
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into stacklit

sebastienlagarde 7 年前
共有 21 个文件被更改,包括 574 次插入183 次删除
  1. 73
  2. 10
  3. 170
  4. 3
  5. 3
  6. 6
  7. 56
  8. 2
  9. 9
  10. 14
  11. 3
  12. 3
  13. 3
  14. 8
  15. 94
  16. 48
  17. 33
  18. 4
  19. 9
  20. 195
  21. 11


#define real3x3 half3x3
#define real3x4 half3x4
#define real4x3 half4x3
#define real4x4 half4x4
#define half min16float
#define half2 min16float2
#define half3 min16float3
#define half4 min16float4
#define half2x2 min16float2x2
#define half2x3 min16float2x3
#define half3x2 min16float3x2
#define half3x3 min16float3x3
#define half3x4 min16float3x4
#define half4x3 min16float4x3
#define real4x4 half4x4
#define half min16float
#define half2 min16float2
#define half3 min16float3
#define half4 min16float4
#define half2x2 min16float2x2
#define half2x3 min16float2x3
#define half3x2 min16float3x2
#define half3x3 min16float3x3
#define half3x4 min16float3x4
#define half4x3 min16float4x3
#define half4x4 min16float4x4

// Texture utilities
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
float ComputeTextureLOD(float2 uv)
float ComputeTextureLOD(float2 uvdx, float2 uvdy, float2 scale)
float2 ddx_ = ddx(uv);
float2 ddy_ = ddy(uv);
float2 ddx_ = scale * uvdx;
float2 ddy_ = scale * uvdy;
float ComputeTextureLOD(float2 uv)
float2 ddx_ = ddx(uv);
float2 ddy_ = ddy(uv);
return ComputeTextureLOD(ddx_, ddy_, 1.0);
// x contains width, w contains height
float ComputeTextureLOD(float2 uv, float2 texelSize)

float2 uv = float2((vertexID << 1) & 2, vertexID & 2);
return float4(uv * 2.0 - 1.0, z, 1.0);
// draw procedural with 2 triangles has index order (0,1,2) (0,2,3)
// 0 - 0,0
// 1 - 0,1
// 2 - 1,1
// 3 - 1,0
float2 GetQuadTexCoord(uint vertexID)
uint topBit = vertexID >> 1;
uint botBit = (vertexID & 1);
float u = topBit;
float v = (topBit + botBit) & 1; // produces 0 for indices 0,3 and 1 for 1,2
v = 1.0 - v;
return float2(u, v);
// 0 - 0,1
// 1 - 0,0
// 2 - 1,0
// 3 - 1,1
float4 GetQuadVertexPosition(uint vertexID, float z = UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE)
uint topBit = vertexID >> 1;
uint botBit = (vertexID & 1);
float x = topBit;
float y = 1 - (topBit + botBit) & 1; // produces 1 for indices 0,3 and 0 for 1,2
return float4(x, y, z, 1.0);
#if !defined(SHADER_API_GLES)


// Default is the default rendering path define by the HDRendeRPipelineAsset FrameSettings.
// Custom allow users to define the FrameSettigns for this path
// Then enum can contain either preset of FrameSettings or hard coded path
// Unlit below is a hard coded path (a path that can't be implemented only with FrameSettings)
// FullscreenPassthrough below is a hard coded path (a path that can't be implemented only with FrameSettings)
Unlit // Hard coded path
FullscreenPassthrough // Hard coded path
public enum ClearColorMode

void UnRegisterDebug()
if (m_camera == null)
if (m_camera == null)
if (m_IsDebugRegistered)

// When LDR, unity render in 8bitSRGB, then do a final shader with sRGB conversion
// What should be done is just in our Post process we convert to sRGB and store in a linear 10bit, but require C++ change...
m_camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
if (m_camera == null)
if (m_camera == null)
m_camera.allowHDR = false;
// Tag as dirty so frameSettings are correctly initialize at next HDRenderPipeline.Render() call


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

public const int kInvalidIndex = -1;
public const int kDecalAtlasSize = 128;
public class DecalHandle
public DecalHandle(int index, int materialID)

public TextureCache2D TextureAtlas
if (m_DecalAtlas == null)
m_DecalAtlas = new TextureCache2D("DecalAtlas");
m_DecalAtlas.AllocTextureArray(2048, kDecalAtlasSize, kDecalAtlasSize, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);
return m_DecalAtlas;
public Camera CurrentCamera

static public float[] m_BoundingDistances = new float[1];
private Dictionary<int, DecalSet> m_DecalSets = new Dictionary<int, DecalSet>();
private TextureCache2D m_DecalAtlas = null;
// current camera
private Camera m_Camera;

