
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into build/automation

Alex Lian 7 年前
共有 16 个文件被更改,包括 170 次插入149 次删除
  1. 22
  2. 6
  3. 3
  4. 9
  5. 12
  6. 58
  7. 69
  8. 36
  9. 26
  10. 30
  11. 19
  12. 9
  13. 3
  14. 9
  15. 4
  16. 4


public static int s_MaxWidthMSAAA { get { return s_MaxWidths[(int)RTCategory.MSAA]; } }
public static int s_MaxHeightMSAA { get { return s_MaxHeights[(int)RTCategory.MSAA]; } }
private static int GetMaxWith(RTCategory category) { return s_MaxWidths[(int)category]; }
private static int GetMaxWidth(RTCategory category) { return s_MaxWidths[(int)category]; }
private static int GetMaxHeight(RTCategory category) { return s_MaxHeights[(int)category]; }

static int[] s_MaxWidths = new int[(int)RTCategory.Count];
static int[] s_MaxHeights = new int[(int)RTCategory.Count];
public static int maxWidth { get { return GetMaxWith(s_ScaledRTCurrentCategory); } }
public static int maxWidth { get { return GetMaxWidth(s_ScaledRTCurrentCategory); } }
public static int maxHeight { get { return GetMaxHeight(s_ScaledRTCurrentCategory); } }
static RTHandle()

height = Mathf.Max(height, 1);
bool msaaSamplesChanged = msaa && (msaaSamples != s_ScaledRTCurrentMSAASamples);
if (width > GetMaxWith(category) || height > GetMaxHeight(category) || msaaSamplesChanged)
if (width > GetMaxWidth(category) || height > GetMaxHeight(category) || msaaSamplesChanged)
Resize(width, height, category, msaaSamples);

height = Mathf.Max(height, 1);
bool msaaSamplesChanged = msaa && (msaaSamples != s_ScaledRTCurrentMSAASamples);
if (width != GetMaxWith(category) || height != GetMaxHeight(category) || msaaSamplesChanged)
if (width != GetMaxWidth(category) || height != GetMaxHeight(category) || msaaSamplesChanged)
Resize(width, height, category, msaaSamples);

bool allocForMSAA = s_ScaledRTSupportsMSAA ? enableMSAA : false;
RTCategory category = allocForMSAA ? RTCategory.MSAA : RTCategory.Regular;
int width = Mathf.Max(Mathf.RoundToInt(scaleFactor.x * GetMaxWith(category)), 1);
int width = Mathf.Max(Mathf.RoundToInt(scaleFactor.x * GetMaxWidth(category)), 1);
int height = Mathf.Max(Mathf.RoundToInt(scaleFactor.y * GetMaxHeight(category)), 1);
var rth = AllocAutoSizedRenderTexture(width,

bool allocForMSAA = s_ScaledRTSupportsMSAA ? enableMSAA : false;
RTCategory category = allocForMSAA ? RTCategory.MSAA : RTCategory.Regular;
var scaleFactor = scaleFunc(new Vector2Int(GetMaxWith(category), GetMaxHeight(category)));
var scaleFactor = scaleFunc(new Vector2Int(GetMaxWidth(category), GetMaxHeight(category)));
int width = Mathf.Max(scaleFactor.x, 1);
int height = Mathf.Max(scaleFactor.y, 1);

// MSAA Does not support random read/write.
if (allocForMSAA && enableRandomWrite == true)
bool UAV = enableRandomWrite;
if (allocForMSAA && (UAV == true))
Debug.LogWarning("RTHandle allocated with MSAA can't be enableRandomWrite.");
enableRandomWrite = false;
Debug.LogWarning("RTHandle that is MSAA-enabled cannot allocate MSAA RT with 'enableRandomWrite = true'.");
UAV = false;
bool UAV = enableRandomWrite;
RTCategory category = allocForMSAA ? RTCategory.MSAA : RTCategory.Regular;
var rt = new RenderTexture(width, height, (int)depthBufferBits, colorFormat, sRGB ? RenderTextureReadWrite.sRGB : RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear)

anisoLevel = refRT.anisoLevel,
mipMapBias = refRT.mipMapBias,
antiAliasing = 1, // No MSAA for the regular version of the texture.
bindTextureMS = refRT.bindTextureMS,
bindTextureMS = false, // Somehow, this can be true even if antiAliasing == 1. Leads to Unity-internal binding errors.
useDynamicScale = refRT.useDynamicScale,
vrUsage = refRT.vrUsage,
memorylessMode = refRT.memorylessMode


