struct ScreenSpaceRayHit |
{ |
float distance; // Distance raymarched |
float distanceSS; // Distance raymarched (SS) |
float linearDepth; // Linear depth of the hit point |
uint2 positionSS; // Position of the hit point (SS) |
float2 positionNDC; // Position of the hit point (NDC) |
// Utilities |
// ------------------------------------------------- |
// Calculate the ray origin and direction in TXS |
// out positionTXS : (x, y, 1/depth) |
// out rayTXS : (x, y, 1/depth) |
void CalculateRayTXS( |
// Calculate the ray origin and direction in SS |
// out positionSS : (x, y, 1/depth) |
// out raySS : (x, y, 1/depth) |
void CalculateRaySS( |
out float3 positionTXS, |
out float3 rayTXS) |
out float3 positionSS, |
out float3 raySS) |
{ |
float3 positionVS = rayOriginVS; |
float3 rayEndVS = rayOriginVS + rayDirVS * 10; |
float2 positionNDC = ComputeNormalizedDeviceCoordinates(positionVS, projectionMatrix); |
float2 rayEndNDC = ComputeNormalizedDeviceCoordinates(rayEndVS, projectionMatrix); |
float3 rayStartTXS = float3( |
float3 rayStartSS = float3( |
float3 rayEndTXS = float3( |
float3 rayEndSS = float3( |
positionTXS = rayStartTXS; |
rayTXS = rayEndTXS - rayStartTXS; |
positionSS = rayStartSS; |
raySS = rayEndSS - rayStartSS; |
} |
// Check whether the depth of the ray is above the sampled depth |
} |
// Sample the Depth buffer at a specific mip and linear depth |
float LoadDepth(float2 positionTXS, int level) |
float LoadDepth(float2 positionSS, int level) |
float pyramidDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_PyramidDepthTexture, int2(positionTXS.xy) >> level, level).r; |
float pyramidDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_PyramidDepthTexture, int2(positionSS.xy) >> level, level).r; |
float LoadInvDepth(float2 positionTXS, int level) |
float LoadInvDepth(float2 positionSS, int level) |
float linearDepth = LoadDepth(positionTXS, level); |
float linearDepth = LoadDepth(positionSS, level); |
float invLinearDepth = 1 / linearDepth; |
return invLinearDepth; |
} |
} |
// Calculate intersection between the ray and the depth plane |
// positionTXS.z is 1/depth |
// rayTXS.z is 1/depth |
float3 IntersectDepthPlane(float3 positionTXS, float3 rayTXS, float invDepth, out float distance) |
// positionSS.z is 1/depth |
// raySS.z is 1/depth |
float3 IntersectDepthPlane(float3 positionSS, float3 raySS, float invDepth, out float distanceSS) |
// The depth of the intersection with the depth plane is: positionTXS.z + rayTXS.z * t = invDepth |
distance = (invDepth - positionTXS.z) / rayTXS.z; |
// The depth of the intersection with the depth plane is: positionSS.z + raySS.z * t = invDepth |
distanceSS = (invDepth - positionSS.z) / raySS.z; |
distance = distance >= 0.0f ? (distance + EPSILON) : 1E5; |
distanceSS = distanceSS >= 0.0f ? (distanceSS + EPSILON) : 1E5; |
return positionTXS + rayTXS * distance; |
return positionSS + raySS * distanceSS; |
float3 positionTXS, |
float3 rayTXS, |
float2 invRayTXS, |
float3 positionSS, |
float3 raySS, |
float2 invRaySS, |
out float distance) |
out float distanceSS) |
float2 distanceToCellAxes = float2(planes - positionTXS.xy) * invRayTXS; // (distance to x axis, distance to y axis) |
