// Optimized math. Ref: PBR Diffuse Lighting for GGX + Smith Microsurfaces (slide 114).
float NdotL = saturate(dot(N, L)); // Must have the same value without the clamp
if (NdotL <= 0.0)
float LdotV = dot(L, V);
float invLenLV = rsqrt(max(2 * LdotV + 2, FLT_EPS)); // invLenLV = rcp(length(L + V)) - caution about the case where V and L are opposite, it can happen, use max to avoid this
float DV;
F *= F_Schlick(preLightData.baseFresnel0, LdotH);
F *= F_Schlick(preLightData.baseFresnel0, LdotH)
// We avoid divergent evaluation of the GGX, as that nearly doubles the cost.
// If the tile has anisotropy, all the pixels within the tile are evaluated as anisotropic.
EvaluateLight_Directional(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, bakeLightingData, N, L, color, attenuation);
// Note: We use NdotL here to early out, but in case of clear coat this is not correct. But we are ok with this