
Add and/or rename to legacy Unity shader variables

Evgenii Golubev 7 年前
共有 11 个文件被更改,包括 90 次插入118 次删除
  1. 48
  2. 12
  3. 18
  4. 2
  5. 2
  6. 6
  7. 2
  8. 2
  9. 2
  10. 98
  11. 16


public Matrix4x4 viewMatrix;
public Matrix4x4 projMatrix;
public Matrix4x4 nonJitteredProjMatrix;
public Vector4 cameraPositionWS;
public Vector4 worldSpaceCameraPos;
public float detViewMatrix;
public Vector4 screenSize;
public Frustum frustum;

public Vector2 taaFrameRotation;
public Vector4 depthBufferParams;
public Vector4 frustumParams;
public Vector4 zBufferParams;
public Vector4 unity_OrthoParams;
public Vector4 projectionParams;
public Vector4 screenParams;
public PostProcessRenderContext postprocessRenderContext;

public bool isFirstFrame { get; private set; }
// Ref: An Efficient Depth Linearization Method for Oblique View Frustums, Eq. 6.
// TODO: pass this as "_DepthBufferParams" if the projection matrix is oblique.
// TODO: pass this as "_ZBufferParams" if the projection matrix is oblique.
public Vector4 invProjParam

// In stereo, this corresponds to the center eye position
var pos = camera.transform.position;
cameraPositionWS = pos;
worldSpaceCameraPos = pos;
if (ShaderConfig.s_CameraRelativeRendering != 0)

float scale = projMatrix[2, 3] / (f * n) * (f - n);
bool depth_0_1 = Mathf.Abs(scale) < 1.5f;
bool reverseZ = scale > 0;
bool flipProj = projMatrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).y < 0;
depthBufferParams = new Vector4(-1 + f/n, 1, -1/f + 1/n, 1/f);
zBufferParams = new Vector4(-1 + f/n, 1, -1/f + 1/n, 1/f);
depthBufferParams = new Vector4(1 - f/n, f/n, 1/f - 1/n, 1/n);
zBufferParams = new Vector4(1 - f/n, f/n, 1/f - 1/n, 1/n);
projectionParams = new Vector4(flipProj ? -1 : 1, n, f, 1.0f / f);
frustumParams = new Vector4(n, f, orthoWidth, orthoHeight);
unity_OrthoParams = new Vector4(orthoWidth, orthoHeight, 0, camera.orthographic ? 1 : 0);
frustum = Frustum.Create(viewProjMatrix, depth_0_1, reverseZ);

m_CameraScaleBias.x = (float)m_ActualWidth / maxWidth;
m_CameraScaleBias.y = (float)m_ActualHeight / maxHeight;
screenSize = new Vector4(screenWidth, screenHeight, 1.0f / screenWidth, 1.0f / screenHeight);
screenSize = new Vector4(screenWidth, screenHeight, 1.0f / screenWidth, 1.0f / screenHeight);
screenParams = new Vector4(screenSize.x, screenSize.y, 1 + screenSize.z, 1 + screenSize.w);
// Stopgap method used to extract stereo combined matrix state.

// Set up UnityPerView CBuffer.
public void SetupGlobalParams(CommandBuffer cmd, float currentTime, float previousTime)
public void SetupGlobalParams(CommandBuffer cmd, float time, float lastTime)
cmd.SetGlobalMatrix(HDShaderIDs._ViewMatrix, viewMatrix);
cmd.SetGlobalMatrix(HDShaderIDs._InvViewMatrix, viewMatrix.inverse);

cmd.SetGlobalMatrix(HDShaderIDs._InvViewProjMatrix, viewProjMatrix.inverse);
cmd.SetGlobalMatrix(HDShaderIDs._NonJitteredViewProjMatrix, nonJitteredViewProjMatrix);
cmd.SetGlobalMatrix(HDShaderIDs._PrevViewProjMatrix, prevViewProjMatrix);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._CameraPositionWS, cameraPositionWS);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._WorldSpaceCameraPos, worldSpaceCameraPos);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._DepthBufferParams, depthBufferParams);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._FrustumParams, frustumParams);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._ZBufferParams, zBufferParams);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._ProjectionParams, projectionParams);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs.unity_OrthoParams, unity_OrthoParams);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._ScreenParams, screenParams);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._TaaFrameRotation, taaFrameRotation);
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray(HDShaderIDs._FrustumPlanes, frustumPlaneEquations);