#include "../ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl"
SamplerState sampler_LinearClamp;
float4 _Size;
RWTexture2D<float1> _Result1;
Texture2D<float4> _Source4;


static readonly int _Result1 = Shader.PropertyToID("_Result1");
static readonly int _Source4 = Shader.PropertyToID("_Source4");
static readonly int _Size = Shader.PropertyToID("_Size");
var s = new Vector4(size.x, size.y, 1f / size.x, 1f / size.y);
cmd.SetComputeVectorParam(m_Shader, _Size, s);
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_Shader, k_SampleKernel_xyzw2x, _Source4, source);
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_Shader, k_SampleKernel_xyzw2x, _Result1, target);
cmd.DispatchCompute(m_Shader, k_SampleKernel_xyzw2x, (int)Mathf.Max((size.x) / 8, 1), (int)Mathf.Max((size.y) / 8, 1), 1);


csc.AppendLine(" public GPUCopy(ComputeShader shader)");
csc.AppendLine(" {");
csc.AppendLine(" m_Shader = shader;");
csm.AppendLine(" static readonly int _Size = Shader.PropertyToID(\"_Size\");");
for (var i = 0; i < operations.Length; i++)
var o = operations[i];

// CSharp method
csm.AppendLine(string.Format(@" public void SampleCopyChannel_{0}2{1}(CommandBuffer cmd, RenderTargetIdentifier source, RenderTargetIdentifier target, Vector2 size)", channelName, o.subscript));
csm.AppendLine(" {");
csm.AppendLine(" var s = new Vector4(size.x, size.y, 1f / size.x, 1f / size.y);");
csm.AppendLine(" cmd.SetComputeVectorParam(m_Shader, _Size, s);");
csm.AppendLine(string.Format(" cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_Shader, {0}, _Source{1}, source);", kernelIndexName, o.sourceChannel.ToString()));
csm.AppendLine(string.Format(" cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_Shader, {0}, _Result{1}, target);", kernelIndexName, o.targetChannel.ToString()));
csm.AppendLine(string.Format(" cmd.DispatchCompute(m_Shader, {0}, (int)Mathf.Max((size.x) / {1}, 1), (int)Mathf.Max((size.y) / {1}, 1), 1);", kernelIndexName, k_KernelSize.ToString()));

cc.AppendLine(@"// Autogenerated file. Do not edit by hand");
cc.AppendLine(@"#include ""../ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl""");
cc.AppendLine(@"SamplerState sampler_LinearClamp;");
cc.AppendLine(@" float4 _Size;");
cc.AppendLine(ccp.ToString()); // Properties
cc.AppendLine(cck.ToString()); // Kernels


m_ActualWidth = camera.pixelWidth;
m_ActualHeight = camera.pixelHeight;
var screenWidth = m_ActualWidth;
var screenHeight = m_ActualHeight;
m_ActualWidth = XRSettings.eyeTextureWidth;
m_ActualHeight = XRSettings.eyeTextureHeight;
screenWidth = XRSettings.eyeTextureWidth;
screenHeight = XRSettings.eyeTextureHeight;
var xrDesc = XRSettings.eyeTextureDesc;
m_ActualWidth = xrDesc.width;
m_ActualHeight = xrDesc.height;
// Unfortunately sometime (like in the HDCameraEditor) HDUtils.hdrpSettings can be null because of scripts that change the current pipeline...

m_CameraScaleBias.x = (float)m_ActualWidth / maxWidth;
m_CameraScaleBias.y = (float)m_ActualHeight / maxHeight;
screenSize = new Vector4(m_ActualWidth, m_ActualHeight, 1.0f / m_ActualWidth, 1.0f / m_ActualHeight);
screenSize = new Vector4(screenWidth, screenHeight, 1.0f / screenWidth, 1.0f / screenHeight);
// Warning: different views can use the same camera!