private Texture2DAtlas m_Atlas = null;
public bool m_AllocationSuccess = true;
public Texture2DAtlas Atlas
if (m_Atlas == null)
m_Atlas = new Texture2DAtlas(HDUtils.hdrpSettings.decalSettings.atlasWidth, HDUtils.hdrpSettings.decalSettings.atlasHeight, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
return m_Atlas;
public class TextureScaleBias : IComparable
public Texture m_Texture = null;
public Vector4 m_ScaleBias = Vector4.zero;
public int CompareTo(object obj)
TextureScaleBias other = obj as TextureScaleBias;
int size = m_Texture.width * m_Texture.height;
int otherSize = other.m_Texture.width * other.m_Texture.height;
if(size > otherSize)
return -1;
else if( size < otherSize)
return 1;
return 0;
private List<TextureScaleBias> m_TextureList = new List<TextureScaleBias>();
private void InitializeMaterialValues()
public void InitializeMaterialValues()
m_DiffuseTexture = m_Material.GetTexture("_BaseColorMap");
m_NormalTexture = m_Material.GetTexture("_NormalMap");
m_MaskTexture = m_Material.GetTexture("_MaskMap");
m_Diffuse.m_Texture = m_Material.GetTexture("_BaseColorMap");
m_Normal.m_Texture = m_Material.GetTexture("_NormalMap");
m_Mask.m_Texture = m_Material.GetTexture("_MaskMap");
m_Blend = m_Material.GetFloat("_DecalBlend");

return m_NumResults;
private void GetDecalVolumeDataAndBound(Matrix4x4 decalToWorld, Matrix4x4 worldToView)
var influenceX = decalToWorld.GetColumn(0) * 0.5f;

normalToWorldBatch[instanceCount] = m_CachedNormalToWorld[decalIndex];
float fadeFactor = Mathf.Clamp((cullDistance - distanceToDecal) / (cullDistance * (1.0f - m_CachedDrawDistances[decalIndex].y)), 0.0f, 1.0f);
normalToWorldBatch[instanceCount].m03 = fadeFactor * m_Blend; // vector3 rotation matrix so bottom row and last column can be used for other data to save space
normalToWorldBatch[instanceCount].m13 = m_DiffuseTexIndex; // texture atlas indices needed for clustered
normalToWorldBatch[instanceCount].m23 = m_NormalTexIndex;
normalToWorldBatch[instanceCount].m33 = m_MaskTexIndex;
m_DecalDatas[m_DecalDatasCount].diffuseScaleBias = m_Diffuse.m_ScaleBias;
m_DecalDatas[m_DecalDatasCount].normalScaleBias = m_Normal.m_ScaleBias;
m_DecalDatas[m_DecalDatasCount].maskScaleBias = m_Mask.m_ScaleBias;
GetDecalVolumeDataAndBound(decalToWorldBatch[instanceCount], worldToView);

void UpdateTextureCache(CommandBuffer cmd)
m_DiffuseTexIndex = (m_DiffuseTexture != null) ? instance.TextureAtlas.FetchSlice(cmd, m_DiffuseTexture) : -1;
m_NormalTexIndex = (m_NormalTexture != null) ? instance.TextureAtlas.FetchSlice(cmd, m_NormalTexture) : -1;
m_MaskTexIndex = (m_MaskTexture != null) ? instance.TextureAtlas.FetchSlice(cmd, m_MaskTexture) : -1;
public void RemoveFromTextureCache()
public void AddToTextureList(ref List<TextureScaleBias> textureList)
if (m_DiffuseTexture != null)
if(m_Diffuse.m_Texture != null)
if (m_NormalTexture != null)
if (m_Normal.m_Texture != null)
if (m_MaskTexture != null)
if (m_Mask.m_Texture != null)
public void UpdateCachedMaterialData(CommandBuffer cmd)
InitializeMaterialValues(); // refresh in case they changed in the UI
public void RenderIntoDBuffer(CommandBuffer cmd)

private Matrix4x4[] m_CachedNormalToWorld = new Matrix4x4[kDecalBlockSize];
private Vector2[] m_CachedDrawDistances = new Vector2[kDecalBlockSize]; // x - draw distance, y - fade scale
private Material m_Material;
private Texture m_DiffuseTexture = null;
private Texture m_NormalTexture = null;
private Texture m_MaskTexture = null;
private int m_DiffuseTexIndex = -1;
private int m_NormalTexIndex = -1;
private int m_MaskTexIndex = -1;
TextureScaleBias m_Diffuse = new TextureScaleBias();
TextureScaleBias m_Normal = new TextureScaleBias();
TextureScaleBias m_Mask = new TextureScaleBias();
public DecalHandle AddDecal(Transform transform, float drawDistance, float fadeScale, Material material)

if (decalSet.Count == 0)

