
Bugfix tiling/object scale on/off

Evgenii Golubev 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 17 次插入11 次删除
  1. 28


float2 minUvSize = GetMinUvSize(layerTexCoord);
float lod = ComputeTextureLOD(minUvSize);
if (isPlanar) maxHeight *= _TexWorldScale;
// To handle object scaling with PPD we need to multiply the view vector by the inverse scale.
// Currently we extract the inverse scale directly by taking worldToObject matrix (instead of ObjectToWorld)
float4x4 worldTransform = GetWorldToObjectMatrix(); // Note that we take WorldToObject to get inverse scale

invObjectScale.x = length(float3(worldTransform._m00, worldTransform._m01, worldTransform._m02));
invObjectScale.z = length(float3(worldTransform._m20, worldTransform._m21, worldTransform._m22));
PerPixelHeightDisplacementParam ppdParam;

// Note: The TBN is not normalize as it is based on mikkt. We should normalize it, but POM is always use on simple enough surfarce that mean it is not required (save 2 normalize). Tag: SURFACE_GRADIENT
float3 viewDirTS = isPlanar ? float3(uvXZ, V.y) : TransformWorldToTangent(V, worldToTangent);
viewDirTS *= invObjectScale.xzy; // Switch from Y-up to Z-up
viewDirTS.xy *= invObjectScale.xz; // Switch from Y-up to Z-up
viewDirTS.z *= invObjectScale.y; // Switch from Y-up to Z-up
float2 primitiveSize = float2(_PPDPrimitiveLength, _PPDPrimitiveWidth);
float2 primitiveSize = isPlanar ? 1 : float2(_PPDPrimitiveLength, _PPDPrimitiveWidth);
float2 primitiveScale = rcp(primitiveSize);
float2 uvSpaceScale = primitiveScale * _BaseColorMap_ST.xy; // This could be precomputed
float3 viewDirUV = normalize(float3(viewDirTS.xy * uvSpaceScale, viewDirTS.z / maxHeight));

layerTexCoord.details.uv += isPlanar ? offset : _UVDetailsMappingMask.x * offset; // Only apply offset if details map use UVSet0 _UVDetailsMappingMask.x will be 1 in this case, else 0
if (isPlanar) maxHeight *= rcp(_TexWorldScale);
// Since POM "pushes" geometry inwards (rather than extrude it), { height = height - 1 }.
// Since the result is used as a 'depthOffsetVS', it needs to be positive, so we flip the sign.
float verticalDisplacement = maxHeight - height * maxHeight;

float ComputePerVertexDisplacement(LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float4 vertexColor, float lod)
float height = (SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_HeightMap, sampler_HeightMap, layerTexCoord.base, lod).r - _HeightCenter) * _HeightAmplitude;
// TODO: precompute this scaling factor!
// TODO: precompute these scaling factors!
height *= tilingScale * _TexWorldScale;
height *= tilingScale;
height *= rcp(_TexWorldScale);
return height;