[MenuItem("Internal/HDRenderPipeline/Update/Update material for subsurface")]
static void UpdateMaterialForSubsurface()
var matIds = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Material");
for (int i = 0, length = matIds.Length; i < length; i++)
var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(matIds[i]);
var mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Material>(path);
"Setup materials Keywords...",
string.Format("{0} / {1} materials subsurface updated.", i, length),
i / (float)(length - 1));
bool VSCEnabled = (UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.enabled && UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.isActive);
if (mat.shader.name == "HDRenderPipeline/LitTessellation" ||
mat.shader.name == "HDRenderPipeline/Lit" ||
mat.shader.name == "HDRenderPipeline/LayeredLit" ||
mat.shader.name == "HDRenderPipeline/LayeredLitTessellation")
float materialID = mat.GetInt("_MaterialID");
if (materialID != 0.0)
if (mat.HasProperty("_SSSAndTransmissionType"))
CheckOutFile(VSCEnabled, mat);
int materialSSSAndTransmissionID = mat.GetInt("_SSSAndTransmissionType");
// Both;, SSS only, Transmission only
if (materialSSSAndTransmissionID == 2.0)
mat.SetInt("_MaterialID", 5);
if (materialSSSAndTransmissionID == 0.0)
mat.SetFloat("_TransmissionEnable", 1.0f);
mat.SetFloat("_TransmissionEnable", 0.0f);
[MenuItem("Internal/HDRenderPipeline/Update/Update Height Maps parametrization")]
static void UpdateHeightMapParametrization()


public readonly GUIContent inheritBaseNormalText = new GUIContent("Normal influence", "Inherit the normal from the base layer.");
public readonly GUIContent inheritBaseHeightText = new GUIContent("Heightmap influence", "Inherit the height from the base layer.");
public readonly GUIContent inheritBaseColorText = new GUIContent("BaseColor influence", "Inherit the base color from the base layer.");
public readonly GUIContent heightOffset = new GUIContent("Height Offset", "Offset applied to the height before layering.");
public readonly GUIContent heightTransition = new GUIContent("Height Transition", "Size in world units of the smooth transition between layers.");
public readonly GUIContent perPixelDisplacementLayersWarning = new GUIContent("For pixel displacement to work correctly, all layers with a heightmap must use the same UV mapping");

const string kInheritBaseColor = "_InheritBaseColor";
// Height blend
MaterialProperty[] heightBlendOffset = new MaterialProperty[kMaxLayerCount];
const string kHeightBlendOffset = "_HeightOffset";
MaterialProperty heightTransition = null;
const string kHeightTransition = "_HeightTransition";

// Density/opacity mode
opacityAsDensity[i] = FindProperty(string.Format("{0}{1}", kOpacityAsDensity, i), props);
heightBlendOffset[i] = FindProperty(string.Format("{0}{1}", kHeightBlendOffset, i), props);
showLayer[i] = FindProperty(string.Format("{0}{1}", kShowLayer, i), props);
if (i != 0)