public void SetAtlas(CommandBuffer cmd)
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._DecalAtlasID, TextureAtlas.GetTexCache());
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._DecalAtlas2DID, Atlas.AtlasTexture);
public void AddTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, TextureScaleBias textureScaleBias)
if (textureScaleBias.m_Texture != null)
if (!Atlas.AddTexture(cmd, ref textureScaleBias.m_ScaleBias,textureScaleBias.m_Texture))
m_AllocationSuccess = false;
textureScaleBias.m_ScaleBias = Vector4.zero;
public void UpdateCachedMaterialData(CommandBuffer cmd)
public void UpdateCachedMaterialData()
//instance.m_AllocationSuccess = true;
pair.Value.AddToTextureList(ref m_TextureList);
public void UpdateTextureAtlas(CommandBuffer cmd)
m_AllocationSuccess = true;
foreach (TextureScaleBias textureScaleBias in m_TextureList)
AddTexture(cmd, textureScaleBias);
if (!m_AllocationSuccess) // texture failed to find space in the atlas
m_TextureList.Sort(); // sort the texture list largest to smallest for better packing
Atlas.ResetAllocator(); // clear all allocations
// try again
m_AllocationSuccess = true;
foreach (TextureScaleBias textureScaleBias in m_TextureList)
AddTexture(cmd, textureScaleBias);
if(!m_AllocationSuccess) // still failed to allocate, decal atlas size needs to increase
Debug.LogWarning("Decal texture atlas out of space, decals on transparent geometry might not render correctly, atlas size can be changed in HDRenderPipelineAsset");

public void Cleanup()
if (m_DecalAtlas != null)
if (m_Atlas != null)
m_DecalAtlas = null;
m_Atlas = null;


public class GlobalDecalSettings
public int drawDistance = 1000;
public int atlasSize = 8192;
public int atlasWidth = 4096;
public int atlasHeight = 4096;


EditorGUILayout.LabelField(_.GetContent("Decals"), EditorStyles.boldLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(d.drawDistance, _.GetContent("Draw Distance"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(d.atlasSize, _.GetContent("Atlas Size"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(d.atlasWidth, _.GetContent("Atlas Width"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(d.atlasHeight, _.GetContent("Atlas Height"));


public SerializedProperty root;
public SerializedProperty drawDistance;
public SerializedProperty atlasSize;
public SerializedProperty atlasWidth;
public SerializedProperty atlasHeight;
public SerializedGlobalDecalSettings(SerializedProperty root)

atlasSize = root.Find((GlobalDecalSettings s) => s.atlasSize);
atlasWidth = root.Find((GlobalDecalSettings s) => s.atlasWidth);
atlasHeight = root.Find((GlobalDecalSettings s) => s.atlasHeight);


if (camera.cameraType != CameraType.Reflection)
// TODO: Render only visible probes
ReflectionSystem.RenderAllRealtimeViewerDependentProbesFor(ReflectionProbeType.PlanarReflection, camera);
// First, get aggregate of frame settings base on global settings, camera frame settings and debug settings
// Note: the SceneView camera will never have additionalCameraData
var additionalCameraData = camera.GetComponent<HDAdditionalCameraData>();

// This is the main command buffer used for the frame.
var cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get("");
// Specific pass to simply display the content of the camera buffer if users have fill it themselves (like video player)
if (additionalCameraData && additionalCameraData.renderingPath == HDAdditionalCameraData.RenderingPath.FullscreenPassthrough)
if (camera.cameraType != CameraType.Reflection)
// TODO: Render only visible probes
ReflectionSystem.RenderAllRealtimeViewerDependentProbesFor(ReflectionProbeType.PlanarReflection, camera);
// Init material if needed
// TODO: this should be move outside of the camera loop but we have no command buffer, ask details to Tim or Julien to do this

m_DbufferManager.vsibleDecalCount = DecalSystem.m_DecalsVisibleThisFrame;
DecalSystem.instance.UpdateCachedMaterialData(cmd); // textures, alpha or fade distances could've changed
DecalSystem.instance.CreateDrawData(); // prepare data is separate from draw
DecalSystem.instance.UpdateCachedMaterialData(); // textures, alpha or fade distances could've changed
DecalSystem.instance.UpdateTextureAtlas(cmd); // as this is only used for transparent pass, would've been nice not to have to do this if no transparent renderers are visible
DecalSystem.instance.CreateDrawData(); // prepare data is separate from draw
renderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera, m_FrameSettings.enableStereo);

// We have to bind the material specific global parameters in this mode
m_MaterialList.ForEach(material => material.Bind());
if (additionalCameraData && additionalCameraData.renderingPath == HDAdditionalCameraData.RenderingPath.Unlit)
// TODO: Add another path dedicated to planar reflection / real time cubemap that implement simpler lighting
// It is up to the users to only send unlit object for this camera path
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Forward", CustomSamplerId.Forward.GetSampler()))
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, hdCamera, m_CameraColorBuffer, m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer, ClearFlag.Color | ClearFlag.Depth);
RenderOpaqueRenderList(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, HDShaderPassNames.s_ForwardName);
RenderTransparentRenderList(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, HDShaderPassNames.s_ForwardName);
// Frustum cull density volumes on the CPU. Can be performed as soon as the camera is set up.
DensityVolumeList densityVolumes = m_VolumetricLightingSystem.PrepareVisibleDensityVolumeList(hdCamera, cmd);

