//#define SHADOWS_OLD
using UnityEngine.Rendering ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System ;
using ShadowExp ;
class ShadowSetup : IDisposable
var varianceInit3 = varianceInit ;
varianceInit3 . baseInit . shadowmapFormat = ShadowVariance . GetFormat ( true , false , true ) ;
m_Shadowmaps = new ShadowmapBase [ ] { new ShadowExp . ShadowVariance ( ref varianceInit ) , new ShadowExp . ShadowVariance ( ref varianceInit2 ) , new ShadowExp . ShadowVariance ( ref varianceInit3 ) , new ShadowExp . ShadowAtlas ( ref atlasInit ) } ;
m_Shadowmaps = new ShadowmapBase [ ] { new ShadowExp . ShadowVariance ( ref varianceInit ) , new ShadowExp . ShadowVariance ( ref varianceInit2 ) , new ShadowExp . ShadowVariance ( ref varianceInit3 ) , new ShadowExp . ShadowAtlas ( ref atlasInit ) } ;
ShadowContext . SyncDel syncer = ( ShadowContext sc ) = >
Material m_SingleDeferredMaterialSRT = null ;
Material m_SingleDeferredMaterialMRT = null ;
// shadow related stuff
FrameId m_FrameId ;
ShadowSetup m_ShadowSetup ; // doesn't actually have to reside here, it would be enough to pass the IShadowManager in from the outside
UnityEditor . SceneView . onSceneGUIDelegate + = OnSceneGUI ;
InitShadowSystem ( ShadowSettings . Default ) ;
UnityEditor . SceneView . onSceneGUIDelegate - = OnSceneGUI ;
return new Vector3 ( light . finalColor . r , light . finalColor . g , light . finalColor . b ) ;
// Return number of added shadow
public int GetShadows ( VisibleLight light , int lightIndex , ref ShadowOutput shadowOutput , ShadowSettings shadowSettings )
return shadowOutput . GetShadowSliceCountLightIndex ( lightIndex ) ;
public bool GetDirectionalLightData ( ShadowSettings shadowSettings , GPULightType gpuLightType , VisibleLight light , AdditionalLightData additionalData , int lightIndex )
var directionalLightData = new DirectionalLightData ( ) ;
directionalLightData . tileCookie = ( light . light . cookie . wrapMode = = TextureWrapMode . Repeat ) ;
directionalLightData . cookieIndex = m_CookieTexArray . FetchSlice ( light . light . cookie ) ;
bool hasDirectionalShadows = light . light . shadows ! = LightShadows . None & & shadowOutput . GetShadowSliceCountLightIndex ( lightIndex ) ! = 0 ;
bool hasDirectionalNotReachMaxLimit = directionalShadowcount = = 0 ; // Only one cascade shadow allowed
m_lightList . directionalShadowSplitSphereSqr [ s ] = shadowOutput . directionalShadowSplitSphereSqr [ s ] ;
// fix up shadow information
int shadowIdx ;
if ( m_ShadowIndices . TryGetValue ( lightIndex , out shadowIdx ) )
directionalLightData . shadowIndex = shadowIdx ;
m_CurrentSunLight = light . light ;
m_CurrentSunLight = m_CurrentSunLight = = null ? light . light : m_CurrentSunLight ;
m_lightList . directionalLights . Add ( directionalLightData ) ;
return true ;
return 1.0f - Mathf . Clamp01 ( ( distanceToCamera - distanceFadeNear ) / ( fadeDistance - distanceFadeNear ) ) ;
public bool GetLightData ( ShadowSettings shadowSettings , Camera camera , GPULightType gpuLightType , VisibleLight light , AdditionalLightData additionalData , int lightIndex )
var lightData = new LightData ( ) ;
break ;
// Setup shadow data arrays
// In case lightData.shadowDimmer == 0.0 we need to avoid rendering the shadow map... see how it can be done with the culling (and more specifically, how can we do that BEFORE sending for shadows)
bool hasShadows = lightData . shadowDimmer > 0.0f & & light . light . shadows ! = LightShadows . None & & shadowOutput . GetShadowSliceCountLightIndex ( lightIndex ) ! = 0 ;
lightData . shadowIndex = m_lightList . shadows . Count ;
shadowCount + = GetShadows ( light , lightIndex , ref shadowOutput , shadowSettings ) ;
// fix up shadow information
int shadowIdx ;
if ( m_ShadowIndices . TryGetValue ( lightIndex , out shadowIdx ) )
lightData . shadowIndex = shadowIdx ;
if ( additionalData . archetype ! = LightArchetype . Punctual )
lightData . twoSided = additionalData . isDoubleSided ;
m_lightList . bounds . Add ( bound ) ;
m_lightList . lightVolumes . Add ( lightVolumeData ) ;
public override void PrepareLightsForGPU ( ShadowSettings shadowSettings , CullResults cullResults , Camera camera , ref ShadowOutput shadowOutput )
public override int GetCurrentShadowCount ( )
return m_ShadowRequests . Count ;