Material material = m_MaterialEditor.target as Material;
bool mainLayerInfluenceEnable = useMainLayerInfluence.floatValue > 0.0f;
bool heightBasedBlend = useHeightBasedBlend.floatValue > 0.0f;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(styles.layeringOptionText, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
// Main layer does not have any options but height base blend.
if (layerIndex > 0)
if(mainLayerInfluenceEnable) // This is the only case where we need this sub category.
int paramIndex = layerIndex - 1;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(styles.layeringOptionText, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(opacityAsDensity[layerIndex], styles.opacityAsDensityText);
// Main layer does not have any options but height base blend.
if (layerIndex > 0)
int paramIndex = layerIndex - 1;
if (mainLayerInfluenceEnable)
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(inheritBaseColor[paramIndex], styles.inheritBaseColorText);
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(inheritBaseNormal[paramIndex], styles.inheritBaseNormalText);
// Main height influence is only available if the shader use the heightmap for displacement (per vertex or per level)
// We always display it as it can be tricky to know when per pixel displacement is enabled or not
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(inheritBaseHeight[paramIndex], styles.inheritBaseHeightText);
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(opacityAsDensity[layerIndex], styles.opacityAsDensityText);
if (mainLayerInfluenceEnable)
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(inheritBaseColor[paramIndex], styles.inheritBaseColorText);
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(inheritBaseNormal[paramIndex], styles.inheritBaseNormalText);
// Main height influence is only available if the shader use the heightmap for displacement (per vertex or per level)
// We always display it as it can be tricky to know when per pixel displacement is enabled or not
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(inheritBaseHeight[paramIndex], styles.inheritBaseHeightText);
if (!useMainLayerInfluence.hasMixedValue && useMainLayerInfluence.floatValue != 0.0f)
m_MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(styles.layerInfluenceMapMaskText, layerInfluenceMaskMap);
if (!useMainLayerInfluence.hasMixedValue && useMainLayerInfluence.floatValue != 0.0f)
m_MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(styles.layerInfluenceMapMaskText, layerInfluenceMaskMap);
if (heightBasedBlend)
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(heightBlendOffset[layerIndex], styles.heightOffset);
DoLayerGUI(material, layerIndex, true);

CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_DENSITY_MODE", useDensityModeEnable);
BaseLitGUI.MaterialId materialId = (BaseLitGUI.MaterialId)material.GetFloat(kMaterialID);
BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType sssAndTransmissionType = (BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType)material.GetFloat(kSSSAndTransmissionType);
if (materialId == BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSSAndTransmission)
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING", sssAndTransmissionType == BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitSSSAndTransmission || sssAndTransmissionType == BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitSSSOnly);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_TRANSMISSION", sssAndTransmissionType == BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitSSSAndTransmission || sssAndTransmissionType == BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitTransmissionOnly);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING", false);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_TRANSMISSION", false);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING", materialId == BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSS);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_TRANSMISSION", materialId == BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitTranslucent || (materialId == BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSS && material.GetFloat(kTransmissionEnable) > 0.0f));
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] props)


// Material ID
public static GUIContent materialIDText = new GUIContent("Material type", "Select a material feature to enable on top of regular material");
public static GUIContent SSSAndTransmissionTypeText = new GUIContent("SSS and Transmission type", "Subsurface Scattering for translucent materials such as skin, vegetation, fruit, marble, wax and milk., Transmission for back lighting");
public static GUIContent transmissionEnableText = new GUIContent("Enable Transmission", "Enable Transmission for getting back lighting");
// Per pixel displacement
public static GUIContent ppdMinSamplesText = new GUIContent("Minimum steps", "Minimum steps (texture sample) to use with per pixel displacement mapping");

public enum MaterialId
LitSSSAndTransmission = 0,
LitSSS = 0,
LitSpecular = 4
public enum SSSAndTransmissionType
LitSSSAndTransmission = 0,
LitSSSOnly = 1,
LitTransmissionOnly = 2,
LitSpecular = 4,
LitTranslucent = 5
public enum HeightmapParametrization

// Material ID
protected MaterialProperty materialID = null;
protected const string kMaterialID = "_MaterialID";
protected MaterialProperty sssAndTransmissionType = null;
protected const string kSSSAndTransmissionType = "_SSSAndTransmissionType";
protected MaterialProperty transmissionEnable = null;
protected const string kTransmissionEnable = "_TransmissionEnable";
protected const string kStencilRef = "_StencilRef";
protected const string kStencilWriteMask = "_StencilWriteMask";

// MaterialID
materialID = FindProperty(kMaterialID, props);
sssAndTransmissionType = FindProperty(kSSSAndTransmissionType, props);
transmissionEnable = FindProperty(kTransmissionEnable, props);
displacementMode = FindProperty(kDisplacementMode, props);
displacementLockObjectScale = FindProperty(kDisplacementLockObjectScale, props);

m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(materialID, StylesBaseLit.materialIDText);
if ((int)materialID.floatValue == (int)BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSSAndTransmission)
if ((int)materialID.floatValue == (int)BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSS)
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(sssAndTransmissionType, StylesBaseLit.SSSAndTransmissionTypeText);
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(transmissionEnable, StylesBaseLit.transmissionEnableText);
m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(supportDBuffer, StylesBaseLit.supportDBufferText);

