Tim Cooper
9 年前
共有 25 个文件被更改,包括 105 次插入 和 600 次删除
using System.IO; |
using UnityEditor.ProjectWindowCallback; |
using UnityEngine.MaterialGraph; |
/*public class CreateShaderSubGraph : EndNameEditActionCallback |
public class CreateShaderSubGraph : EndNameEditAction |
[MenuItem("Assets/Create/Shader Sub-Graph", false, 209)] |
[MenuItem("Assets/Create/Shader Sub Graph", false, 208)] |
"New Shader SubGraph.ShaderSubGraph", null, null); |
"New Shader Sub-Graph.ShaderSubGraph", null, null); |
var graph = CreateInstance<MaterialSubGraph>(); |
var graph = CreateInstance<MaterialSubGraphAsset>(); |
graph.AddSubAssetsToAsset(); |
graph.PostCreate(); |
}*/ |
} |
} |
using UnityEditor.Graphing; |
using UnityEditor.Graphing.Drawing; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
using UnityEngine.MaterialGraph; |
namespace UnityEditor.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[CustomNodeUI(typeof(AbstractSubGraphIONode))] |
public class SubGraphIONodeUI : ICustomNodeUi |
{ |
private AbstractSubGraphIONode m_Node; |
public float GetNodeUiHeight(float width) |
{ |
return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; |
} |
public GUIModificationType Render(Rect area) |
{ |
return GUIModificationType.None; |
} |
public void SetNode(INode node) |
{ |
if (node is AbstractSubGraphIONode) |
m_Node = (AbstractSubGraphIONode) node; |
} |
public float GetNodeWidth() |
{ |
return 100; |
} |
} |
} |
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timeCreated: 1465809586 |
licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Serializable] |
public abstract class AbstractMaterialGraph : SerializableGraph |
{ |
public IEnumerable<AbstractMaterialNode> materialNodes |
{ |
get { return nodes.OfType<AbstractMaterialNode>(); } |
} |
public bool requiresRepaint |
{ |
get { return nodes.Any(x => x is IRequiresTime); } |
} |
public override void AddNode(INode node) |
{ |
if (node is AbstractMaterialNode) |
{ |
base.AddNode(node); |
} |
else |
{ |
Debug.LogWarningFormat("Trying to add node {0} to Material graph, but it is not a {1}", node, typeof(AbstractMaterialNode)); |
} |
} |
public override bool RequiresConstantRepaint() |
{ |
return nodes.OfType<IRequiresTime>().Any(); |
} |
/*public PreviewRenderUtility previewUtility |
{ |
get |
{ |
if (m_PreviewUtility == null) |
{ |
m_PreviewUtility = new PreviewRenderUtility(); |
EditorUtility.SetCameraAnimateMaterials(m_PreviewUtility.m_Camera, true); |
} |
return m_PreviewUtility; |
} |
} |
[NonSerialized] |
private PreviewRenderUtility m_PreviewUtility;*/ |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 2b0e8711e6be02b46b0f59cdc792d962 |
timeCreated: 1464601236 |
licenseType: Pro |
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defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
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assetBundleVariant: |
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guid: fb1baf5d764fd6543ae40a4772ed0299 |
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licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
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fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 562bd27a5e73fc64d80a1d9d936ffbd5 |
timeCreated: 1464601236 |
licenseType: Pro |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
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fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 8ca34891049f83b43ba622e89782529d |
timeCreated: 1464601236 |
licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
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assetBundleName: |
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fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 2d360593fcc8fe74495305ba643d8770 |
timeCreated: 1464601236 |
licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 5c804f35a96ccb9408f04f818773a159 |
