
Fixes for cases when real != float. We need to declare both real and float variants for the functions in such cases.

Mikko Strandborg 7 年前
共有 5 个文件被更改,包括 115 次插入35 次删除
  1. 6
  2. 39
  3. 27
  4. 76
  5. 2


#define HAS_HALF 1
#define real float

#define HAS_HALF 0
#endif // #ifndef real

# if defined(SHADER_API_METAL) || defined(SHADER_API_VULKAN)
# if defined(SHADER_API_METAL)
# define SHADER_TARGET 45
# else
# define SHADER_TARGET 50


return x2 + x3;
real3 SampleSH9(real4 SHCoefficients[7], real3 N)
half3 SampleSH9(half4 SHCoefficients[7], half3 N)
half4 shAr = SHCoefficients[0];
half4 shAg = SHCoefficients[1];
half4 shAb = SHCoefficients[2];
half4 shBr = SHCoefficients[3];
half4 shBg = SHCoefficients[4];
half4 shBb = SHCoefficients[5];
half4 shCr = SHCoefficients[6];
// Linear + constant polynomial terms
half3 res = SHEvalLinearL0L1(N, shAr, shAg, shAb);
// Quadratic polynomials
res += SHEvalLinearL2(N, shBr, shBg, shBb, shCr);
return res;
float3 SampleSH9(float4 SHCoefficients[7], float3 N)
real4 shAr = SHCoefficients[0];
real4 shAg = SHCoefficients[1];
real4 shAb = SHCoefficients[2];
real4 shBr = SHCoefficients[3];
real4 shBg = SHCoefficients[4];
real4 shBb = SHCoefficients[5];
real4 shCr = SHCoefficients[6];
float4 shAr = SHCoefficients[0];
float4 shAg = SHCoefficients[1];
float4 shAb = SHCoefficients[2];
float4 shBr = SHCoefficients[3];
float4 shBg = SHCoefficients[4];
float4 shBb = SHCoefficients[5];
float4 shCr = SHCoefficients[6];
real3 res = SHEvalLinearL0L1(N, shAr, shAg, shAb);
float3 res = SHEvalLinearL0L1(N, shAr, shAg, shAb);
// Quadratic polynomials
res += SHEvalLinearL2(N, shBr, shBg, shBb, shCr);

// This sample a 3D volume storing SH
// Volume is store as 3D texture with 4 R, G, B, Occ set of 4 coefficient store atlas in same 3D texture. Occ is use for occlusion.


// Compute weights & offsets for 4x bilinear taps for the biquadratic B-Spline filter.
// The fractional coordinate should be in the [0, 1] range (centered on 0.5).
// Inspired by: http://vec3.ca/bicubic-filtering-in-fewer-taps/
void BiquadraticFilter(real2 fracCoord, out real2 weights[2], out real2 offsets[2])
void BiquadraticFilter(float2 fracCoord, out float2 weights[2], out float2 offsets[2])
float2 l = BSpline2IntLeft(fracCoord);
float2 m = BSpline2IntMiddle(fracCoord);
float2 r = 1 - l - m;
// Compute offsets for 4x bilinear taps for the quadratic B-Spline reconstruction kernel.
// 0: lerp between left and middle
// 1: lerp between middle and right
weights[0] = l + 0.5 * m;
weights[1] = r + 0.5 * m;
offsets[0] = -0.5 + 0.5 * m * rcp(weights[0]);
offsets[1] = 0.5 + r * rcp(weights[1]);
// If half is natively supported, create another variant
void BiquadraticFilter(half2 fracCoord, out half2 weights[2], out half2 offsets[2])
real2 l = BSpline2IntLeft(fracCoord);
real2 m = BSpline2IntMiddle(fracCoord);
real2 r = 1 - l - m;
half2 l = BSpline2IntLeft(fracCoord);
half2 m = BSpline2IntMiddle(fracCoord);
half2 r = 1 - l - m;
// Compute offsets for 4x bilinear taps for the quadratic B-Spline reconstruction kernel.
// 0: lerp between left and middle

offsets[0] = -0.5 + 0.5 * m * rcp(weights[0]);
offsets[1] = 0.5 + r * rcp(weights[1]);


half FunctionName(half Parameter1) { FunctionBody; } \
half2 FunctionName(half2 Parameter1) { FunctionBody; } \
half3 FunctionName(half3 Parameter1) { FunctionBody; } \
half4 FunctionName(half4 Parameter1) { FunctionBody; }
half4 FunctionName(half4 Parameter1) { FunctionBody; } \
float FunctionName(float Parameter1) { FunctionBody; } \
float2 FunctionName(float2 Parameter1) { FunctionBody; } \
float3 FunctionName(float3 Parameter1) { FunctionBody; } \
float4 FunctionName(float4 Parameter1) { FunctionBody; }
#define TEMPLATE_1_INT(FunctionName, Parameter1, FunctionBody) \