// Set the reference value for the stencil test.
int stencilRef = (int)StencilLightingUsage.RegularLighting;
if ((int)material.GetFloat(kMaterialID) == (int)BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSSAndTransmission)
if ((int)material.GetFloat(kMaterialID) == (int)BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSS)
if ((int)material.GetFloat(kSSSAndTransmissionType) == (int)BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitSSSAndTransmission ||
(int)material.GetFloat(kSSSAndTransmissionType) == (int)BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitSSSOnly)
stencilRef = (int)StencilLightingUsage.SplitLighting;
stencilRef = (int)StencilLightingUsage.SplitLighting;
// As we tag both during velocity pass and Gbuffer pass we need a separate state and we need to use the write mask
material.SetInt(kStencilRef, stencilRef);


// clear coat
coatMask = FindProperty(kCoatMask, props);
coatMaskMap = FindProperty(kCoatMaskMap, props);
coatMaskMap = FindProperty(kCoatMaskMap, props);
// Transparency
refractionMode = FindProperty(kRefractionMode, props, false);

diffusionProfileID[layerIndex].floatValue = profileID;
if ((int)sssAndTransmissionType.floatValue == (int)BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitSSSAndTransmission || (int)sssAndTransmissionType.floatValue == (int)BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitSSSOnly)
if ((int)materialID.floatValue == (int)BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSS)
if ((int)sssAndTransmissionType.floatValue == (int)BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitSSSAndTransmission || (int)sssAndTransmissionType.floatValue == (int)BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitTransmissionOnly)
if ((int)materialID.floatValue == (int)BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitTranslucent ||
((int)materialID.floatValue == (int)BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSS && transmissionEnable.floatValue > 0.0f))
m_MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(Styles.thicknessMapText, thicknessMap[layerIndex]);
if (thicknessMap[layerIndex].textureValue != null)

switch ((BaseLitGUI.MaterialId)materialID.floatValue)
case BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSSAndTransmission:
case BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSS:
case BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitTranslucent:
ShaderSSSAndTransmissionInputGUI(material, layerIndex);
case BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitStandard:

if (!isLayeredLit)

BaseLitGUI.MaterialId materialId = (BaseLitGUI.MaterialId)material.GetFloat(kMaterialID);
BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType sssAndTransmissionType = (BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType)material.GetFloat(kSSSAndTransmissionType);
if (materialId == BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSSAndTransmission)
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING", sssAndTransmissionType == BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitSSSAndTransmission || sssAndTransmissionType == BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitSSSOnly);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_TRANSMISSION", sssAndTransmissionType == BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitSSSAndTransmission || sssAndTransmissionType == BaseLitGUI.SSSAndTransmissionType.LitTransmissionOnly);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING", false);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_TRANSMISSION", false);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING", materialId == BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSS);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_TRANSMISSION", materialId == BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitTranslucent || (materialId == BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitSSS && material.GetFloat(kTransmissionEnable) > 0.0f));
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_MATERIAL_FEATURE_ANISOTROPY", materialId == BaseLitGUI.MaterialId.LitAniso);
// No material Id for clear coat, just test the attribute


RenderSSAO(cmd, hdCamera, renderContext, postProcessLayer);
// Clear and copy the stencil texture needs to be moved to before we invoke the async light list build,
// otherwise the async compute queue can end up using that texture before the graphics queue is done with it.
// TODO: Move this code inside LightLoop
if (m_LightLoop.GetFeatureVariantsEnabled())
// For material classification we use compute shader and so can't read into the stencil, so prepare it.
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Clear and copy stencil texture", CustomSamplerId.ClearAndCopyStencilTexture.GetSampler()))
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, hdCamera, m_CameraStencilBufferCopy, ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.clearColorAllBlack);
// In the material classification shader we will simply test is we are no lighting
// Use ShaderPassID 1 => "Pass 1 - Write 1 if value different from stencilRef to output"
HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, hdCamera, m_CopyStencilForNoLighting, m_CameraStencilBufferCopy, m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer, null, 1);
GPUFence buildGPULightListsCompleteFence = new GPUFence();
if (m_FrameSettings.enableAsyncCompute)