timeCreated: 1464601236 |
licenseType: Pro |
MonoImporter: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.IO; |
using System.Linq; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Serializable] |
public class MaterialGraph |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
private MaterialOptions m_MaterialOptions = new MaterialOptions(); |
[SerializeField] |
private PixelGraph m_PixelGraph; |
[SerializeField] |
private string m_Name; |
public string name |
{ |
get { return m_Name; } |
set { m_Name = value; } |
} |
public MaterialGraph() |
{ |
m_PixelGraph = new PixelGraph(); |
} |
public MaterialOptions materialOptions |
{ |
get { return m_MaterialOptions; } |
} |
public AbstractMaterialGraph currentGraph |
{ |
get { return m_PixelGraph; } |
} |
/* |
public Material GetMaterial() |
{ |
if (m_PixelGraph == null) |
return null; |
return m_PixelGraph.GetMaterial(); |
} |
public void ExportShader(string path) |
{ |
List<PropertyGenerator.TextureInfo> configuredTextures; |
var shaderString = ShaderGenerator.GenerateSurfaceShader(this, name, false, out configuredTextures); |
File.WriteAllText(path, shaderString); |
AssetDatabase.Refresh(); // Investigate if this is optimal
var shader = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(Shader)) as Shader; |
if (shader == null) |
return; |
var shaderImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as ShaderImporter; |
if (shaderImporter == null) |
return; |
var textureNames = new List<string>(); |
var textures = new List<Texture>(); |
foreach (var textureInfo in configuredTextures.Where(x => x.modifiable)) |
{ |
var texture = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(textureInfo.textureId) as Texture; |
if (texture == null) |
continue; |
textureNames.Add(textureInfo.name); |
textures.Add(texture); |
} |
shaderImporter.SetDefaultTextures(textureNames.ToArray(), textures.ToArray()); |
textureNames.Clear(); |
textures.Clear(); |
foreach (var textureInfo in configuredTextures.Where(x => !x.modifiable)) |
{ |
var texture = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(textureInfo.textureId) as Texture; |
if (texture == null) |
continue; |
textureNames.Add(textureInfo.name); |
textures.Add(texture); |
} |
shaderImporter.SetNonModifiableTextures(textureNames.ToArray(), textures.ToArray()); |
shaderImporter.SaveAndReimport(); |
}*/ |
public void PostCreate() |
{ |
m_PixelGraph.AddNode(new PixelShaderNode(m_PixelGraph)); |
} |
} |
} |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
public class MaterialGraphAsset : ScriptableObject, IGraphAsset |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
private MaterialGraph m_MaterialGraph; |
public IGraph graph |
{ |
get { return m_MaterialGraph.currentGraph; } |
} |
public bool shouldRepaint |
{ |
get { return graph.nodes.OfType<IRequiresTime>().Any(); } |
} |
public ScriptableObject GetScriptableObject() |
{ |
return this; |
} |
public Material GetMaterial() |
{ |
return null; |
} |
public void PostCreate() |
{ |
m_MaterialGraph.PostCreate(); |
} |
} |
} |
using System; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Serializable] |
public class MaterialOptions |
{ |
public enum BlendMode |
{ |
One, |
Zero, |
SrcColor, |
SrcAlpha, |
DstColor, |
DstAlpha, |
OneMinusSrcColor, |
OneMinusSrcAlpha, |
OneMinusDstColor, |
OneMinusDstAlpha, |
} |
public enum CullMode |
{ |
Back, |
Front, |
Off |
} |
public enum ZTest |
{ |
Less, |
Greater, |
LEqual, |
GEqual, |
Equal, |
NotEqual, |
Always |
} |
public enum ZWrite |
{ |
On, |
Off |
} |
public enum RenderQueue |
{ |
Background, |
Geometry, |
Transparent, |
Overlay, |
} |
public enum RenderType |
{ |
Opaque, |
Transparent, |
TransparentCutout, |
Background, |
Overlay |
} |
[SerializeField] |
private BlendMode m_SrcBlend; |
[SerializeField] |
private BlendMode m_DstBlend; |
[SerializeField] |
private CullMode m_CullMode; |
[SerializeField] |
