the game to render at a resolution different than native resolution. UI is always rendered at native resolution. When in VR mode, uses value set in XRGraphicsConfig instead.");