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using System; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline |
{ |
public class HDEditorCLI |
{ |
enum CommandLineOperation |
{ |
None, |
ResetMaterialKeywords |
} |
struct CommandLineAction |
{ |
internal CommandLineOperation operation; |
} |
const string k_SwitchOperation = "-operation"; |
public static void Run() |
{ |
var args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); |
var action = ParseCommandLine(args); |
Execute(action); |
} |
static void Execute(CommandLineAction action) |
{ |
switch (action.operation) |
{ |
case CommandLineOperation.ResetMaterialKeywords: |
{ |
Console.WriteLine("[HDEditorCLI][ResetMaterialKeywords] Starting material reset"); |
var matIds = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Material"); |
for (int i = 0, length = matIds.Length; i < length; i++) |
{ |
var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(matIds[i]); |
var mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Material>(path); |
if (HDEditorUtils.ResetMaterialKeywords(mat)) |
Console.WriteLine("[HDEditorCLI][ResetMaterialKeywords] " + path); |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
static CommandLineAction ParseCommandLine(string[] args) |
{ |
CommandLineAction action = new CommandLineAction(); |
for (int i = 0, length = args.Length; i < length; ++i) |
{ |
switch (args[i]) |
{ |
case k_SwitchOperation: |
{ |
if (i + 1 < length) |
{ |
++i; |
try |
{ |
action.operation = (CommandLineOperation)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommandLineOperation), args[i]); |
} |
catch (Exception e) { } |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
return action; |
} |
} |
} |
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# Execute the HDEditorCLI from a powsershell scripts |
# UNITY_PATH environment variable must be set to the folder containing Unity.exe |
Param |
( |
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)] |
[ValidateSet("ResetMaterialKeywords")] |
[String] |
$Operation |
) |
function FindUnityProjectRootPath |
{ |
Param |
( |
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)] |
[string] |
$Path |
) |
$folderName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension("$Path"); |
$currentPath = $Path; |
while ($folderName -ne "Assets" -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty("$currentPath")) |
{ |
$currentPath = Split-Path -Path $currentPath -Parent; |
$folderName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension("$currentPath"); |
} |
return Split-Path -Path $currentPath -Parent; |
} |
function FindUnityBin |
{ |
return [System.IO.Path]::Combine("$env:UNITY_PATH", "Unity.exe"); |
} |
function GetLogFilePath |
{ |
Param |
( |
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)] |
[string] |
$ProjectPath |
) |
$libPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine("$ProjectPath", "Library"); |
if (-not [System.IO.Directory]::Exists("$libPath")) |
{ |
[System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory("$libPath"); |
} |
return [System.IO.Path]::Combine("$libPath", "hdcli.log"); |
} |
$projectPath = FindUnityProjectRootPath $PSScriptRoot; |
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty("$projectPath")) |
{ |
throw "Unity Project Path was not found" |
} |
$unityPath = FindUnityBin |
if (-not [System.IO.File]::Exists("$unityPath")) |
{ |
throw "Unity binary was not found at $unityPath"; |
} |
$logFilePath = GetLogFilePath $projectPath |
$cmd = $unityPath; |
$params = '-projectPath', "$projectPath", '-quit', '-batchmode', '-logFile', "$logFilePath", '-executeMethod', 'UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.HDEditorCLI.Run', '-operation', "$Operation" |
if (Test-Path $logFilePath) |
{ |
Remove-Item $logFilePath |
} |
Start-Process $cmd $params |
while ((Test-Path $logFilePath) -eq $false) |
{ |
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 |
} |
$readJob = Start-Job -Name Reader -Arg $logFilePath -ScriptBlock { |
param($file) |
Get-Content $file -Tail 1 -Wait |
} |
Write-Host "Starting Task" |
while ($true) |
{ |
$lines = Receive-Job -Name Reader |
$theEnd = $false; |
foreach ($line in $lines) |
{ |
if ($line.Contains("[HDEditorCLI]")) |
{ |
Write-Host $line; |
} |
if ($line.Contains("Exiting batchmode")) |
{ |
$theEnd = $true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if ($theEnd) |