private ZTest m_ZTest; |
[SerializeField] |
private ZWrite m_ZWrite; |
[SerializeField] |
private RenderQueue m_RenderQueue; |
[SerializeField] |
private RenderType m_RenderType; |
[SerializeField] |
private bool m_ShadowPass; |
[SerializeField] |
private bool m_FullForwardShadows; |
[SerializeField] |
private bool m_NoAmbient; |
[SerializeField] |
private bool m_NoVertexLights; |
[SerializeField] |
private bool m_NoLightmaps; |
[SerializeField] |
private bool m_NoDirLightmap; |
[SerializeField] |
private bool m_NoForwardAdd; |
[SerializeField] |
private bool m_ApproxView; |
[SerializeField] |
private bool m_HalfAsView; |
[SerializeField] |
private bool m_Expanded; |
public void Init() |
{ |
srcBlend = BlendMode.One; |
dstBlend = BlendMode.Zero; |
cullMode = CullMode.Back; |
zTest = ZTest.LEqual; |
zWrite = ZWrite.On; |
renderQueue = RenderQueue.Geometry; |
renderType = RenderType.Opaque; |
shadowPass = false; |
fullForwardShadows = false; |
noAmbient = false; |
noVertexLights = false; |
noLightmaps = false; |
noDirLightmap = false; |
noForwardAdd = false; |
approxView = false; |
halfAsView = false; |
} |
public void GetTags(ShaderGenerator visitor) |
{ |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("Tags {", false); |
visitor.Indent(); |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("\"RenderType\"=\"" + renderType + "\"", false); |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("\"Queue\"=\"" + renderQueue + "\"", false); |
visitor.Deindent(); |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("}", false); |
} |
public void GetBlend(ShaderGenerator visitor) |
{ |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("Blend " + srcBlend + " " + dstBlend, false); |
} |
public void GetCull(ShaderGenerator visitor) |
{ |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("Cull " + cullMode, false); |
} |
public void GetDepthWrite(ShaderGenerator visitor) |
{ |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("ZWrite " + zWrite, false); |
} |
public void GetDepthTest(ShaderGenerator visitor) |
{ |
visitor.AddShaderChunk("ZTest " + zTest, false); |
} |
/*private Vector2 m_ScrollPos; |
public void DoGUI() |
{ |
GUILayout.BeginVertical(); |
m_Expanded = MaterialGraphStyles.Header("Options", m_Expanded); |
if (m_Expanded) |
{ |
srcBlend = (BlendMode) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Src Blend", srcBlend); |
dstBlend = (BlendMode) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Dst Blend", dstBlend); |
cullMode = (CullMode) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Cull Mode", cullMode); |
zTest = (ZTest) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Z Test", zTest); |
zWrite = (ZWrite) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Z Write", zWrite); |
renderQueue = (RenderQueue) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Render Queue", renderQueue); |
renderType = (RenderType) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Render Type", renderType); |
} |
GUILayout.EndVertical(); |
}*/ |
public BlendMode srcBlend { get { return m_SrcBlend; } set { m_SrcBlend = value; } } |
public BlendMode dstBlend { get { return m_DstBlend; } set { m_DstBlend = value; } } |
public CullMode cullMode { get { return m_CullMode; } set { m_CullMode = value; } } |
public ZTest zTest { get { return m_ZTest; } set { m_ZTest = value; } } |
public ZWrite zWrite { get { return m_ZWrite; } set { m_ZWrite = value; } } |
public RenderQueue renderQueue { get { return m_RenderQueue; } set { m_RenderQueue = value; } } |
public RenderType renderType { get { return m_RenderType; } set { m_RenderType = value; } } |
public bool shadowPass { get { return m_ShadowPass; } set { m_ShadowPass = value; } } |
public bool fullForwardShadows { get { return m_FullForwardShadows; } set { m_FullForwardShadows = value; } } |
public bool noAmbient { get { return m_NoAmbient; } set { m_NoAmbient = value; } } |