distance = min(distanceToCellAxes.x, distanceToCellAxes.y); |
float2 distanceToCellAxes = float2(planes - positionSS.xy) * invRaySS; // (distance to x axis, distance to y axis) |
distanceSS = min(distanceToCellAxes.x, distanceToCellAxes.y); |
float3 testHitPositionTXS = positionTXS + rayTXS * distance; |
float3 testHitPositionSS = positionSS + raySS * distanceSS; |
testHitPositionTXS.xy += (distanceToCellAxes.x < distanceToCellAxes.y) |
testHitPositionSS.xy += (distanceToCellAxes.x < distanceToCellAxes.y) |
return testHitPositionTXS; |
return testHitPositionSS; |
} |
void FillScreenSpaceRaymarchingHitDebug( |
uint2 bufferSize, |
float3 rayDirVS, |
float3 rayTXS, |
float3 startPositionTXS, |
float3 raySS, |
float3 startPositionSS, |
bool hitSuccessful, |
int iteration, |
int maxIterations, |
switch (_DebugLightingSubMode) |
{ |
debugOutput = float3(float2(startPositionTXS.xy) / bufferSize, 0); |
debugOutput = float3(float2(startPositionSS.xy) / bufferSize, 0); |
debugOutput = float3(rayTXS.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, frac(0.1 / rayTXS.z)); |
debugOutput = float3(raySS.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, frac(0.1 / raySS.z)); |
debugOutput = frac(hit.distance * 0.1); |
debugOutput = frac(hit.distanceSS * 0.1); |
break; |
debugOutput = frac(hit.linearDepth * 0.1); |
} |
void FillScreenSpaceRaymarchingPreLoopDebug( |
float3 startPositionTXS, |
float3 startPositionSS, |
debug.startPositionSSX = uint(startPositionTXS.x); |
debug.startPositionSSY = uint(startPositionTXS.y); |
debug.startLinearDepth = 1 / startPositionTXS.z; |
debug.startPositionSSX = uint(startPositionSS.x); |
debug.startPositionSSY = uint(startPositionSS.y); |
debug.startLinearDepth = 1 / startPositionSS.z; |
float3 rayTXS, |
float3 raySS, |
debug.hitDistance = hit.distance; |
debug.rayTXS = rayTXS; |
debug.raySS = raySS; |
debug.resultHitDepth = hit.linearDepth; |
} |
void FillScreenSpaceRaymarchingPreIterationDebug( |
void FillScreenSpaceRaymarchingPostIterationDebug( |
int iteration, |
uint2 cellSize, |
float3 positionTXS, |
float3 positionSS, |
float hitDistanceSS, |
float invHiZDepth, |
inout ScreenSpaceTracingDebug debug) |
{ |
debug.cellSizeH = cellSize.y; |
debug.positionTXS = positionTXS; |
debug.hitLinearDepth = 1 / positionTXS.z; |
debug.hitPositionSS = uint2(positionTXS.xy); |
debug.positionSS = positionSS; |
debug.hitLinearDepth = 1 / positionSS.z; |
debug.hitPositionSS = uint2(positionSS.xy); |
debug.hitDistanceSS = hitDistanceSS; |
debug.hiZLinearDepth = 1 / invHiZDepth; |
} |
} |
{ |
uint mipLevel = clamp(_SSRayMinLevel, 0, int(_PyramidDepthMipSize.z)); |
uint2 bufferSize = uint2(_PyramidDepthMipSize.xy); |
uint2 referencePositionSS = input.referencePositionNDC * bufferSize; |
float depth = LoadDepth(input.referencePositionNDC * (bufferSize >> mipLevel), mipLevel); |
float depth = LoadDepth(referencePositionSS >> mipLevel, mipLevel); |
// Calculate projected distance from the ray origin to the depth plane |
float depthFromReference = depth - input.referenceLinearDepth; |