{ break; } |
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 |
} |
Stop-Job $readJob |
Write-Host "Task Complete" |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: a07b31caef0cfb741b72f94fd0139c89 |
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assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
Shader "Hidden/HDRenderPipeline/OpaqueAtmosphericScattering" |
{ |
SubShader |
{ |
Pass |
{ |
Cull Off |
ZTest Always |
ZWrite Off |
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha |
#pragma target 4.5 |
#pragma only_renderers d3d11 ps4 metal // TEMP: until we go further in dev |
#pragma vertex Vert |
#pragma fragment Frag |
#pragma enable_d3d11_debug_symbols |
#include "../../Core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl" |
#include "../ShaderVariables.hlsl" |
#include "AtmosphericScattering/AtmosphericScattering.hlsl" |
struct Attributes |
{ |
uint vertexID : SV_VertexID; |
}; |
struct Varyings |
{ |
float4 positionCS : SV_POSITION; |
}; |
Varyings Vert(Attributes input) |
{ |
Varyings output; |
output.positionCS = GetFullScreenTriangleVertexPosition(input.vertexID); |
return output; |
} |
float4 Frag(Varyings input) : SV_Target |
{ |
PositionInputs posInput = GetPositionInput(input.positionCS.xy,; |
float depth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_MainDepthTexture, posInput.unPositionSS).x; |
UpdatePositionInput(depth, _InvViewProjMatrix, _ViewProjMatrix, posInput); |
return EvaluateAtmosphericScattering(posInput); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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timeCreated: 1507736585 |
licenseType: Pro |
ShaderImporter: |
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defaultTextures: [] |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
// ================================================================================================== |
// This shader is a copy of sky-procedural available in legacy Unity |
// It's been ported to HDRP in order to have a basic procedural sky |
// It has been left mostly untouched but has been adapted to run per-pixel instead of per vertex |
// ================================================================================================== |
Shader "Hidden/HDRenderPipeline/Sky/SkyProcedural" |
{ |
#pragma vertex Vert |
#pragma fragment Frag |
#pragma target 4.5 |
#pragma only_renderers d3d11 ps4 metal // TEMP: until we go further in dev |
#pragma multi_compile _ _ENABLE_SUN_DISK |
#include "../../../../Core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" |
#include "../../../../Core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl" |
#include "../../../../Core/ShaderLibrary/CommonLighting.hlsl" |
float4 _SkyParam; // x exposure, y multiplier, z rotation |
float4x4 _PixelCoordToViewDirWS; // Actually just 3x3, but Unity can only set 4x4 |
float _SunSize; |
float _SunSizeConvergence; |
float _AtmosphereThickness; |
float4 _SkyTint; |
float4 _GroundColor; |
float4 _SunColor; |
float3 _SunDirection; |
struct Attributes |
{ |
uint vertexID : SV_VertexID; |
}; |
struct Varyings |
{ |
float4 positionCS : SV_POSITION; |
}; |
Varyings Vert(Attributes input) |
{ |
Varyings output; |
output.positionCS = GetFullScreenTriangleVertexPosition(input.vertexID, UNITY_RAW_FAR_CLIP_VALUE); |
return output; |
} |
// RGB wavelengths |
// .35 (.62=158), .43 (.68=174), .525 (.75=190) |
static const float3 kDefaultScatteringWavelength = float3(.65, .57, .475); |
static const float3 kVariableRangeForScatteringWavelength = float3(.15, .15, .15); |
#define OUTER_RADIUS 1.025 |
static const float kOuterRadius = OUTER_RADIUS; |
static const float kOuterRadius2 = OUTER_RADIUS*OUTER_RADIUS; |
static const float kInnerRadius = 1.0; |
static const float kInnerRadius2 = 1.0; |
static const float kCameraHeight = 0.0001; |
#define kRAYLEIGH (lerp(0.0, 0.0025, pow(_AtmosphereThickness,2.5))) // Rayleigh constant |
#define kMIE 0.0010 // Mie constant |
#define kSUN_BRIGHTNESS 20.0 // Sun brightness |
#define kMAX_SCATTER 50.0 // Maximum scattering value, to prevent math overflows on Adrenos |
static const float kHDSundiskIntensityFactor = 15.0; |
static const float kSimpleSundiskIntensityFactor = 27.0; |
static const float kSunScale = 400.0 * kSUN_BRIGHTNESS; |
static const float kKmESun = kMIE * kSUN_BRIGHTNESS; |
static const float kKm4PI = kMIE * 4.0 * 3.14159265; |
