8 年前
共有 20 个文件被更改,包括 2982 次插入 和 10 次删除
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Creative Commons Licence |
Infinite, 3D Head Scan by Lee Perry-Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. |
Based on a work at |
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at |
Please remember: Do what you want with the files, but always mention where you got them from... |
---------------------- |
This distribution was created by Morgan McGuire and Guedis Cardenas |
||| |
Downloaded from: |
||| |
Then decompressed the Object and displacement maps .rar files. We renamed Map-COL.jpg to lambertian.jpg |
We converted the displacement file from .tif to 16-bit .png. and saved it as bump.png |
Then made a lowRes version of the bump map by rescaling it with sharpening in Photoshop using |
Autolevels to fill the dynamic range, converting 8-bit, and filling the seams with content aware fill. |
We saved this as bump-lowRes.png. |
Edited mtl file: |
Set up texture maps and adjusted the default glossy highlight. |
We added: |
map_bump -bm 0.001 bump-lowRes.png |
map_bump -bm 0.02 bump.png (high res) |
ks .0001 .0001 .0001 |
Ns 5 |
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Reference in new issue