float hitDistance = depthFromRayOrigin / dot(input.depthNormalWS, input.rayDirWS); |
float3 hitPositionWS = input.rayOriginWS + input.rayDirWS * hitDistance; |
hit.distance = hitDistance; |
hit.distanceSS = length(hit.positionSS - referencePositionSS); |
float3(0, 0, 0), // rayTXS |
float3(0, 0, 0), // startPositionTXS |
float3(0, 0, 0), // raySS |
float3(0, 0, 0), // startPositionSS |
true, // hitSuccessful |
1, // iteration |
1, // iterationMax |
FillScreenSpaceRaymarchingPostIterationDebug( |
1, // iteration |
uint2(1, 1), // cellSize |
float3(0, 0, 0), // positionTXS |
float3(0, 0, 0), // positionSS |
hit.distanceSS, // hitDistanceSS |
float3(0, 0, 0), // rayTXS |
float3(0, 0, 0), // raySS |
hit, |
debug); |
_DebugScreenSpaceTracingData[0] = debug; |
int maxMipLevel = min(_SSRayMaxLevel, int(_PyramidDepthMipSize.z)); |
uint2 bufferSize = uint2(_PyramidDepthMipSize.xy); |
float3 startPositionTXS; |
float3 rayTXS; |
CalculateRayTXS( |
float3 startPositionSS; |
float3 raySS; |
CalculateRaySS( |
startPositionTXS, |
rayTXS); |
startPositionSS, |
raySS); |
FillScreenSpaceRaymarchingPreLoopDebug(startPositionTXS, debug); |
FillScreenSpaceRaymarchingPreLoopDebug(startPositionSS, debug); |
float2 invRayTXS = float2(1, 1) / rayTXS.xy; |
float2 invRaySS = float2(1, 1) / raySS.xy; |
int2 cellPlanes = sign(rayTXS.xy); |
int2 cellPlanes = sign(raySS.xy); |
float2 crossOffset = CROSS_OFFSET * cellPlanes; |
cellPlanes = clamp(cellPlanes, 0, 1); |
float3 positionTXS = startPositionTXS; |
float3 positionSS = startPositionSS; |
while (currentLevel >= minMipLevel) |
{ |
int mipLevelDelta = -1; |
// Sampled as 1/Z so it interpolate properly in screen space. |
const float invHiZDepth = LoadInvDepth(positionTXS.xy, currentLevel); |
float iterationDistance = 0; |
const float invHiZDepth = LoadInvDepth(positionSS.xy, currentLevel); |
float iterationDistanceSS = 0; |
if (IsPositionAboveDepth(positionTXS.z, invHiZDepth)) |
if (IsPositionAboveDepth(positionSS.z, invHiZDepth)) |
float3 candidatePositionTXS = IntersectDepthPlane(positionTXS, rayTXS, invHiZDepth, iterationDistance); |
float3 candidatePositionSS = IntersectDepthPlane(positionSS, raySS, invHiZDepth, iterationDistanceSS); |
const int2 cellId = int2(positionTXS.xy) / cellSize; |
const int2 candidateCellId = int2(candidatePositionTXS.xy) / cellSize; |
const int2 cellId = int2(positionSS.xy) / cellSize; |
const int2 candidateCellId = int2(candidatePositionSS.xy) / cellSize; |
candidatePositionTXS = IntersectCellPlanes( |
positionTXS, |
rayTXS, |
invRayTXS, |
candidatePositionSS = IntersectCellPlanes( |
positionSS, |
raySS, |
invRaySS, |
iterationDistance); |
iterationDistanceSS); |
positionTXS = candidatePositionTXS; |
positionSS = candidatePositionSS; |
hit.distance += iterationDistance; |
hit.distanceSS += iterationDistanceSS; |
currentLevel = min(currentLevel + mipLevelDelta, maxMipLevel); |
iteration, |
cellSize, |
positionTXS, |
iterationDistance, |
positionSS, |
iterationDistanceSS, |
hit.distanceSS, |
if (any(int2(positionTXS.xy) > bufferSize) |
|| any(positionTXS.xy < 0)) |
if (any(int2(positionSS.xy) > bufferSize) |
|| any(positionSS.xy < 0)) |
{ |