// During rendering we use our own depth buffer instead of the one provided by the scene view (because we need to be able to control its life cycle)
// In order for scene view gizmos/icons etc to be depth test correctly, we need to copy the content of our own depth buffer into the scene view depth buffer.
// On subtlety here is that our buffer can be bigger than the camera one so we need to copy only the corresponding portion
// (it's handled automatically by the copy shader because it uses a load in pxiel coordinates based on the target).
// (it's handled automatically by the copy shader because it uses a load in pixel coordinates based on the target).
// This copy will also have the effect of re-binding this depth buffer correctly for subsequent editor rendering.
// NOTE: This needs to be done before the call to RenderDebug because debug overlays need to update the depth for the scene view as well.

// Depth texture is now ready, bind it.
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._MainDepthTexture, GetDepthTexture());
// for alpha compositing, color is cleared to 0, alpha to 1
// https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/GPUGems3/gpugems3_ch23.html
Color clearColor = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, camera, m_DbufferManager.GetBuffersRTI(), m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer, ClearFlag.Color, clearColor);
// we need to do a separate clear for normals, because they are cleared to a different color
Color clearColorNormal = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); // for normals 0.5 is neutral
m_DbufferManager.ClearNormalTargetAndHTile(cmd, camera, clearColorNormal);
m_DbufferManager.ClearTargets(cmd, camera);
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, camera, m_DbufferManager.GetBuffersRTI(), m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer); // do not clear anymore
m_DbufferManager.SetHTile(m_DbufferManager.bufferCount, cmd);

HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, hdCamera, m_CameraColorBuffer, m_CameraDepthStencilBuffer);
if (m_FrameSettings.enableDBuffer) // enable d-buffer flag value is being interpreted more like enable decals in general now that we have clustered
if ((m_FrameSettings.enableDBuffer) && (DecalSystem.m_DecalsVisibleThisFrame > 0)) // enable d-buffer flag value is being interpreted more like enable decals in general now that we have clustered
DecalSystem.instance.SetAtlas(cmd); // for clustered decals


// all decal properties
public static readonly int _NormalToWorldID = Shader.PropertyToID("_NormalToWorld");
public static readonly int _DecalAtlas2DID = Shader.PropertyToID("_DecalAtlas2D");
public static readonly int _DecalAtlasID = Shader.PropertyToID("_DecalAtlas");
public static readonly int _DecalHTileTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_DecalHTileTexture");
public static readonly int _DecalIndexShift = Shader.PropertyToID("_DecalIndexShift");

public static readonly int _BlitTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_BlitTexture");
public static readonly int _BlitScaleBias = Shader.PropertyToID("_BlitScaleBias");
public static readonly int _BlitMipLevel = Shader.PropertyToID("_BlitMipLevel");
public static readonly int _BlitScaleBiasRt = Shader.PropertyToID("_BlitScaleBiasRt");
public static readonly int _WorldScales = Shader.PropertyToID("_WorldScales");
public static readonly int _FilterKernels = Shader.PropertyToID("_FilterKernels");


public static void BlitQuad(CommandBuffer cmd, Texture source, Vector4 scaleBiasTex, Vector4 scaleBiasRT, int mipLevelTex, bool bilinear)
s_PropertyBlock.SetTexture(HDShaderIDs._BlitTexture, source);
s_PropertyBlock.SetVector(HDShaderIDs._BlitScaleBias, scaleBiasTex);
s_PropertyBlock.SetVector(HDShaderIDs._BlitScaleBiasRt, scaleBiasRT);
s_PropertyBlock.SetFloat(HDShaderIDs._BlitMipLevel, mipLevelTex);
cmd.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, GetBlitMaterial(), bilinear ? 2 : 3, MeshTopology.Quads, 4, 1, s_PropertyBlock);
public static void BlitTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, RTHandle source, RTHandle destination, Vector4 scaleBias, float mipLevel, bool bilinear)
s_PropertyBlock.SetTexture(HDShaderIDs._BlitTexture, source);


public void ClearNormalTargetAndHTile(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, Color clearColor)
public void ClearTargets(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera)
// index 1 is normals
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, camera, m_RTs[1], ClearFlag.Color, clearColor);
// for alpha compositing, color is cleared to 0, alpha to 1
// https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/GPUGems3/gpugems3_ch23.html
Color clearColor = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Color clearColorNormal = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); // for normals 0.5 is neutral
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, camera, m_RTs[0], ClearFlag.Color, clearColor);
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, camera, m_RTs[1], ClearFlag.Color, clearColorNormal);
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, camera, m_RTs[2], ClearFlag.Color, clearColor);
HDUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, camera, m_HTile, ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.clearColorAllBlack);