public bool noVertexLights { get { return m_NoVertexLights; } set { m_NoVertexLights = value; } } |
public bool noLightmaps { get { return m_NoLightmaps; } set { m_NoLightmaps = value; } } |
public bool noDirLightmap { get { return m_NoDirLightmap; } set { m_NoDirLightmap = value; } } |
public bool noForwardAdd { get { return m_NoForwardAdd; } set { m_NoForwardAdd = value; } } |
public bool approxView { get { return m_ApproxView; } set { m_ApproxView = value; } } |
public bool halfAsView { get { return m_HalfAsView; } set { m_HalfAsView = value; } } |
} |
} |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEngine.Graphing; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[Serializable] |
public class PixelGraph : AbstractMaterialGraph |
{ |
[NonSerialized] |
private PixelShaderNode m_PixelMasterNode; |
public PixelShaderNode pixelMasterNode |
{ |
get |
{ |
// find existing node
if (m_PixelMasterNode == null) |
m_PixelMasterNode = nodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType() == typeof(PixelShaderNode)) as PixelShaderNode; |
return m_PixelMasterNode; |
} |
} |
[NonSerialized] |
private List<INode> m_ActiveNodes = new List<INode>(); |
public IEnumerable<AbstractMaterialNode> activeNodes |
{ |
get |
{ |
m_ActiveNodes.Clear(); |
NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(m_ActiveNodes, pixelMasterNode); |
return m_ActiveNodes.OfType<AbstractMaterialNode>(); |
} |
} |
public override void OnAfterDeserialize() |
{ |
base.OnAfterDeserialize(); |
m_PixelMasterNode = null; |
} |
public override void AddNode(INode node) |
{ |
if (pixelMasterNode != null && node is PixelShaderNode) |
{ |
Debug.LogWarning("Attempting to add second PixelShaderNode to PixelGraph. This is not allowed."); |
return; |
} |
base.AddNode(node); |
} |
public static void GenerateSurfaceShader( |
PixelShaderNode pixelNode, |
ShaderGenerator shaderBody, |
ShaderGenerator inputStruct, |
ShaderGenerator lightFunction, |
ShaderGenerator surfaceOutput, |
ShaderGenerator nodeFunction, |
PropertyGenerator shaderProperties, |
ShaderGenerator propertyUsages, |
ShaderGenerator vertexShader, |
bool isPreview) |
{ |
pixelNode.GenerateLightFunction(lightFunction); |
pixelNode.GenerateSurfaceOutput(surfaceOutput); |
var genMode = isPreview ? GenerationMode.Preview3D : GenerationMode.SurfaceShader; |
var activeNodes = new List<INode>(); |
NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(activeNodes, pixelNode); |
var activeMaterialNodes = activeNodes.OfType<AbstractMaterialNode>(); |
foreach (var node in activeMaterialNodes) |
{ |
if (node is IGeneratesFunction) (node as IGeneratesFunction).GenerateNodeFunction(nodeFunction, genMode); |
if (node is IGeneratesVertexToFragmentBlock) (node as IGeneratesVertexToFragmentBlock).GenerateVertexToFragmentBlock(inputStruct, genMode); |
if (node is IGeneratesVertexShaderBlock) (node as IGeneratesVertexShaderBlock).GenerateVertexShaderBlock(vertexShader, genMode); |
if (node is IGenerateProperties) |
{ |
(node as IGenerateProperties).GeneratePropertyBlock(shaderProperties, genMode); |
(node as IGenerateProperties).GeneratePropertyUsages(propertyUsages, genMode, ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4); |
} |
} |
pixelNode.GenerateNodeCode(shaderBody, genMode); |
} |
/* |
public Material GetMaterial() |
{ |
if (pixelMasterNode == null) |
return null; |
var material = pixelMasterNode.previewMaterial; |
AbstractMaterialNode.UpdateMaterialProperties(pixelMasterNode, material); |
return material; |
}*/ |
} |
} |
using System; |
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph |
{ |
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue)] |
public class TitleAttribute : Attribute |
{ |
public string m_Title; |
public TitleAttribute(string title) { m_Title = title; } |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue