// To be able to have correct default values for our lights and to also control the conversion of intensity from the light editor (so it is compatible with GI)
// we add intensity (for each type of light we want to manage).
publicfloatdirectionalIntensity=10000.0f;// Sun Light default to 10000 lux
publicfloatpunctualIntensity=600.0f;// Light default to 600 lumens, i.e ~48 candela
publicfloatareaIntensity=600.0f;// Light default to 600 lumens
publicfloatdisplayBounceIntensity=1.0f;// override bound intensity of built-in unity to take into account the PI shift observe in GI (as GI don't divide by PI)
publicfloatpunctualIntensity=600.0f;// Light default to 600 lumen, i.e ~48 candela
publicfloatareaIntensity=600.0f;// Light default to 600 lumen
[Range(0.0f, 100.0f)]
publicfloatm_InnerSpotPercent=0.0f;// To display this field in the UI this need to be public