float ct = animateMaterials ? currentTime : 0;
float pt = animateMaterials ? previousTime : 0;
float ct = animateMaterials ? time : 0;
float pt = animateMaterials ? lastTime : 0;
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._CurrentTime, new Vector4(ct * 0.05f, ct, ct * 2.0f, ct * 3.0f));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._PreviousTime, new Vector4(pt * 0.05f, pt, pt * 2.0f, pt * 3.0f));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._DeltaTime, new Vector4(dt, 1.0f / dt, sdt, 1.0f / sdt));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._SinCurrentTime, new Vector4(Mathf.Sin(ct * 0.125f), Mathf.Sin(ct * 0.25f), Mathf.Sin(ct * 0.5f), Mathf.Sin(ct)));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._CosCurrentTime, new Vector4(Mathf.Cos(ct * 0.125f), Mathf.Cos(ct * 0.25f), Mathf.Cos(ct * 0.5f), Mathf.Cos(ct)));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._Time, new Vector4(ct * 0.05f, ct, ct * 2.0f, ct * 3.0f));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._LastTime, new Vector4(pt * 0.05f, pt, pt * 2.0f, pt * 3.0f));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs.unity_DeltaTime, new Vector4(dt, 1.0f / dt, sdt, 1.0f / sdt));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._SinTime, new Vector4(Mathf.Sin(ct * 0.125f), Mathf.Sin(ct * 0.25f), Mathf.Sin(ct * 0.5f), Mathf.Sin(ct)));
cmd.SetGlobalVector(HDShaderIDs._CosTime, new Vector4(Mathf.Cos(ct * 0.125f), Mathf.Cos(ct * 0.25f), Mathf.Cos(ct * 0.5f), Mathf.Cos(ct)));
public void SetupGlobalStereoParams(CommandBuffer cmd)


// Use to detect frame changes
int m_FrameCount;
float m_PreviousTime, m_CurrentTime;
float m_LastTime, m_Time;
public int GetCurrentShadowCount() { return m_LightLoop.GetCurrentShadowCount(); }
public int GetShadowAtlasCount() { return m_LightLoop.GetShadowAtlasCount(); }

// Set up UnityPerView CBuffer.
hdCamera.SetupGlobalParams(cmd, m_CurrentTime, m_PreviousTime);
hdCamera.SetupGlobalParams(cmd, m_Time, m_LastTime);
if (m_FrameSettings.enableStereo) hdCamera.SetupGlobalStereoParams(cmd);

newFrame = (t - m_CurrentTime) > 0.0166f;
newFrame = (t - m_Time) > 0.0166f;
if (newFrame) m_FrameCount++;

// Make sure both are never 0.
m_PreviousTime = (m_CurrentTime > 0) ? m_CurrentTime : t;
m_CurrentTime = t;
m_LastTime = (m_Time > 0) ? m_Time : t;
m_Time = t;

// Overwrite camera properties set during the shadow pass with the original camera properties.
renderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera, m_FrameSettings.enableStereo);
hdCamera.SetupGlobalParams(cmd, m_CurrentTime, m_PreviousTime);
hdCamera.SetupGlobalParams(cmd, m_Time, m_LastTime);
if (m_FrameSettings.enableStereo) hdCamera.SetupGlobalStereoParams(cmd);


public static readonly int _UseTileLightList = Shader.PropertyToID("_UseTileLightList");
public static readonly int _CurrentTime = Shader.PropertyToID("_CurrentTime");
public static readonly int _PreviousTime = Shader.PropertyToID("_PreviousTime");
public static readonly int _SinCurrentTime = Shader.PropertyToID("_SinCurrentTime");
public static readonly int _CosCurrentTime = Shader.PropertyToID("_CosCurrentTime");
public static readonly int _DeltaTime = Shader.PropertyToID("_DeltaTime");
public static readonly int _Time = Shader.PropertyToID("_Time");
public static readonly int _LastTime = Shader.PropertyToID("_LastTime");
public static readonly int _SinTime = Shader.PropertyToID("_SinTime");
public static readonly int _CosTime = Shader.PropertyToID("_CosTime");
public static readonly int unity_DeltaTime = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_DeltaTime");
public static readonly int _EnvLightSkyEnabled = Shader.PropertyToID("_EnvLightSkyEnabled");
public static readonly int _AmbientOcclusionParam = Shader.PropertyToID("_AmbientOcclusionParam");

public static readonly int _DecalCount = Shader.PropertyToID("_DecalCount");
public static readonly int _DecalDatas = Shader.PropertyToID("_DecalDatas");
public static readonly int _CameraPositionWS = Shader.PropertyToID("_CameraPositionWS");
public static readonly int _WorldSpaceCameraPos = Shader.PropertyToID("_WorldSpaceCameraPos");
public static readonly int _ViewMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("_ViewMatrix");
public static readonly int _InvViewMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("_InvViewMatrix");
public static readonly int _ProjMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("_ProjMatrix");