half FunctionName(half Parameter1, half Parameter2) { FunctionBody; } \
half2 FunctionName(half2 Parameter1, half2 Parameter2) { FunctionBody; } \
half3 FunctionName(half3 Parameter1, half3 Parameter2) { FunctionBody; } \
half4 FunctionName(half4 Parameter1, half4 Parameter2) { FunctionBody; }
half4 FunctionName(half4 Parameter1, half4 Parameter2) { FunctionBody; } \
float FunctionName(float Parameter1, float Parameter2) { FunctionBody; } \
float2 FunctionName(float2 Parameter1, float2 Parameter2) { FunctionBody; } \
float3 FunctionName(float3 Parameter1, float3 Parameter2) { FunctionBody; } \
float4 FunctionName(float4 Parameter1, float4 Parameter2) { FunctionBody; }

half FunctionName(half Parameter1, half Parameter2, half Parameter3) { FunctionBody; } \
half2 FunctionName(half2 Parameter1, half2 Parameter2, half2 Parameter3) { FunctionBody; } \
half3 FunctionName(half3 Parameter1, half3 Parameter2, half3 Parameter3) { FunctionBody; } \
half4 FunctionName(half4 Parameter1, half4 Parameter2, half4 Parameter3) { FunctionBody; }
half4 FunctionName(half4 Parameter1, half4 Parameter2, half4 Parameter3) { FunctionBody; } \
float FunctionName(float Parameter1, float Parameter2, float Parameter3) { FunctionBody; } \
float2 FunctionName(float2 Parameter1, float2 Parameter2, float2 Parameter3) { FunctionBody; } \
float3 FunctionName(float3 Parameter1, float3 Parameter2, float3 Parameter3) { FunctionBody; } \
float4 FunctionName(float4 Parameter1, float4 Parameter2, float4 Parameter3) { FunctionBody; }
#define TEMPLATE_3_INT(FunctionName, Parameter1, Parameter2, Parameter3, FunctionBody) \

void FunctionName(inout bool3 a, inout bool3 b) { bool3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool4 a, inout bool4 b) { bool4 t = a; a = b; b = t; }
#define TEMPLATE_SWAP(FunctionName) \
void FunctionName(inout real a, inout real b) { real t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout real2 a, inout real2 b) { real2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout real3 a, inout real3 b) { real3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout real4 a, inout real4 b) { real4 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int a, inout int b) { int t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int2 a, inout int2 b) { int2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int3 a, inout int3 b) { int3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int4 a, inout int4 b) { int4 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint a, inout uint b) { uint t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint2 a, inout uint2 b) { uint2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint3 a, inout uint3 b) { uint3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint4 a, inout uint4 b) { uint4 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool a, inout bool b) { bool t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool2 a, inout bool2 b) { bool2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool3 a, inout bool3 b) { bool3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool4 a, inout bool4 b) { bool4 t = a; a = b; b = t; }
#define TEMPLATE_SWAP(FunctionName) \
void FunctionName(inout real a, inout real b) { real t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout real2 a, inout real2 b) { real2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout real3 a, inout real3 b) { real3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout real4 a, inout real4 b) { real4 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout float a, inout float b) { float t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout float2 a, inout float2 b) { float2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout float3 a, inout float3 b) { float3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout float4 a, inout float4 b) { float4 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int a, inout int b) { int t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int2 a, inout int2 b) { int2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int3 a, inout int3 b) { int3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int4 a, inout int4 b) { int4 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint a, inout uint b) { uint t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint2 a, inout uint2 b) { uint2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint3 a, inout uint3 b) { uint3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint4 a, inout uint4 b) { uint4 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool a, inout bool b) { bool t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool2 a, inout bool2 b) { bool2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool3 a, inout bool3 b) { bool3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool4 a, inout bool4 b) { bool4 t = a; a = b; b = t; }
#define TEMPLATE_SWAP(FunctionName) \
void FunctionName(inout real a, inout real b) { real t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout real2 a, inout real2 b) { real2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout real3 a, inout real3 b) { real3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout real4 a, inout real4 b) { real4 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int a, inout int b) { int t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int2 a, inout int2 b) { int2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int3 a, inout int3 b) { int3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout int4 a, inout int4 b) { int4 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint a, inout uint b) { uint t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint2 a, inout uint2 b) { uint2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint3 a, inout uint3 b) { uint3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout uint4 a, inout uint4 b) { uint4 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool a, inout bool b) { bool t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool2 a, inout bool2 b) { bool2 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool3 a, inout bool3 b) { bool3 t = a; a = b; b = t; } \
void FunctionName(inout bool4 a, inout bool4 b) { bool4 t = a; a = b; b = t; }


if (unity_ProbeVolumeParams.x == 0.0)
// TODO: pass a tab of coefficient instead!
float4 SHCoefficients[7];
real4 SHCoefficients[7];
SHCoefficients[0] = unity_SHAr;
SHCoefficients[1] = unity_SHAg;
SHCoefficients[2] = unity_SHAb;