m_LightLoop.RenderDeferredDirectionalShadow(hdCamera, m_DeferredShadowBuffer, GetDepthTexture(), cmd);
PushFullScreenDebugTexture(cmd, m_DeferredShadowBuffer, hdCamera, FullScreenDebugMode.DeferredShadows);
// TODO: Move this code inside LightLoop
if (m_LightLoop.GetFeatureVariantsEnabled())
// For material classification we use compute shader and so can't read into the stencil, so prepare it.
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Clear and copy stencil texture", CustomSamplerId.ClearAndCopyStencilTexture.GetSampler()))
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, hdCamera, m_CameraStencilBufferCopy, ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.clearColorAllBlack);
// In the material classification shader we will simply test is we are no lighting
// Use ShaderPassID 1 => "Pass 1 - Write 1 if value different from stencilRef to output"
HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, hdCamera, m_CopyStencilForNoLighting, m_CameraStencilBufferCopy, m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer, null, 1);
if (m_FrameSettings.enableAsyncCompute)


m_frameSettingsIsDirty = false;
// In Editor we can have plenty of camera that are not render at the same time as SceneView.
// It is really tricky to keep in sync with them. To have a coherent state. When a change is done
// on HDRenderPipelineAsset, we tag all camera as dirty so we are sure that they will get the
// correct default FrameSettings when the camera will be in the HDRenderPipeline.Render() call
// otherwise, as SceneView and Game camera are not in the same call Render(), Game camera that use default
// will not be update correctly.
Camera[] cameras = Camera.allCameras;
foreach (Camera camera in cameras)
var additionalCameraData = camera.GetComponent<HDAdditionalCameraData>();
if (additionalCameraData)
// Call OnAfterDeserialize that set dirty on FrameSettings


_LayerInfluenceMaskMap("LayerInfluenceMaskMap", 2D) = "white" {}
[ToggleUI] _UseHeightBasedBlend("UseHeightBasedBlend", Float) = 0.0
_HeightOffset0("Height Offset0", Float) = 0
_HeightOffset1("Height Offset1", Float) = 0
_HeightOffset2("Height Offset2", Float) = 0
_HeightOffset3("Height Offset3", Float) = 0
_HeightTransition("Height Transition", Range(0, 1.0)) = 0.0
[ToggleUI] _UseDensityMode("Use Density mode", Float) = 0.0

[HideInInspector] _DoubleSidedConstants("_DoubleSidedConstants", Vector) = (1, 1, -1, 0)
// For layering, due to combinatorial explosion, we only support SSS/Transmission and Standard. We let other case for the shader graph
[Enum(Subsurface Scattering and Transmissison, 0, Standard, 1)] _MaterialID("MaterialId", Int) = 1 // MaterialId.Standard
[Enum(Both, 0, SSS only, 1, Transmission only, 2)] _SSSAndTransmissionType("SSSandTransmissionType", Int) = 0 // SSSandTransmissionType.Both
[Enum(Subsurface Scattering, 0, Standard, 1, Translucent, 5)] _MaterialID("MaterialId", Int) = 1 // MaterialId.Standard
[ToggleUI] _TransmissionEnable("_TransmissionEnable", Float) = 1.0
[Enum(None, 0, Vertex displacement, 1, Pixel displacement, 2)] _DisplacementMode("DisplacementMode", Int) = 0
[ToggleUI] _DisplacementLockObjectScale("displacement lock object scale", Float) = 1.0


// Returns layering blend mask after application of height based blend.
float4 ApplyHeightBlend(float4 heights, float4 blendMask)
// Add offsets for all the layers.
heights = heights + float4(_HeightOffset0, _HeightOffset1, _HeightOffset2, _HeightOffset3);
// We need to mask out inactive layers so that their height does not impact the result.
float4 maskedHeights = heights * blendMask.argb;