if (frameSettings.enableDBuffer)
cmd.SetGlobalInt(HDShaderIDs._EnableDBuffer, vsibleDecalCount > 0 ? 1 : 0);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._DecalAtlasResolution, new Vector2(DecalSystem.kDecalAtlasSize, DecalSystem.kDecalAtlasSize));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._DecalAtlasResolution, new Vector2(HDUtils.hdrpSettings.decalSettings.atlasWidth, HDUtils.hdrpSettings.decalSettings.atlasHeight));


public Matrix4x4 worldToDecal;
public Matrix4x4 normalToWorld;
public Vector4 diffuseScaleBias;
public Vector4 normalScaleBias;
public Vector4 maskScaleBias;


float4x4 worldToDecal;
float4x4 normalToWorld;
float4 diffuseScaleBias;
float4 normalScaleBias;
float4 maskScaleBias;


// Must be in sync with RT declared in HDRenderPipeline.cs ::Rebuild
void EncodeIntoDBuffer( DecalSurfaceData surfaceData,
out DBufferType0 outDBuffer0,


#include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Packing.hlsl"
#include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Sampling/SampleUVMapping.hlsl"
void GetSurfaceData(float2 texCoordDS, float4x4 decalToWorld, out DecalSurfaceData surfaceData)
void GetSurfaceData(float2 texCoordDS, float4x4 normalToWorld, out DecalSurfaceData surfaceData)
float totalBlend = clamp(decalToWorld[0][3], 0.0f, 1.0f);
float totalBlend = clamp(normalToWorld[0][3], 0.0f, 1.0f);
totalBlend = surfaceData.baseColor.w; // base alpha affects aall other channels;
totalBlend = surfaceData.baseColor.w; // base alpha affects all other channels;
surfaceData.normalWS.xyz = mul((float3x3)decalToWorld, UnpackNormalmapRGorAG(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_NormalMap, sampler_NormalMap, texCoordDS))) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
surfaceData.normalWS.xyz = mul((float3x3)normalToWorld, UnpackNormalmapRGorAG(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_NormalMap, sampler_NormalMap, texCoordDS))) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
surfaceData.normalWS.w = totalBlend;


// Caution: We can't compute LOD inside a dynamic loop. The gradient are not accessible.
// we need to find a way to calculate mips. For now just fetch first mip of the decals
void ApplyBlendNormal(inout float4 dst, inout int matMask, float2 texCoords, int sliceIndex, int mapMask, float3x3 decalToWorld, float blend, float lod)
void ApplyBlendNormal(inout float4 dst, inout int matMask, float2 texCoords, int mapMask, float3x3 decalToWorld, float blend, float lod)
src.xyz = mul(decalToWorld, UnpackNormalmapRGorAG(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(_DecalAtlas, sampler_DecalAtlas, texCoords, sliceIndex, lod))) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
src.xyz = mul(decalToWorld, UnpackNormalmapRGorAG(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_DecalAtlas2D, _trilinear_clamp_sampler_DecalAtlas2D, texCoords, lod))) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
src.w = blend;
dst.xyz = src.xyz * src.w + dst.xyz * (1.0f - src.w);
dst.w = dst.w * (1.0f - src.w);

void ApplyBlendDiffuse(inout float4 dst, inout int matMask, float2 texCoords, int sliceIndex, int mapMask, inout float blend, float lod)
void ApplyBlendDiffuse(inout float4 dst, inout int matMask, float2 texCoords, int mapMask, inout float blend, float lod)
float4 src = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(_DecalAtlas, sampler_DecalAtlas, texCoords, sliceIndex, lod);
float4 src = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_DecalAtlas2D, _trilinear_clamp_sampler_DecalAtlas2D, texCoords, lod);
src.w *= blend;
blend = src.w; // diffuse texture alpha affects all other channels
dst.xyz = src.xyz * src.w + dst.xyz * (1.0f - src.w);

void ApplyBlendMask(inout float4 dst, inout int matMask, float2 texCoords, int sliceIndex, int mapMask, float blend, float lod)
void ApplyBlendMask(inout float4 dst, inout int matMask, float2 texCoords, int mapMask, float blend, float lod)
float4 src = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(_DecalAtlas, sampler_DecalAtlas, texCoords, sliceIndex, lod);
float4 src = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_DecalAtlas2D, _trilinear_clamp_sampler_DecalAtlas2D, texCoords, lod);
src.z = src.w;
src.w = blend;
dst.xyz = src.xyz * src.w + dst.xyz * (1.0f - src.w);