public static readonly int _InvViewProjMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("_InvViewProjMatrix");
public static readonly int _DetViewMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("_DetViewMatrix");
public static readonly int _DepthBufferParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_DepthBufferParams");
public static readonly int _FrustumParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_FrustumParams");
public static readonly int _ZBufferParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_ZBufferParams");
public static readonly int _ProjectionParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_ProjectionParams");
public static readonly int unity_OrthoParams = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_OrthoParams");
public static readonly int _ScreenParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_ScreenParams");
public static readonly int _ScreenToTargetScale = Shader.PropertyToID("_ScreenToTargetScale");
public static readonly int _PrevViewProjMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("_PrevViewProjMatrix");
public static readonly int _FrustumPlanes = Shader.PropertyToID("_FrustumPlanes");


float LoadDepth(float2 positionSS, int level)
float pyramidDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_DepthPyramidTexture, int2(positionSS.xy) >> level, level).r;
float linearDepth = LinearEyeDepth(pyramidDepth, _DepthBufferParams);
float linearDepth = LinearEyeDepth(pyramidDepth, _ZBufferParams);
return linearDepth;


float weight = weightNDC.x * weightNDC.y;
float hitDeviceDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_DepthPyramidTexture, hit.positionSS, 0).r;
float hitLinearDepth = LinearEyeDepth(hitDeviceDepth, _DepthBufferParams);
float hitLinearDepth = LinearEyeDepth(hitDeviceDepth, _ZBufferParams);
// Exit if texel is out of color buffer
// Or if the texel is from an object in front of the object


float3 irradiance = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_IrradianceSource, pixelCoord).rgb;
float depth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_DepthTexture, pixelCoord).r;
return float4(irradiance, LinearEyeDepth(depth, _DepthBufferParams));
return float4(irradiance, LinearEyeDepth(depth, _ZBufferParams));
// Returns {irradiance, linearDepth}.

UNITY_BRANCH if (passedStencilTest)
centerDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_DepthTexture, pixelCoord).r;
centerViewZ = LinearEyeDepth(centerDepth, _DepthBufferParams);
centerViewZ = LinearEyeDepth(centerDepth, _ZBufferParams);

// Save some bandwidth by only loading depth values for SSS pixels.
UNITY_BRANCH if (TestLightingForSSS(irradiance2))
viewZ2 = LinearEyeDepth(LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_DepthTexture, pixelCoord2).r, _DepthBufferParams);
viewZ2 = LinearEyeDepth(LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_DepthTexture, pixelCoord2).r, _ZBufferParams);
// Populate the border region of the LDS cache.


// Ref #1: Skin Rendering by Pseudo–Separable Cross Bilateral Filtering.
// Ref #2: Separable SSS, Supplementary Materials, Section E.
float rawDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_MainDepthTexture, samplePosition).r;
float sampleDepth = LinearEyeDepth(rawDepth, _DepthBufferParams);
float sampleDepth = LinearEyeDepth(rawDepth, _ZBufferParams);
float zDistance = centimPerUnit * sampleDepth - (centimPerUnit * centerPosVS.z);
sampleWeight *= exp(-zDistance * zDistance * halfRcpVariance);


ApplyVertexModification(inputMesh, normalWS, previousPositionWS, _PreviousTime);
ApplyVertexModification(inputMesh, normalWS, previousPositionWS, _LastTime);
//Need this since we are using the current position from VertMesh()


// TODO: deal with camera center rendering and instancing (This is the reason why we always perform two steps transform to clip space + instancing matrix)
ApplyVertexModification(input, normalWS, positionWS, _CurrentTime);
ApplyVertexModification(input, normalWS, positionWS, _Time);
positionWS = GetCameraRelativePositionWS(positionWS);


