// 1. 1D texture with marginal densities, telling us the likelihood of selecting a particular row, |
// 2. 2D texture with conditional densities, which correspond to the PDF of the texel given its row. |
// Ref: PBRT v3, 13.6.7 "Piecewise-Constant 2D Distributions". |
// Note that we use the equiareal mapping instead of the latitude-longitude one. |
#include "ImageBasedLighting.hlsl" |
#define TEXTURE_SIZE 256 // The size of the input texture |
#define MIP1_SIZE TEXTURE_SIZE / 2 // The size of the MIP level 1 of the input texture |
#define TEXTURE_HEIGHT 256 // MIS equiareal texture map: cos(theta) = 1.0 - 2.0 * v |
#define TEXTURE_WIDTH 2 * TEXTURE_HEIGHT // MIS equiareal texture map: phi = TWO_PI * u |
TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(envMap) // Cubemap as an array: [TEXTURE_SIZE x TEXTURE_SIZE x 6] |
TEXTURECUBE(envMap) // Input cubemap |
SAMPLERCUBE(sampler_envMap) |
RWTexture2D<float> marginalRowDensities; // 1D texture: [(6 * MIP1_SIZE + 1) x 1] |
RWTexture2D<float> conditionalDensities; // Array: [MIP1_SIZE x (6 * MIP1_SIZE)] |
RWTexture2D<float> marginalRowDensities; // [(TEXTURE_HEIGHT + 1) x 1] (+ 1 for the image integral) |
RWTexture2D<float> conditionalDensities; // [TEXTURE_WIDTH x TEXTURE_HEIGHT] |
/* --- Implementation --- */ |
#pragma kernel ComputeConditionalDensities |
groupshared float rowVals[SHARED_MEM(MIP1_SIZE)]; |
groupshared float rowVals[SHARED_MEM(TEXTURE_WIDTH)]; |
[numthreads(MIP1_SIZE / 2, 1, 1)] |
[numthreads(TEXTURE_WIDTH / 2, 1, 1)] |
// There are (MIP1_SIZE x 6) thread groups. |
// A single thread group processes a row of MIP1_SIZE texels (2 per thread). |
const uint n = MIP1_SIZE; |
// There are TEXTURE_HEIGHT thread groups. |
// A single thread group processes a row of TEXTURE_WIDTH texels (2 per thread). |
const uint n = TEXTURE_WIDTH; |
const uint k = groupId.y; |
const uint jk = Mad24(k, n, j); |
float w = TEXTURE_WIDTH; |
float h = TEXTURE_HEIGHT; |
float u1 = i1 / w + 0.5 / w; |
float u2 = i2 / w + 0.5 / w; |
float v = j / h + 0.5 / h; |
float3 L1 = ConvertEquiarealToCubemap(u1, v); |
float3 L2 = ConvertEquiarealToCubemap(u2, v); |
float3 c1 = SAMPLE_TEXTURECUBE_LOD(envMap, sampler_envMap, L1, 0).rgb; |
float3 c2 = SAMPLE_TEXTURECUBE_LOD(envMap, sampler_envMap, L2, 0).rgb; |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Compute the integral of the step function (row values). |
// Perform a block-level parallel scan. |
// Step 1: load the row of data into shared memory. |
// We use MIP level 1 to account for interpolation during light sampling. |
// Ref: PBRT v3, page 847. |
float3 c1 = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(envMap, uint2(i1, j), k, 1).rgb; |
float3 c2 = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(envMap, uint2(i2, j), k, 1).rgb; |
rowVals[SHARED_MEM(i1)] = c1.r + c1.g + c1.b; |
rowVals[SHARED_MEM(i2)] = c2.r + c2.g + c2.b; |
if (i == 0) |
{ |
float rowIntegralValue = rowValSum / n; |
marginalRowDensities[uint2(jk, 0)] = rowIntegralValue; |
marginalRowDensities[uint2(j, 0)] = rowIntegralValue; |
// The exclusive scan requires the 1st element to be 0. |
rowVals[SHARED_MEM(n - 1)] = 0.0; |
} |
GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); |
// Compute the CDF. Note: the value at (i = n) is implicitly 1. |
conditionalDensities[uint2(i1, jk)] = rowVals[SHARED_MEM(i1)] / rowValSum; |
conditionalDensities[uint2(i2, jk)] = rowVals[SHARED_MEM(i2)] / rowValSum; |
conditionalDensities[uint2(i1, j)] = rowVals[SHARED_MEM(i1)] / rowValSum; |
conditionalDensities[uint2(i2, j)] = rowVals[SHARED_MEM(i2)] / rowValSum; |
groupshared float rowInts[SHARED_MEM(8 * MIP1_SIZE)]; |
groupshared float rowInts[SHARED_MEM(TEXTURE_HEIGHT)]; |
[numthreads(8 * MIP1_SIZE / 2, 1, 1)] |
[numthreads(TEXTURE_HEIGHT / 2, 1, 1)] |
// The size of the input is (6 * MIP1_SIZE). |
// However, the algorithm only works with inputs of sizes which are powers of 2, |
// therefore there is a single thread group processing (8 * MIP1_SIZE) texels (2 per thread). |
const uint sz = 6 * MIP1_SIZE; |
const uint n = 8 * MIP1_SIZE; |
// The size of the input is TEXTURE_HEIGHT. There is only one thread group. |
const uint n = TEXTURE_HEIGHT; |
const uint i = groupThreadId.x; |
const uint i1 = i; |
const uint i2 = i + n / 2; |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Step 1: load the row of data into shared memory. |
rowInts[SHARED_MEM(i1)] = (i1 < sz) ? marginalRowDensities[uint2(i1, 0)] : 0.0; |
rowInts[SHARED_MEM(i2)] = (i2 < sz) ? marginalRowDensities[uint2(i2, 0)] : 0.0; |
rowInts[SHARED_MEM(i1)] = marginalRowDensities[uint2(i1, 0)]; |
rowInts[SHARED_MEM(i2)] = marginalRowDensities[uint2(i2, 0)]; |
uint offset; |
if (i == 0) |
{ |
float imgIntegralValue = rowIntSum / sz; |
marginalRowDensities[uint2(sz, 0)] = imgIntegralValue; |
float imgIntegralValue = rowIntSum / n; |
marginalRowDensities[uint2(n, 0)] = imgIntegralValue; |
// The exclusive scan requires the 1st element to be 0. |
rowInts[SHARED_MEM(n - 1)] = 0.0; |
} |
GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); |
// Compute the CDF. Note: the value at (i = n) is implicitly 1. |
if (i1 < sz) { marginalRowDensities[uint2(i1, 0)] = rowInts[SHARED_MEM(i1)] / rowIntSum; } |
if (i2 < sz) { marginalRowDensities[uint2(i2, 0)] = rowInts[SHARED_MEM(i2)] / rowIntSum; } |
marginalRowDensities[uint2(i1, 0)] = rowInts[SHARED_MEM(i1)] / rowIntSum; |
marginalRowDensities[uint2(i2, 0)] = rowInts[SHARED_MEM(i2)] / rowIntSum; |
} |