void DrawShape ( )
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ; // For GI we need to detect any change on additional data and call SetLightDirty + For intensity we need to detect light shape change
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ; // For GI we need to detect any change on additional data and call SetLightDirty
// LightShape is HD specific, it need to drive LightType from the original LightType
// when it make sense, so the GI is still in sync with the light shape
m_AdditionalLightData . lightTypeExtent . enumValueIndex = ( int ) LightTypeExtent . Rectangle ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth , s_Styles . shapeWidthRect ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_AdditionalLightData . shapeHeight , s_Styles . shapeHeightRect ) ;
m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth . floatValue = Mathf . Max ( m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth . floatValue , k_LineWidth ) ;
m_AdditionalLightData . shapeHeight . floatValue = Mathf . Max ( m_AdditionalLightData . shapeHeight . floatValue , k_LineWidth ) ;
settings . areaSizeX . floatValue = m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth . floatValue ;
settings . areaSizeY . floatValue = m_AdditionalLightData . shapeHeight . floatValue ;
settings . shadowsType . enumValueIndex = ( int ) LightShadows . None ;
settings . lightType . enumValueIndex = ( int ) LightType . Point ;
m_AdditionalLightData . lightTypeExtent . enumValueIndex = ( int ) LightTypeExtent . Line ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth , s_Styles . shapeWidthLine ) ;
m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth . floatValue = Mathf . Max ( m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth . floatValue , k_LineWidth ) ;
m_AdditionalLightData . shapeHeight . floatValue = Mathf . Max ( m_AdditionalLightData . shapeHeight . floatValue , k_LineWidth ) ;
// Fake line with a small rectangle in vanilla unity for GI
settings . areaSizeX . floatValue = m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth . floatValue ;
settings . areaSizeY . floatValue = k_LineWidth ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
UpdateLightIntensity ( ) ;
void UpdateLightIntensity ( )
switch ( m_LightShape )
case LightShape . Directional :
settings . intensity . floatValue = m_AdditionalLightData . directionalIntensity . floatValue ;
break ;
case LightShape . Point :
settings . intensity . floatValue = LightUtils . ConvertPointLightIntensity ( m_AdditionalLightData . punctualIntensity . floatValue ) ;
break ;
case LightShape . Spot :
// Spot should used conversion which take into account the angle, and thus the intensity vary with angle.
// This is not easy to manipulate for lighter, so we simply consider any spot light as just occluded point light. So reuse the same code.
settings . intensity . floatValue = LightUtils . ConvertPointLightIntensity ( m_AdditionalLightData . punctualIntensity . floatValue ) ;
// TODO: What to do with box shape ?
// var spotLightShape = (SpotLightShape)m_AdditionalLightData.spotLightShape.enumValueIndex;
break ;
case LightShape . Rectangle :
settings . intensity . floatValue = LightUtils . ConvertRectLightIntensity ( m_AdditionalLightData . areaIntensity . floatValue , m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth . floatValue , m_AdditionalLightData . shapeHeight . floatValue ) ;
break ;
case LightShape . Line :
settings . intensity . floatValue = LightUtils . calculateLineLightArea ( m_AdditionalLightData . areaIntensity . floatValue , k_LineWidth , m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth . floatValue ) ;
break ;
void DrawLightSettings ( )
settings . DrawColor ( ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
switch ( m_LightShape )
case LightShape . Directional :
settings . intensity . floatValue = m_AdditionalLightData . directionalIntensity . floatValue ;
break ;
case LightShape . Point :
settings . intensity . floatValue = LightUtils . ConvertPointLightIntensity ( m_AdditionalLightData . punctualIntensity . floatValue ) ;
break ;
case LightShape . Spot :
// Spot should used conversion which take into account the angle, and thus the intensity vary with angle.
// This is not easy to manipulate for lighter, so we simply consider any spot light as just occluded point light. So reuse the same code.
settings . intensity . floatValue = LightUtils . ConvertPointLightIntensity ( m_AdditionalLightData . punctualIntensity . floatValue ) ;
// TODO: What to do with box shape ?
// var spotLightShape = (SpotLightShape)m_AdditionalLightData.spotLightShape.enumValueIndex;
break ;
case LightShape . Rectangle :
settings . intensity . floatValue = LightUtils . ConvertRectLightIntensity ( m_AdditionalLightData . areaIntensity . floatValue , m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth . floatValue , m_AdditionalLightData . shapeHeight . floatValue ) ;
break ;
case LightShape . Line :
settings . intensity . floatValue = LightUtils . calculateLineLightArea ( m_AdditionalLightData . areaIntensity . floatValue , k_LineWidth , m_AdditionalLightData . shapeWidth . floatValue ) ;
break ;
UpdateLightIntensity ( ) ;
settings . DrawLightmapping ( ) ;