
Add support for pyramid lights

Evgenii Golubev 7 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 70 次插入37 次删除
  1. 2
  2. 105


return (d >= 0);
// 'coneAxisX' and 'coneAxisY' should be pre-scaled by by cot(halfAngle).
// Can support cones with an elliptic base: pre-scale 'coneAxisX' and 'coneAxisY' by (h/r_x) and (h/r_y).
// Returns parametric distances 'tEntr' and 'tExit' along the ray,
// subject to constraints 'tMin' and 'tMax'.
bool ConeRayIntersect(float3 rayOrigin, float3 rayDirection,


void FillVolumetricLightingBuffer(LightLoopContext context, uint featureFlags,
PositionInputs posInput, Ray ray)
BakeLightingData unusedData; // Unused, so define once
BakeLightingData unused; // Unused, so define once
float z0 = 0, t0 = 0; // Start at the origin of the ray
float de = rcp(VBUFFER_SLICE_COUNT); // Log-encoded distance between slices

float3 L = -lightData.forward; // Lights point backwards in Unity
float3 color; float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Directional(context, posInput, lightData, unusedData, 0, L,
EvaluateLight_Directional(context, posInput, lightData, unused, 0, L,
// Compute transmittance from 't0' to 't'.
intensity *= TransmittanceHomogeneousMedium(extinction, tOffset);
// Compute the amount of in-scattered radiance.
sampleRadiance += intensity * color;

lightStart = 0;
// TODO: since lights are sorted, make a while loop per light type.
for (uint i = 0; i < lightCount; ++i)
if (lightCount > 0)
LightData lightData = FetchLight(lightStart, i);
int lightType = lightData.lightType;
LightData lightData = FetchLight(lightStart, 0);
uint i = 0, last = lightCount - 1;
// TODO...
if (lightType != GPULIGHTTYPE_POINT && lightType != GPULIGHTTYPE_SPOT) continue;
// Box lights require special handling (see the next while loop).
while (i <= last && lightData.lightType != GPULIGHTTYPE_PROJECTOR_BOX)
float tEntr = tMin;
float tExit = tMax;
float tEntr = tMin;
float tExit = tMax;
bool sampleLight = true;
if (lightType == GPULIGHTTYPE_SPOT)
if (!ConeRayIntersect(ray.originWS, ray.directionWS,
lightData.positionWS, lightData.forward,
lightData.right, lightData.up,
tMin, tMax, tEntr, tExit))
// Perform ray-cone intersection for pyramid and spot lights.
if (lightData.lightType != GPULIGHTTYPE_POINT)
// 'lightData.right' and 'lightData.up' vectors are pre-scaled on the CPU
// s.t. if you were to place them at the distance of 1 directly in front
// of the light, they would give you the "footprint" of the light.
float3 coneAxisX = lightData.right;
float3 coneAxisY = lightData.up;
// For spot lights, the cone fit is exact.
// For pyramid lights, however, this is the "inscribed" cone
// (contained within the pyramid), and we want to intersect
// the "escribed" cone (which contains the pyramid).
// Therefore, we have to scale the radii by the sqrt(2).
// TODO: pre-scale this on the CPU.
coneAxisX *= rsqrt(2);
coneAxisY *= rsqrt(2);
sampleLight = ConeRayIntersect(ray.originWS, ray.directionWS,
lightData.positionWS, lightData.forward,
coneAxisX, coneAxisY,
tMin, tMax, tEntr, tExit);
float t, distSq, rcpPdf;
ImportanceSamplePunctualLight(rndVal, lightData.positionWS,
ray.originWS, ray.directionWS,
tEntr, tExit, t, distSq, rcpPdf);
if (sampleLight)
float t, distSq, rcpPdf;
ImportanceSamplePunctualLight(rndVal, lightData.positionWS,
ray.originWS, ray.directionWS,
tEntr, tExit, t, distSq, rcpPdf);
posInput.positionWS = GetPointAtDistance(ray, t);
posInput.positionWS = GetPointAtDistance(ray, t);
float3 lightToSample = posInput.positionWS - lightData.positionWS;
float dist = sqrt(distSq);
float3 L = -lightToSample * rsqrt(distSq);
float3 lightToSample = posInput.positionWS - lightData.positionWS;
float dist = sqrt(distSq);
float3 L = -lightToSample * rsqrt(distSq);
float3 color; float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Punctual(context, posInput, lightData, unusedData, 0, L, dist, distSq,
color, attenuation);
float3 color; float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Punctual(context, posInput, lightData, unused, 0, L, dist, distSq,
color, attenuation);
float intensity = attenuation * rcpPdf;
float intensity = attenuation * rcpPdf;
// Compute transmittance from 't0' to 't'.
intensity *= TransmittanceHomogeneousMedium(extinction, t - t0);
// Compute transmittance from 't0' to 't'.
intensity *= TransmittanceHomogeneousMedium(extinction, t - t0);
// Compute the amount of in-scattered radiance.
sampleRadiance += color * intensity;
// Compute the amount of in-scattered radiance.
sampleRadiance += color * intensity;
lightData = FetchLight(lightStart, min(++i, last));
while (i <= last)
lightData = FetchLight(lightStart, min(++i, last));
// The voxel is completely inside the light cluster.
// Check whether the voxel is completely inside the light cluster.
if (clusterIndices[0] == clusterIndices[1]) break;

// Compute the transmittance up to the start of the interval.
// Compute the transmittance from the camera to 't0'.
float transmittance = Transmittance(opticalDepth);
// Integral{a, b}{Transmittance(0, t) * Li(t) dt} = Transmittance(0, a) * Integral{a, b}{Transmittance(0, t - a) * Li(t) dt}.
