
Revert various change, as RenderTexture are needed for UAV + fix issue in Jimenez

Sebastien Lagarde 7 年前
共有 3 个文件被更改,包括 43 次插入22 次删除
  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 61


bool resolutionChanged = camera.pixelWidth != m_CurrentWidth || camera.pixelHeight != m_CurrentHeight;
if (resolutionChanged || m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer == null)
if (resolutionChanged || m_LightLoop.NeedResize())


public static readonly int _SrcBlend = Shader.PropertyToID("_SrcBlend");
public static readonly int _DstBlend = Shader.PropertyToID("_DstBlend");
public static readonly int _HTile = Shader.PropertyToID("_HTile");
public static readonly int _SSSHTile = Shader.PropertyToID("_SSSHTile");
public static readonly int _StencilTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_StencilTexture");


ComputeShader m_SubsurfaceScatteringCS;
int m_SubsurfaceScatteringKernel;
Material m_CombineLightingPass;
readonly int m_SSSHTileBuffer;
readonly RenderTargetIdentifier m_SSSHTileBufferRT;
RenderTexture m_HTile;
RenderTargetIdentifier m_HTileRT;
// Jimenez on some platform need an extra buffer
// End Jimenez SSS Model
// Jimenez need an extra buffer and Disney need one for some platform
// End Jimenez SSS Model
// This is use to be able to read stencil value in compute shader
Material m_CopyStencilForSplitLighting;

public SubsurfaceScatteringManager()
m_SSSBuffer0RT = new RenderTargetIdentifier(m_SSSBuffer0);
// Use with Disney
m_SSSHTileBuffer = HDShaderIDs._SSSHTile;
m_SSSHTileBufferRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier(m_SSSHTileBuffer);
// Use with Jimenez
m_CameraFilteringBuffer = HDShaderIDs._CameraFilteringBuffer;

public void Resize(Camera camera)
// We must use a RenderTexture and not GetTemporaryRT() as currently Unity only aloow to bind a RenderTexture for a UAV in a pixel shader
// We use 8x8 tiles in order to match the native GCN HTile as closely as possible.
m_HTile = new RenderTexture((camera.pixelWidth + 7) / 8, (camera.pixelHeight + 7) / 8, 0, RenderTextureFormat.R8, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear); // DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT is not supported by Unity
m_HTile.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
m_HTile.enableRandomWrite = true;
m_HTileRT = new RenderTargetIdentifier(m_HTile);
// Caution: need to be in sync with SubsurfaceScattering.cs USE_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER (Can't make a keyword as it is a compute shader)
return SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType != GraphicsDeviceType.PlayStation4 &&
return SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType != GraphicsDeviceType.PlayStation4 &&
SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType != GraphicsDeviceType.XboxOne &&
SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType != GraphicsDeviceType.XboxOneD3D12;

using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Subsurface Scattering", HDRenderPipeline.GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.SubsurfaceScattering)))
if (m_sssSettings.useDisneySSS)
int w = hdCamera.camera.pixelWidth;
int h = hdCamera.camera.pixelHeight;
// For Jimenez we always need an extra buffer, for Disney it depends on platform
if (!m_sssSettings.useDisneySSS ||
(m_sssSettings.useDisneySSS && NeedTemporarySubsurfaceBuffer()))
int w = hdCamera.camera.pixelWidth;
int h = hdCamera.camera.pixelHeight;
// Caution: must be same format as m_CameraSssDiffuseLightingBuffer
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_CameraFilteringBuffer, w, h, 0, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.RGB111110Float, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear, 1, true); // Enable UAV
// Clear the SSS filtering target
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Clear SSS filtering target", HDRenderPipeline.GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.ClearSSSFilteringTarget)))
CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_CameraFilteringBufferRT, ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.clearColorAllBlack);
if (m_sssSettings.useDisneySSS)
CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_HTileRT, ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.clearColorAllBlack);
// Caution: must be same format as m_CameraSssDiffuseLightingBuffer
// Note: DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT is not supported by Unity
// We use 8x8 tiles in order to match the native GCN HTile as closely as possible.
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_SSSHTileBuffer, (w + 7) / 8, (h + 7) / 8, 0, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.R8, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear, 1, true); // Enable UAV
CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_SSSHTileBufferRT, ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.clearColorAllBlack);
cmd.SetRandomWriteTarget(1, m_SSSHTileBufferRT);
cmd.SetRandomWriteTarget(1, m_HTile);
// Generate HTile for the split lighting stencil usage. Don't write into stencil texture (shaderPassId = 2)
// Use ShaderPassID 1 => "Pass 2 - Export HTILE for stencilRef to output"
CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, depthStencilBufferRT); // No need for color buffer here

cmd.SetComputeVectorArrayParam(m_SubsurfaceScatteringCS, HDShaderIDs._ShapeParams, sssParameters.shapeParams);
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_SubsurfaceScatteringCS, m_SubsurfaceScatteringKernel, HDShaderIDs._DepthTexture, depthTextureRT);
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_SubsurfaceScatteringCS, m_SubsurfaceScatteringKernel, HDShaderIDs._SSSHTile, m_SSSHTileBufferRT);
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_SubsurfaceScatteringCS, m_SubsurfaceScatteringKernel, HDShaderIDs._SSSHTile, m_HTileRT);
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_SubsurfaceScatteringCS, m_SubsurfaceScatteringKernel, HDShaderIDs._IrradianceSource, diffuseBufferRT);
for (int i = 0; i < sssBufferCount; ++i)