static const float kScale = 1.0 / (OUTER_RADIUS - 1.0); |
static const float kScaleDepth = 0.25; |
static const float kScaleOverScaleDepth = (1.0 / (OUTER_RADIUS - 1.0)) / 0.25; |
static const float kSamples = 2.0; // THIS IS UNROLLED MANUALLY, DON'T TOUCH |
#define MIE_G (-0.990) |
#define MIE_G2 0.9801 |
// Calculates the Rayleigh phase function |
float getRayleighPhase(float eyeCos2) |
{ |
return 0.75 + 0.75*eyeCos2; |
} |
float getRayleighPhase(float3 light, float3 ray) |
{ |
float eyeCos = dot(light, ray); |
return getRayleighPhase(eyeCos * eyeCos); |
} |
float scale(float inCos) |
{ |
float x = 1.0 - inCos; |
return 0.25 * exp(-0.00287 + x*(0.459 + x*(3.83 + x*(-6.80 + x*5.25)))); |
} |
// Calculates the Mie phase function |
float getMiePhase(float eyeCos, float eyeCos2) |
{ |
float temp = 1.0 + MIE_G2 - 2.0 * MIE_G * eyeCos; |
temp = pow(max(temp, 0), pow(_SunSize,0.65) * 10); |
temp = max(temp,1.0e-4); // prevent division by zero, esp. in float precision |
temp = 1.5 * ((1.0 - MIE_G2) / (2.0 + MIE_G2)) * (1.0 + eyeCos2) / temp; |
temp = pow(temp, .454545); |
#endif |
return temp; |
} |
// Calculates the sun shape |
float calcSunAttenuation(float3 lightPos, float3 ray) |
{ |
float focusedEyeCos = pow(saturate(dot(lightPos, ray)), _SunSizeConvergence); |
return getMiePhase(-focusedEyeCos, focusedEyeCos * focusedEyeCos); |
} |
float4 Frag(Varyings input) : SV_Target |
{ |
// Points towards the camera |
float3 viewDirWS = normalize(mul(float3(input.positionCS.xy, 1.0), (float3x3)_PixelCoordToViewDirWS)); |
// Reverse it to point into the scene |
float3 dir = -viewDirWS; |
// Rotate direction |
float phi = DegToRad(_SkyParam.z); |
float cosPhi, sinPhi; |
sincos(phi, sinPhi, cosPhi); |
float3 rotDirX = float3(cosPhi, 0, -sinPhi); |
float3 rotDirY = float3(sinPhi, 0, cosPhi); |
dir = float3(dot(rotDirX, dir), dir.y, dot(rotDirY, dir)); |
float3 kScatteringWavelength = lerp ( |
kDefaultScatteringWavelength-kVariableRangeForScatteringWavelength, |
kDefaultScatteringWavelength+kVariableRangeForScatteringWavelength, |
float3(1,1,1) - _SkyTint); // using Tint in sRGB gamma allows for more visually linear interpolation and to keep (.5) at (128, gray in sRGB) point |
float3 kInvWavelength = 1.0 / pow(kScatteringWavelength, 4); |
float kKr4PI = kRAYLEIGH * 4.0 * 3.14159265; |
float3 cameraPos = float3(0,kInnerRadius + kCameraHeight,0); // The camera's current position |
// Get the ray from the camera to the vertex and its length (which is the far point of the ray passing through the atmosphere) |
float3 eyeRay = dir; // normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_ObjectToWorld,; |
float far = 0.0; |
float3 cIn = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
float3 cOut = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
float3 groundColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
float3 skyColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
// Modification for per-pixel procedural sky: |
// Contrary to the legacy version that is run per-vertex, this version is per pixel. |
// The fact that it was run per-vertex means that the colors were never computed at the horizon. |
// Now that it's per vertex, we reach the limitation of the computation at the horizon where a very bright line appears. |
// To avoid that, we clampe the height of the eye ray just above and below the horizon for sky and ground respectively. |
// Another modification to make this work was to add ground and sky contribution instead of lerping between them. |
// For this to work we also needed to change slightly the computation so that cIn and cOut factor computed for the sky did not affect ground and vice versa (it was the case before) so that we can add both contribution without adding energy |
float horizonThreshold = 0.02; |
if(eyeRay.y >= 0.0) |
{ |
float3 clampedEyeRay = eyeRay; |
clampedEyeRay.y = max(clampedEyeRay.y, horizonThreshold); |
// Sky |
// Calculate the length of the "atmosphere" |
far = sqrt(kOuterRadius2 + kInnerRadius2 * clampedEyeRay.y * clampedEyeRay.y - kInnerRadius2) - kInnerRadius * clampedEyeRay.y; |
float3 pos = cameraPos + far * clampedEyeRay; |
// Calculate the ray's starting position, then calculate its scattering offset |
float height = kInnerRadius + kCameraHeight; |
float depth = exp(kScaleOverScaleDepth * (-kCameraHeight)); |