decalCount = _DecalCount;
decalStart = 0;
uint i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < decalCount; i++)
// get world space ddx/ddy for adjacent pixels to be used later in mipmap lod calculation
float3 positionWSDdx = ddx(positionWS);
float3 positionWSDdy = ddy(positionWS);
for (uint i = 0; i < decalCount; i++)
positionDS = positionDS * float3(1.0, -1.0, 1.0) + float3(0.5, 0.0f, 0.5);
float decalBlend = decalData.normalToWorld[0][3];
int diffuseIndex = decalData.normalToWorld[1][3];
int normalIndex = decalData.normalToWorld[2][3];
int maskIndex = decalData.normalToWorld[3][3];
float lod = ComputeTextureLOD(positionDS.xz, _DecalAtlasResolution);
decalBlend = ((all(positionDS.xyz > 0.0f) && all(1.0f - positionDS.xyz > 0.0f))) ? decalBlend : 0; // use blend of 0 instead of an 'if' because compiler moves the lod calculation inside the 'if' which causes incorrect values
// if any of the pixels in the 2x2 quad gets rejected
positionDS = positionDS * float3(1.0, -1.0, 1.0) + float3(0.5, 0.0f, 0.5); // decal clip space
if ((all(positionDS.xyz > 0.0f) && all(1.0f - positionDS.xyz > 0.0f)))
// clamp by half a texel to avoid sampling neighboring textures in the atlas
float2 clampAmount = float2(0.5f / _DecalAtlasResolution.x, 0.5f / _DecalAtlasResolution.y);
// Verified that lod calculation works with a test texture, looking at the shader code in Razor the lod calculation is outside the dynamic branches where the texture fetch happens,
// however compiler was placing it inside the branch that was rejecting the pixel, which was causing incorrect lod to be calculated for any 2x2 quad where any of the pixels were rejected,
// so had to use alpha blend of 0 instead of branching to solve that issue."
float2 diffuseMin = decalData.diffuseScaleBias.zw + clampAmount; // offset into atlas is in .zw
float2 diffuseMax = decalData.diffuseScaleBias.zw + decalData.diffuseScaleBias.xy - clampAmount; // scale relative to full atlas size is in .xy so total texture extent in atlas is (1,1) * scale
if(diffuseIndex != -1)
ApplyBlendDiffuse(DBuffer0, mask, positionDS.xz, diffuseIndex, DBUFFERHTILEBIT_DIFFUSE, decalBlend, lod);
alpha = alpha < decalBlend ? decalBlend : alpha; // use decal alpha if it higher than transparent alpha
float2 normalMin = decalData.normalScaleBias.zw + clampAmount;
float2 normalMax = decalData.normalScaleBias.zw + decalData.normalScaleBias.xy - clampAmount;
float2 maskMin = decalData.maskScaleBias.zw + clampAmount;
float2 maskMax = decalData.maskScaleBias.zw + decalData.maskScaleBias.xy - clampAmount;
float2 sampleDiffuse = clamp(positionDS.xz * decalData.diffuseScaleBias.xy + decalData.diffuseScaleBias.zw, diffuseMin, diffuseMax);
float2 sampleNormal = clamp(positionDS.xz * decalData.normalScaleBias.xy + decalData.normalScaleBias.zw, normalMin, normalMax);
float2 sampleMask = clamp(positionDS.xz * decalData.maskScaleBias.xy + decalData.maskScaleBias.zw, maskMin, maskMax);
// need to compute the mipmap LOD manually because we are sampling inside a loop
float3 positionDSDdx = mul(decalData.worldToDecal, float4(positionWSDdx, 0.0)).xyz; // transform the derivatives to decal space, any translation is irrelevant
float3 positionDSDdy = mul(decalData.worldToDecal, float4(positionWSDdy, 0.0)).xyz;
float2 sampleDiffuseDdx = positionDSDdx.xz * decalData.diffuseScaleBias.xy; // factor in the atlas scale
float2 sampleDiffuseDdy = positionDSDdy.xz * decalData.diffuseScaleBias.xy;
float lodDiffuse = ComputeTextureLOD(sampleDiffuseDdx, sampleDiffuseDdy, _DecalAtlasResolution);
float2 sampleNormalDdx = positionDSDdx.xz * decalData.normalScaleBias.xy;
float2 sampleNormalDdy = positionDSDdy.xz * decalData.normalScaleBias.xy;
float lodNormal = ComputeTextureLOD(sampleNormalDdx, sampleNormalDdy, _DecalAtlasResolution);
float2 sampleMaskDdx = positionDSDdx.xz * decalData.maskScaleBias.xy;
float2 sampleMaskDdy = positionDSDdy.xz * decalData.maskScaleBias.xy;
float lodMask = ComputeTextureLOD(sampleMaskDdx, sampleMaskDdy, _DecalAtlasResolution);
if(normalIndex != -1)
ApplyBlendNormal(DBuffer1, mask, positionDS.xz, normalIndex, DBUFFERHTILEBIT_NORMAL, (float3x3)decalData.normalToWorld, decalBlend, lod);
float decalBlend = decalData.normalToWorld[0][3];
if((decalData.diffuseScaleBias.x > 0) && (decalData.diffuseScaleBias.y > 0))
ApplyBlendDiffuse(DBuffer0, mask, sampleDiffuse, DBUFFERHTILEBIT_DIFFUSE, decalBlend, lodDiffuse);
alpha = alpha < decalBlend ? decalBlend : alpha; // use decal alpha if it is higher than transparent alpha
if ((decalData.normalScaleBias.x > 0) && (decalData.normalScaleBias.y > 0))
ApplyBlendNormal(DBuffer1, mask, sampleNormal, DBUFFERHTILEBIT_NORMAL, (float3x3)decalData.normalToWorld, decalBlend, lodNormal);
if(maskIndex != -1)
ApplyBlendMask(DBuffer2, mask, positionDS.xz, maskIndex, DBUFFERHTILEBIT_MASK, decalBlend, lod);
if ((decalData.maskScaleBias.x > 0) && (decalData.maskScaleBias.y > 0))
ApplyBlendMask(DBuffer2, mask, sampleMask, DBUFFERHTILEBIT_MASK, decalBlend, lodMask);