public override void PrepareLightsForGPU ( ShadowSettings shadowSettings , CullResults cullResults , Camera camera , ref ShadowOutput shadowOutput )
public override void PrepareLightsForGPU ( ShadowSettings shadowSettings , CullResults cullResults , Camera camera )
m_lightList . Clear ( ) ;
// 0. deal with shadows
m_FrameId . frameCount + + ;
int lcnt = cullResults . visibleLights . Length ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lcnt ; + + i )
if ( cullResults . visibleLights [ i ] . light . shadows ! = LightShadows . None )
VisibleLight vl = cullResults . visibleLights [ i ] ;
if ( vl . light . shadows ! = LightShadows . None & & vl . light . GetComponent < AdditionalLightData > ( ) . shadowDimmer > 0.0f )
m_ShadowRequests . Add ( i ) ;
// pass this list to a routine that assigns shadows based on some heuristic
// 5 bit (0x1F) light category, 5 bit (0x1F) GPULightType, 6 bit (0x3F) lightVolume, 16 bit index
sortKeys [ sortCount + + ] = ( uint ) lightCategory < < 2 7 | ( uint ) gpuLightType < < 2 2 | ( uint ) lightVolumeType < < 1 6 | ( uint ) lightIndex ;
// 5 bit (0x1F) light category, 5 bit (0x1F) GPULightType, 6 bit (0x3F) lightVolume, 16 bit index
sortKeys [ sortCount + + ] = ( uint ) lightCategory < < 2 7 | ( uint ) gpuLightType < < 2 2 | ( uint ) lightVolumeType < < 1 6 | ( uint ) lightIndex ;
// will be use...)
// The lightLoop is in charge, not the shadow pass.
// For now we will still apply the maximum of shadow here but we don't apply the sorting by priority + slot allocation yet
m_CurrentSunLight = null ;
// 2. Go thought all lights, convert them to GPU format.
// Create simultaneously data for culling (LigthVolumeData and rendering)
uint sortKey = sortKeys [ sortIndex ] ;
LightCategory lightCategory = ( LightCategory ) ( ( sortKey > > 2 7 ) & 0 x1F ) ;
GPULightType gpuLightType = ( GPULightType ) ( ( sortKey > > 2 2 ) & 0 x1F ) ;
LightVolumeType lightVolumeType = ( LightVolumeType ) ( ( sortKey > > 1 7 ) & 0 x1 F ) ;
LightVolumeType lightVolumeType = ( LightVolumeType ) ( ( sortKey > > 1 6 ) & 0 x3 F ) ;
LightVolumeType lightVolumeType = ( LightVolumeType ) ( ( sortKey > > 1 6 ) & 0 x3 F ) ;
LightVolumeType lightVolumeType = ( LightVolumeType ) ( ( sortKey > > 1 7 ) & 0 x1 F ) ;
int lightIndex = ( int ) ( sortKey & 0 xFFFF ) ;
// Directional rendering side, it is separated as it is always visible so no volume to handle here
if ( gpuLightType = = GPULightType . Directional )
if ( GetDirectionalLightData ( shadowSettings , gpuLightType , light , additionalData , lightIndex ) )
// fix up shadow information
int shadowIdxDir ;
if ( m_ShadowIndices . TryGetValue ( lightIndex , out shadowIdxDir ) )
var lightData = m_lightList . directionalLights [ m_lightList . directionalLights . Count - 1 ] ;
lightData . shadowIndex = shadowIdxDir ;
m_lightList . directionalLights [ m_lightList . directionalLights . Count - 1 ] = lightData ;
// Spot, point, rect, line light - Rendering side
if ( GetLightData ( shadowSettings , camera , gpuLightType , light , additionalData , lightIndex ) )
if ( lightCategory = = LightCategory . Punctual )
punctualLightcount + + ;
// Then culling side. Must be call in this order as we pass the created Light data to the function
GetLightVolumeDataAndBound ( lightCategory , gpuLightType , lightVolumeType , light , m_lightList . lights [ m_lightList . lights . Count - 1 ] , worldToView ) ;
// fix up shadow information
int shadowIdx ;
if ( m_ShadowIndices . TryGetValue ( lightIndex , out shadowIdx ) )
var lightData = m_lightList . lights [ m_lightList . lights . Count - 1 ] ;
lightData . shadowIndex = shadowIdx ;
m_lightList . lights [ m_lightList . lights . Count - 1 ] = lightData ;
// Sanity check
private void BindGlobalParams ( CommandBuffer cmd , ComputeShader computeShader , int kernelIndex , Camera camera , ScriptableRenderContext loop )
m_ShadowMgr . BindResources ( loop ) ;
SetGlobalBuffer ( "g_vLightListGlobal" , ! usingFptl ? s_PerVoxelLightLists : s_LightList ) ; // opaques list (unless MSAA possibly)
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "Push Global Parameters" } ;
// Shadows
m_ShadowMgr . SyncData ( ) ;
public override void RenderShadows ( ScriptableRenderContext renderContext , CullResults cullResults )
// kick off the shadow jobs here
m_ShadowMgr . RenderShadows ( m_FrameId , renderContext , cullResults , cullResults . visibleLights ) ;