hitSuccessful = false; |
break; |
} |
hit.linearDepth = 1 / positionTXS.z; |
hit.positionNDC = float2(positionTXS.xy) / float2(bufferSize); |
hit.positionSS = uint2(positionTXS.xy); |
hit.linearDepth = 1 / positionSS.z; |
hit.positionNDC = float2(positionSS.xy) / float2(bufferSize); |
hit.positionSS = uint2(positionSS.xy); |
} |
rayTXS, |
raySS, |
bufferSize, input.rayDirVS, rayTXS, startPositionTXS, hitSuccessful, iteration, MAX_ITERATIONS, maxMipLevel, maxUsedLevel, |
bufferSize, input.rayDirVS, raySS, startPositionSS, hitSuccessful, iteration, MAX_ITERATIONS, maxMipLevel, maxUsedLevel, |
hit); |
if (input.writeStepDebug) |
_DebugScreenSpaceTracingData[0] = debug; |
int level = clamp(_SSRayMinLevel, 0, int(_PyramidDepthMipSize.z)); |
uint2 bufferSize = uint2(_PyramidDepthMipSize.xy); |
float3 startPositionTXS; |
float3 rayTXS; |
CalculateRayTXS( |
float3 startPositionSS; |
float3 raySS; |
CalculateRaySS( |
startPositionTXS, |
rayTXS); |
startPositionSS, |
raySS); |
FillScreenSpaceRaymarchingPreLoopDebug(startPositionTXS, debug); |
FillScreenSpaceRaymarchingPreLoopDebug(startPositionSS, debug); |
float maxAbsAxis = max(abs(rayTXS.x), abs(rayTXS.y)); |
float maxAbsAxis = max(abs(raySS.x), abs(raySS.y)); |
hit.distance = 1 / startPositionTXS.z; |
hit.linearDepth = 1 / startPositionTXS.z; |
hit.positionSS = uint2(startPositionTXS.xy); |
hit.distanceSS = 1 / startPositionSS.z; |
hit.linearDepth = 1 / startPositionSS.z; |
hit.positionSS = uint2(startPositionSS.xy); |
rayTXS /= max(abs(rayTXS.x), abs(rayTXS.y)); |
rayTXS *= _SSRayMinLevel; |
raySS /= max(abs(raySS.x), abs(raySS.y)); |
raySS *= _SSRayMinLevel; |
float3 positionTXS = startPositionTXS; |
float distanceStepSS = length(raySS.xy); |
float3 positionSS = startPositionSS; |
// TODO: We should have a for loop from the starting point to the far/near plane |
while (iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS) |
{ |
positionTXS += rayTXS; |
float invHiZDepth = LoadInvDepth(positionTXS.xy, _SSRayMinLevel); |
positionSS += raySS; |
hit.distanceSS += distanceStepSS; |
float invHiZDepth = LoadInvDepth(positionSS.xy, _SSRayMinLevel); |
positionTXS, |
1 / rayTXS.z, |
positionSS, |
1 / raySS.z, |
hit.distanceSS, |
if (!IsPositionAboveDepth(positionTXS.z, invHiZDepth)) |
if (!IsPositionAboveDepth(positionSS.z, invHiZDepth)) |
{ |
hitSuccessful = true; |
break; |
if (any(int2(positionTXS.xy) > bufferSize) |
|| any(positionTXS.xy < 0)) |
if (any(int2(positionSS.xy) > bufferSize) |
|| any(positionSS.xy < 0)) |
{ |
hitSuccessful = false; |
break; |
} |
hit.linearDepth = 1 / positionTXS.z; |
hit.positionNDC = float2(positionTXS.xy) / float2(bufferSize); |
hit.positionSS = uint2(positionTXS.xy); |
hit.linearDepth = 1 / positionSS.z; |
hit.positionNDC = float2(positionSS.xy) / float2(bufferSize); |
hit.positionSS = uint2(positionSS.xy); |
} |
rayTXS, |
raySS, |
bufferSize, input.rayDirVS, rayTXS, startPositionTXS, hitSuccessful, iteration, MAX_ITERATIONS, 0, 0, |
bufferSize, input.rayDirVS, raySS, startPositionSS, hitSuccessful, iteration, MAX_ITERATIONS, 0, 0, |
hit); |
if (input.writeStepDebug) |
_DebugScreenSpaceTracingData[0] = debug; |