float startAngle = dot(clampedEyeRay, cameraPos) / height; |
float startOffset = depth*scale(startAngle); |
// Initialize the scattering loop variables |
float sampleLength = far / kSamples; |
float scaledLength = sampleLength * kScale; |
float3 sampleRay = clampedEyeRay * sampleLength; |
float3 samplePoint = cameraPos + sampleRay * 0.5; |
// Now loop through the sample rays |
float3 frontColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
for(int i=0; i<int(kSamples); i++) |
{ |
float sampleHeight = length(samplePoint); |
float sampleDepth = exp(kScaleOverScaleDepth * (kInnerRadius - sampleHeight)); |
float lightAngle = dot(, samplePoint) / sampleHeight; |
float cameraAngle = dot(clampedEyeRay, samplePoint) / sampleHeight; |
float scatter = (startOffset + sampleDepth*(scale(lightAngle) - scale(cameraAngle))); |
float3 attenuate = exp(-clamp(scatter, 0.0, kMAX_SCATTER) * (kInvWavelength * kKr4PI + kKm4PI)); |
frontColor += attenuate * (sampleDepth * scaledLength); |
samplePoint += sampleRay; |
} |
// Finally, scale the Mie and Rayleigh colors and set up the varying variables for the pixel shader |
cIn = frontColor * (kInvWavelength * kKrESun); |
cOut = frontColor * kKmESun; |
skyColor = _SkyParam.y * (cIn * getRayleighPhase(, -eyeRay)); |
} |
else |
{ |
float3 clampedEyeRay = eyeRay; |
clampedEyeRay.y = min(clampedEyeRay.y, -horizonThreshold); |
// Ground |
far = (-kCameraHeight) / (min(-0.001, clampedEyeRay.y)); |
float3 pos = cameraPos + far * clampedEyeRay; |
// Calculate the ray's starting position, then calculate its scattering offset |
float depth = exp((-kCameraHeight) * (1.0/kScaleDepth)); |
float cameraAngle = dot(-clampedEyeRay, pos); |
float lightAngle = dot(, pos); |
float cameraScale = scale(cameraAngle); |
float lightScale = scale(lightAngle); |
float cameraOffset = depth*cameraScale; |
float temp = (lightScale + cameraScale); |
// Initialize the scattering loop variables |
float sampleLength = far / kSamples; |
float scaledLength = sampleLength * kScale; |
float3 sampleRay = clampedEyeRay * sampleLength; |
float3 samplePoint = cameraPos + sampleRay * 0.5; |
// Now loop through the sample rays |
float3 frontColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
float3 attenuate; |
{ |
float sampleHeight = length(samplePoint); |
float sampleDepth = exp(kScaleOverScaleDepth * (kInnerRadius - sampleHeight)); |
float scatter = sampleDepth*temp - cameraOffset; |
attenuate = exp(-clamp(scatter, 0.0, kMAX_SCATTER) * (kInvWavelength * kKr4PI + kKm4PI)); |
frontColor += attenuate * (sampleDepth * scaledLength); |
samplePoint += sampleRay; |
} |
cIn = frontColor * (kInvWavelength * kKrESun + kKmESun); |
cOut = clamp(attenuate, 0.0, 1.0); |
groundColor = _SkyParam.y * (cIn + _GroundColor * _GroundColor * cOut); |
} |
float3 sunColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
// The sun should have a stable intensity in its course in the sky. Moreover it should match the highlight of a purely specular material. |
// This matching was done using the standard shader BRDF1 on the 5/31/2017 |
// Finally we want the sun to be always bright even in LDR thus the normalization of the lightColor for low intensity. |
float lightColorIntensity = clamp(length(, 0.25, 1); |
sunColor = kHDSundiskIntensityFactor * saturate(cOut) * / lightColorIntensity; |
#endif |
float3 col = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
// if y > 1 [eyeRay.y < -SKY_GROUND_THRESHOLD] - ground |
// if y >= 0 and < 1 [eyeRay.y <= 0 and > -SKY_GROUND_THRESHOLD] - horizon |
// if y < 0 [eyeRay.y > 0] - sky |
float y = -eyeRay.y / SKY_GROUND_THRESHOLD; |
col = groundColor + skyColor; |
if(y < 0.0) |
{ |
col += sunColor * calcSunAttenuation(, eyeRay); |
} |
#endif |
return float4(col * exp2(_SkyParam.x), 1.0); |
} |
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TEXTURECUBE(_SkyTexture); |
SAMPLERCUBE(sampler_SkyTexture); // NOTE: Sampler could be share here with _EnvTextures. Don't know if the shader compiler will complain... |
CBUFFER_START(SkyParameters) |
float _SkyTextureMipCount; |
float4 SampleSkyTexture(float3 texCoord) |
{ |
return SAMPLE_TEXTURECUBE(_SkyTexture, sampler_SkyTexture, texCoord); |
} |
float4 SampleSkyTexture(float3 texCoord, float lod) |
{ |
return SAMPLE_TEXTURECUBE_LOD(_SkyTexture, sampler_SkyTexture, texCoord, lod); |
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Reference in new issue