#define unity_CameraInvProjection unity_StereoCameraInvProjection[unity_StereoEyeIndex]
#define unity_WorldToCamera unity_StereoWorldToCamera[unity_StereoEyeIndex]
#define unity_CameraToWorld unity_StereoCameraToWorld[unity_StereoEyeIndex]
#define _CameraPositionWS unity_StereoWorldSpaceCameraPos[unity_StereoEyeIndex]
#define _WorldSpaceCameraPos unity_StereoWorldSpaceCameraPos[unity_StereoEyeIndex]
// *****************************************************
// * *
// * UnityPerCamera has been deprecated. Do NOT use! *
// * Please refer to UnityPerView instead. *
// * *
// *****************************************************
// Time (t = time since current level load) values from Unity
// DEPRECATED: use _CurrentTime, _PreviousTime, _DeltaTime, _SinCurrentTime, _CosCurrentTime
float4 _Time; // (t/20, t, t*2, t*3)
float4 _LastTime; // Last frame time (t/20, t, t*2, t*3)
float4 _SinTime; // sin(t/8), sin(t/4), sin(t/2), sin(t)
float4 _CosTime; // cos(t/8), cos(t/4), cos(t/2), cos(t)
float4 unity_DeltaTime; // dt, 1/dt, smoothdt, 1/smoothdt
// DEPRECATED: use _CameraPositionWS
float3 _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
// x = 1 or -1 (-1 if projection is flipped)
// y = near plane
// z = far plane
// w = 1/far plane
float4 _ProjectionParams;
// x = width
// y = height
// z = 1 + 1.0/width
// w = 1 + 1.0/height
// DEPRECATED: use _ScreenSize
float4 _ScreenParams;
// Values used to linearize the Z buffer (http://www.humus.name/temp/Linearize%20depth.txt)
// x = 1-far/near
// y = far/near
// z = x/far
// w = y/far
// or in case of a reversed depth buffer (UNITY_REVERSED_Z is 1)
// x = -1+far/near
// y = 1
// z = x/far
// w = 1/far
// DEPRECATED: use _DepthBufferParams
float4 _ZBufferParams;
// x = orthographic camera's width
// y = orthographic camera's height
// z = unused
// w = 1.0 if camera is ortho, 0.0 if perspective
// DEPRECATED: use _FrustumParams, IsPerspectiveProjection()
float4 unity_OrthoParams;
// *********************************************************
// * *

float3 _Align16;
float3 _CameraPositionWS;
float3 _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
float _DetViewMatrix; // determinant(_ViewMatrix)
float4 _ScreenSize; // { w, h, 1 / w, 1 / h }

// y = 1
// z = -1/n + -1/f
// w = 1/f
float4 _DepthBufferParams;
float4 _ZBufferParams;
// x = near plane
// y = far plane
// z = orthographic camera's width (0 if perspective)
// w = orthographic camera's height (0 if perspective)
float4 _FrustumParams;
// x = 1 or -1 (-1 if projection is flipped)
// y = near plane
// z = far plane
// w = 1/far plane
float4 _ProjectionParams;
float4 _FrustumPlanes[6]; // { (a, b, c) = N, d = -dot(N, P) } [L, R, T, B, N, F]
// x = orthographic camera's width
// y = orthographic camera's height
// z = unused
// w = 1.0 if camera is ortho, 0.0 if perspective
float4 unity_OrthoParams;
// t = animateMaterials ? Time.realtimeSinceStartup : 0.
float4 _CurrentTime; // { t/20, t, t*2, t*3 }
float4 _PreviousTime; // { t/20, t, t*2, t*3 }
float4 _DeltaTime; // { dt, 1/dt, smoothdt, 1/smoothdt }
float4 _SinCurrentTime; // { sin(t/8), sin(t/4), sin(t/2), sin(t) }
float4 _CosCurrentTime; // { cos(t/8), cos(t/4), cos(t/2), cos(t) }
// x = width
// y = height
// z = 1 + 1.0/width
// w = 1 + 1.0/height
float4 _ScreenParams;
float4 _FrustumPlanes[6]; // { (a, b, c) = N, d = -dot(N, P) } [L, R, T, B, N, F]
// t = animateMaterials ? Time.realtimeSinceStartup : 0.
float4 _Time; // { t/20, t, t*2, t*3 }
float4 _LastTime; // { t/20, t, t*2, t*3 }
float4 _SinTime; // { sin(t/8), sin(t/4), sin(t/2), sin(t) }
float4 _CosTime; // { cos(t/8), cos(t/4), cos(t/2), cos(t) }
float4 unity_DeltaTime; // { dt, 1/dt, smoothdt, 1/smoothdt }
// Volumetric lighting.
float4 _AmbientProbeCoeffs[7]; // 3 bands of SH, packed, rescaled and convolved with the phase function


float3 GetAbsolutePositionWS(float3 positionWS)
positionWS += _CameraPositionWS;
positionWS += _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
return positionWS;

positionWS -= _CameraPositionWS;
positionWS -= _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
// Note: '_CameraPositionWS' is set by the legacy Unity code.
return _CameraPositionWS;
return _WorldSpaceCameraPos;

return GetPrimaryCameraPosition();
// This is a generic solution.
// However, for the primary camera, using '_CameraPositionWS' is better for cache locality,
// However, using '_WorldSpaceCameraPos' is better for cache locality,
// and in case we enable camera-relative rendering, we can statically set the position is 0.
return UNITY_MATRIX_I_V._14_24_34;

// Returns 'true' if the current view performs a perspective projection.
bool IsPerspectiveProjection()
return (unity_OrthoParams.w == 0);
// This is a generic solution.
// However, using 'unity_OrthoParams' is better for cache locality.
// TODO: set 'unity_OrthoParams' during the shadow pass.
// Computes the world space view direction (pointing towards the viewer).