specularLighting *= 1.0 + bsdfData.fresnel0 * preLightData.energyCompensation;
if (_DebugLightingMode != 0)
switch (_DebugLightingMode)
diffuseLighting = lighting.direct.diffuse + bakeLightingData.bakeDiffuseLighting;
diffuseLighting = lighting.direct.diffuse + bakeLightingData.bakeDiffuseLighting;
diffuseLighting = indirectAmbientOcclusion;
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
diffuseLighting = indirectAmbientOcclusion;
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
diffuseLighting = specularOcclusion;
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
diffuseLighting = specularOcclusion;
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
diffuseLighting = GTAOMultiBounce(indirectAmbientOcclusion, bsdfData.diffuseColor);
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
diffuseLighting = GTAOMultiBounce(indirectAmbientOcclusion, bsdfData.diffuseColor);
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
diffuseLighting = GTAOMultiBounce(specularOcclusion, bsdfData.fresnel0);
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
diffuseLighting = bsdfData.diffuseColor;
diffuseLighting = GTAOMultiBounce(specularOcclusion, bsdfData.fresnel0);
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
else if (_DebugMipMapMode != DEBUGMIPMAPMODE_NONE)
diffuseLighting = bsdfData.diffuseColor;
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting


SamplerState sampler_PointClamp;
SamplerState sampler_LinearClamp;
uniform float4 _BlitScaleBias;
uniform float4 _BlitScaleBiasRt;
uniform float _BlitMipLevel;
struct Attributes

output.texcoord = GetFullScreenTriangleTexCoord(input.vertexID) * _BlitScaleBias.xy + _BlitScaleBias.zw;
return output;
Varyings VertQuad(Attributes input)
Varyings output;
output.positionCS = GetQuadVertexPosition(input.vertexID) * float4(_BlitScaleBiasRt.x, _BlitScaleBiasRt.y, 1, 1) + float4(_BlitScaleBiasRt.z, _BlitScaleBiasRt.w, 0, 0);
output.positionCS.xy = output.positionCS.xy * float2(2.0f, -2.0f) + float2(-1.0f, 1.0f); //convert to -1..1
output.texcoord = GetQuadTexCoord(input.vertexID) * _BlitScaleBias.xy + _BlitScaleBias.zw;
return output;
float4 FragNearest(Varyings input) : SV_Target

#pragma fragment FragBilinear
// 2: Nearest quad
ZWrite Off ZTest Always Blend Off Cull Off
#pragma vertex VertQuad
#pragma fragment FragNearest
// 3: Bilinear quad
ZWrite Off ZTest Always Blend Off Cull Off
#pragma vertex VertQuad
#pragma fragment FragBilinear
Fallback Off


clip(1.0 - positionDS); // Clip value above one
DecalSurfaceData surfaceData;
float4x4 decalToWorld = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(matrix, _NormalToWorld);
GetSurfaceData(positionDS.xz, decalToWorld, surfaceData);
float4x4 normalToWorld = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(matrix, _NormalToWorld);
GetSurfaceData(positionDS.xz, normalToWorld, surfaceData);
// have to do explicit test since compiler behavior is not defined for RW resources and discard instructions
if((all(positionDS.xyz > 0.0f) && all(1.0f - positionDS.xyz > 0.0f)))