_LayerInfluenceMaskMap("LayerInfluenceMaskMap", 2D) = "white" {}
[ToggleUI] _UseHeightBasedBlend("UseHeightBasedBlend", Float) = 0.0
_HeightOffset0("Height Offset0", Float) = 0
_HeightOffset1("Height Offset1", Float) = 0
_HeightOffset2("Height Offset2", Float) = 0
_HeightOffset3("Height Offset3", Float) = 0
_HeightTransition("Height Transition", Range(0, 1.0)) = 0.0
[ToggleUI] _UseDensityMode("Use Density mode", Float) = 0.0

[HideInInspector] _DoubleSidedConstants("_DoubleSidedConstants", Vector) = (1, 1, -1, 0)
// For layering, due to combinatorial explosion, we only support SSS/Transmission and Standard. We let other case for the shader graph
[Enum(Subsurface Scattering and Transmissison, 0, Standard, 1)] _MaterialID("MaterialId", Int) = 1 // MaterialId.Standard
[Enum(Both, 0, SSS only, 1, Transmission only, 2)] _SSSAndTransmissionType("SSSandTransmissionType", Int) = 0 // SSSandTransmissionType.Both
[Enum(Subsurface Scattering, 0, Standard, 1, Translucent, 5)] _MaterialID("MaterialId", Int) = 1 // MaterialId.Standard
[ToggleUI] _TransmissionEnable("_TransmissionEnable", Float) = 1.0
[Enum(None, 0, Tessellation displacement, 3)] _DisplacementMode("DisplacementMode", Int) = 3
[ToggleUI] _DisplacementLockObjectScale("displacement lock object scale", Float) = 1.0


// Following enum should be material feature flags (i.e bitfield), however due to Gbuffer encoding constrain many combination exclude each other
// so we use this enum as "material ID" which can be interpreted as preset of bitfield of material feature
// The only material feature flag that can be added in all cases is clear coat
[Enum(Subsurface Scattering and Transmissison, 0, Standard, 1, Anisotropy, 2, Iridescence, 3, Specular Color, 4)] _MaterialID("MaterialId", Int) = 1 // MaterialId.Standard
[Enum(Both, 0, SSS only, 1, Transmission only, 2)] _SSSAndTransmissionType("SSSandTransmissionType", Int) = 0 // SSSandTransmissionType.Both
[Enum(Subsurface Scattering, 0, Standard, 1, Anisotropy, 2, Iridescence, 3, Specular Color, 4, Translucent, 5)] _MaterialID("MaterialId", Int) = 1 // MaterialId.Standard
[ToggleUI] _TransmissionEnable("_TransmissionEnable", Float) = 1.0
[Enum(None, 0, Vertex displacement, 1, Pixel displacement, 2)] _DisplacementMode("DisplacementMode", Int) = 0
[ToggleUI] _DisplacementLockObjectScale("displacement lock object scale", Float) = 1.0


// Following enum should be material feature flags (i.e bitfield), however due to Gbuffer encoding constrain many combination exclude each other
// so we use this enum as "material ID" which can be interpreted as preset of bitfield of material feature
// The only material feature flag that can be added in all cases is clear coat
[Enum(Subsurface Scattering and Transmissison, 0, Standard, 1, Anisotropy, 2, Iridescence, 3, Specular Color, 4)] _MaterialID("MaterialId", Int) = 1 // MaterialId.Standard
[Enum(Both, 0, SSS only, 1, Transmission only, 2)] _SSSAndTransmissionType("SSSandTransmissionType", Int) = 0 // SSSandTransmissionType.Both
[Enum(Subsurface Scattering, 0, Standard, 1, Anisotropy, 2, Iridescence, 3, Specular Color, 4, Translucent, 5)] _MaterialID("MaterialId", Int) = 1 // MaterialId.Standard
[ToggleUI] _TransmissionEnable("_TransmissionEnable", Float) = 1.0
[Enum(None, 0, Tessellation displacement, 3)] _DisplacementMode("DisplacementMode", Int) = 3
[ToggleUI] _DisplacementLockObjectScale("displacement lock object scale", Float) = 1.0
