
fixed merge errors

Paul Melamed 7 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 5 次插入8 次删除
  1. 4
  2. 9


// Forward only renderer: We always render everything
// Deferred renderer: We render a depth prepass only if engine request it. We can decide if we render everything or only opaque alpha tested object.
// Forward opaque with deferred renderer (DepthForwardOnly pass): We always render everything
void RenderDepthPrepass(CullResults cull, HDCamera hdCamera, ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, CommandBuffer cmd)
void RenderDepthPrepass(CullResults cull, HDCamera hdCamera, ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, CommandBuffer cmd, bool forcePrepass)
// In case of deferred renderer, we can have forward opaque material. These materials need to be render in the depth buffer to correctly build the light list.
// And they will tag the stencil to not be lit during the deferred lighting pass.

using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, addAlphaTestedOnly ? "Depth Prepass alpha test" : "Depth Prepass", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.DepthPrepass)))
CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT);
if (m_FrameSettings.enableDBuffer || (addFullDepthPrepass && !addAlphaTestedOnly)) // Always true in case of forward rendering, use in case of deferred rendering if requesting a full depth prepass
if (forcePrepass || (addFullDepthPrepass && !addAlphaTestedOnly)) // Always true in case of forward rendering, use in case of deferred rendering if requesting a full depth prepass
// We render first the opaque object as opaque alpha tested are more costly to render and could be reject by early-z (but not Hi-z as it is disable with clip instruction)
// This is handled automatically with the RenderQueue value (OpaqueAlphaTested have a different value and thus are sorted after Opaque)


enableForwardRenderingOnly: 0
enableDepthPrepassWithDeferredRendering: 0
enableAlphaTestOnlyInDeferredPrepass: 0
enableTransparentPrePass: 1
enableTransparentPrepass: 1
enableTransparentPostPass: 1
enableTransparentPostpass: 1
enableDistortion: 1
enablePostprocess: 1
enableStereo: 1

supportSSR: 1
supportSSAO: 1
supportSSSAndTransmission: 1
supportDBuffer: 0
supportDBuffer: 1
supportMSAA: 0
supportAsyncCompute: 0

shadowAtlasWidth: 4096
shadowAtlasHeight: 4096
sssSettings: {fileID: 0}
m_DefaultDiffuseMaterial: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 73c176f402d2c2f4d929aa5da7585d17,
type: 2}
m_DefaultShader: {fileID: 4800000, guid: 6e4ae4064600d784cac1e41a9e6f2e59, type: 3}