if (skyContext.skyParametersHash != 0)
CoreUtils.ClearCubemap(cmd, m_SkyboxCubemapRT, Color.black, true);
if (m_SupportsConvolution)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Clear Sky Environment Pass"))
CoreUtils.ClearCubemap(cmd, m_SkyboxGGXCubemapRT, Color.black, true);
CoreUtils.ClearCubemap(cmd, m_SkyboxCubemapRT, Color.black, true);
if (m_SupportsConvolution)
CoreUtils.ClearCubemap(cmd, m_SkyboxGGXCubemapRT, Color.black, true);
skyContext.skyParametersHash = 0;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline;
using UnityEditor;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering
public class AtlasAllocator
private class AtlasNode
public AtlasNode m_RightChild = null;
public AtlasNode m_BottomChild = null;
public Vector4 m_Rect = new Vector4(0,0,0,0); // x,y is width and height (scale) z,w offset into atlas (bias)
public AtlasNode Allocate(int width, int height)
// not a leaf node, try children
if(m_RightChild != null)
AtlasNode node = m_RightChild.Allocate(width, height);
if(node == null)
node = m_BottomChild.Allocate(width, height);
return node;
//leaf node, check for fit
if ((width <= m_Rect.x) && (height <= m_Rect.y))
// perform the split
m_RightChild = new AtlasNode();
m_BottomChild = new AtlasNode();
if (width > height) // logic to decide which way to split
{ // +--------+------+
m_RightChild.m_Rect.z = m_Rect.z + width; // | | |
m_RightChild.m_Rect.w = m_Rect.w; // +--------+------+
m_RightChild.m_Rect.x = m_Rect.x - width; // | |
m_RightChild.m_Rect.y = height; // | |
// +---------------+
m_BottomChild.m_Rect.z = m_Rect.z;
m_BottomChild.m_Rect.w = m_Rect.w + height;
m_BottomChild.m_Rect.x = m_Rect.x;
m_BottomChild.m_Rect.y = m_Rect.y - height;
{ // +---+-----------+
m_RightChild.m_Rect.z = m_Rect.z + width; // | | |
m_RightChild.m_Rect.w = m_Rect.w; // | | |
m_RightChild.m_Rect.x = m_Rect.x - width; // +---+ +
m_RightChild.m_Rect.y = m_Rect.y; // | | |
// +---+-----------+
m_BottomChild.m_Rect.z = m_Rect.z;
m_BottomChild.m_Rect.w = m_Rect.w + height;
m_BottomChild.m_Rect.x = width;
m_BottomChild.m_Rect.y = m_Rect.y - height;
m_Rect.x = width;
m_Rect.y = height;
return this;
return null;
public void Release()
if (m_RightChild != null)
m_RightChild = null;
m_BottomChild = null;
private AtlasNode m_Root;
private int m_Width;
private int m_Height;
public AtlasAllocator(int width, int height)
m_Root = new AtlasNode();
m_Root.m_Rect.Set(width, height, 0, 0);
m_Width = width;
m_Height = height;
public bool Allocate(ref Vector4 result, int width, int height)
AtlasNode node = m_Root.Allocate(width, height);
if(node != null)
result = node.m_Rect;
return true;
result = Vector4.zero;
return false;
public void Release()
m_Root = new AtlasNode();
m_Root.m_Rect.Set(m_Width, m_Height, 0, 0);
public class Texture2DAtlas
private RTHandle m_AtlasTexture = null;
private int m_Width;
private int m_Height;
private RenderTextureFormat m_Format;
private AtlasAllocator m_AtlasAllocator = null;
private Dictionary<IntPtr, Vector4> m_AllocationCache = new Dictionary<IntPtr, Vector4>();
public RTHandle AtlasTexture
return m_AtlasTexture;
public Texture2DAtlas(int width, int height, RenderTextureFormat format)
m_Width = width;
m_Height = height;
m_Format = format;
m_AtlasTexture = RTHandle.Alloc(m_Width,
m_AtlasAllocator = new AtlasAllocator(width, height);
public void Release()
public void ResetAllocator()
public bool AddTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, ref Vector4 scaleBias, Texture texture)
IntPtr key = texture.GetNativeTexturePtr();
if (!m_AllocationCache.TryGetValue(key, out scaleBias))
int width = texture.width;
int height = texture.height;
if (m_AtlasAllocator.Allocate(ref scaleBias, width, height))
scaleBias.Scale(new Vector4(1.0f / m_Width, 1.0f / m_Height, 1.0f / m_Width, 1.0f / m_Height));
for (int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < (texture as Texture2D).mipmapCount; mipLevel++)
cmd.SetRenderTarget(m_AtlasTexture, mipLevel);
HDUtils.BlitQuad(cmd, texture, new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 0), scaleBias, mipLevel, false);
m_AllocationCache.Add(key, scaleBias);
return true;
return false;
return true;


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