return; |
} |
bool enableClustered = m_FrameSettings.lightLoopSettings.enableTileAndCluster; |
int kernel = m_VolumetricLightingCS.FindKernel(enableClustered ? "VolumetricLightingClustered" |
: "VolumetricLightingAllLights"); |
bool enableClustered = m_FrameSettings.lightLoopSettings.enableTileAndCluster; |
bool enableReprojection = Application.isPlaying; |
int kernel; |
if (enableReprojection) |
{ |
// Only available in the Play Mode because all the frame counters in the Edit Mode are broken.
kernel = m_VolumetricLightingCS.FindKernel(enableClustered ? "VolumetricLightingClusteredReproj" |
: "VolumetricLightingAllLightsReproj"); |
} |
else |
{ |
kernel = m_VolumetricLightingCS.FindKernel(enableClustered ? "VolumetricLightingClustered" |
: "VolumetricLightingAllLights"); |
} |
int w = 0, h = 0, d = 0; |
Vector2 scale = ComputeVBufferResolutionAndScale(camera.screenSize.x, camera.screenSize.y, ref w, ref h, ref d); |
float vFoV = camera.camera.fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad; |
// | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
float[] zSeq = {7.0f/14.0f, 3.0f/14.0f, 11.0f/14.0f, 5.0f/14.0f, 9.0f/14.0f, 1.0f/14.0f, 13.0f/14.0f}; |
uint sampleIndex = (camera.camera.cameraType == CameraType.Game) ? (uint)Time.renderedFrameCount % 7 : 0; |
uint sampleIndex = (uint)Time.renderedFrameCount % 7; |
Vector4 offset = new Vector4(xySeq[sampleIndex].x, xySeq[sampleIndex].y, zSeq[sampleIndex]); |
// TODO: set 'm_VolumetricLightingPreset'.