partial class InfluenceVolumeUI
//[TODO: planar / non planar will be redone in next PR]
public static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionFoldoutShapePlanar ;
public static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionFoldoutShape ;
public static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionShapeBoxPlanar = CED . Action ( ( s , p , o ) = > Drawer_SectionShapeBox ( s , p , o , false , false , false ) ) ;
public static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionShapeBox = CED . Action ( ( s , p , o ) = > Drawer_SectionShapeBox ( s , p , o , true , true , true ) ) ;
public static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionShapeSpherePlanar = CED . Action ( ( s , p , o ) = > Drawer_SectionShapeSphere ( s , p , o , false , false ) ) ;
public static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionShapeSphere = CED . Action ( ( s , p , o ) = > Drawer_SectionShapeSphere ( s , p , o , true , true ) ) ;
internal static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionFoldoutShapePlanar ;
internal static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionFoldoutShape ;
static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionShapeBoxPlanar = CED . Action ( ( s , p , o ) = > Drawer_SectionShapeBox ( s , p , o , false , false , false ) ) ;
static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionShapeBox = CED . Action ( ( s , p , o ) = > Drawer_SectionShapeBox ( s , p , o , true , true , true ) ) ;
static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionShapeSpherePlanar = CED . Action ( ( s , p , o ) = > Drawer_SectionShapeSphere ( s , p , o , false , false ) ) ;
static readonly CED . IDrawer SectionShapeSphere = CED . Action ( ( s , p , o ) = > Drawer_SectionShapeSphere ( s , p , o , true , true ) ) ;
"Influence Volume" ,
influenceVolumeHeader ,
( s , d , o ) = > s . isSectionExpandedShape ,
FoldoutOption . Indent ,
CED . Action ( Drawer_InfluenceAdvancedSwitch ) ,
) ;
SectionFoldoutShape = CED . Group (
CED . FoldoutGroup (
"Influence Volume" ,
influenceVolumeHeader ,
( s , d , o ) = > s . isSectionExpandedShape ,
FoldoutOption . Indent ,
CED . Action ( Drawer_InfluenceAdvancedSwitch ) ,
static void Drawer_FieldShapeType ( InfluenceVolumeUI s , SerializedInfluenceVolume d , Editor o )
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . shape , _ . GetContent ( "Shape Type" ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . shape , shapeContent ) ;
static void Drawer_InfluenceAdvancedSwitch ( InfluenceVolumeUI s , SerializedInfluenceVolume d , Editor owner )
GUILayout . FlexibleSpace ( ) ;
if ( d . shape . intValue = = ( int ) InfluenceShape . Sphere )
GUI . enabled = false ;
advanced = ! GUILayout . Toggle ( ! advanced , CoreEditorUtils . GetContent ( "Normal|Normal parameters mode (only change for box shape)." ) , EditorStyles . miniButtonLeft , GUILayout . Width ( 6 0f ) , GUILayout . ExpandWidth ( false ) ) ;
advanced = GUILayout . Toggle ( advanced , CoreEditorUtils . GetContent ( "Advanced|Advanced parameters mode (only change for box shape)." ) , EditorStyles . miniButtonRight , GUILayout . Width ( 6 0f ) , GUILayout . ExpandWidth ( false ) ) ;
advanced = ! GUILayout . Toggle ( ! advanced , normalModeContent , EditorStyles . miniButtonLeft , GUILayout . Width ( 6 0f ) , GUILayout . ExpandWidth ( false ) ) ;
advanced = GUILayout . Toggle ( advanced , advancedModeContent , EditorStyles . miniButtonRight , GUILayout . Width ( 6 0f ) , GUILayout . ExpandWidth ( false ) ) ;
s . boxInfluenceHandle . allHandleControledByOne = s . boxInfluenceNormalHandle . allHandleControledByOne = ! advanced ;
if ( d . editorAdvancedModeEnabled . boolValue ^ advanced )
d . Apply ( ) ;
if ( d . shape . intValue = = ( int ) InfluenceShape . Sphere )
GUI . enabled = true ;
EditorGUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . boxSize , _ . GetContent ( "Box Size" ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . boxSize , boxSizeContent ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
Vector3 blendPositive = d . boxBlendDistancePositive . vector3Value ;
d . editorSimplifiedModeBlendDistance . floatValue = Mathf . Min ( blendPositive . x , blendPositive . y , blendPositive . z , blendNegative . x , blendNegative . y , blendNegative . z ) ;
d . editorSimplifiedModeBlendDistance . floatValue = Mathf . Max ( blendPositive . x , blendPositive . y , blendPositive . z , blendNegative . x , blendNegative . y , blendNegative . z ) ;
d . editorSimplifiedModeBlendNormalDistance . floatValue = Mathf . Min ( blendNormalPositive . x , blendNormalPositive . y , blendNormalPositive . z , blendNormalNegative . x , blendNormalNegative . y , blendNormalNegative . z ) ;
d . editorSimplifiedModeBlendNormalDistance . floatValue = Mathf . Max ( blendNormalPositive . x , blendNormalPositive . y , blendNormalPositive . z , blendNormalNegative . x , blendNormalNegative . y , blendNormalNegative . z ) ;
d . boxBlendNormalDistancePositive . vector3Value = d . boxBlendNormalDistanceNegative . vector3Value = Vector3 . one * d . editorSimplifiedModeBlendNormalDistance . floatValue ;
if ( drawOffset )
EditorGUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . offset , _ . GetContent ( "Offset" ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . offset , offsetContent ) ;
HDProbeUI . Drawer_ToolBarButton ( HDProbeUI . ToolBar . CapturePosition , o , GUILayout . Width ( 2 8f ) , GUILayout . MinHeight ( 2 2f ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
Drawer_AdvancedBlendDistance (
d ,
false ,
maxFadeDistance ,
CoreEditorUtils . GetContent ( "Blend Distance|Area around the probe where it is blended with other probes. Only used in deferred probes." )
) ;
Drawer_AdvancedBlendDistance ( d , false , maxFadeDistance , blendDistanceContent ) ;
HDProbeUI . Drawer_ToolBarButton ( HDProbeUI . ToolBar . Blend , o , GUILayout . ExpandHeight ( true ) , GUILayout . Width ( 2 8f ) , GUILayout . MinHeight ( 2 2f ) , GUILayout . MaxHeight ( ( advanced ? 2 : 1 ) * ( EditorGUIUtility . singleLineHeight + 3 ) ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
Drawer_AdvancedBlendDistance (
d ,
true ,
maxFadeDistance ,
CoreEditorUtils . GetContent ( "Blend Normal Distance|Area around the probe where the normals influence the probe. Only used in deferred probes." )
) ;
Drawer_AdvancedBlendDistance ( d , true , maxFadeDistance , blendNormalDistanceContent ) ;
HDProbeUI . Drawer_ToolBarButton ( HDProbeUI . ToolBar . NormalBlend , o , GUILayout . ExpandHeight ( true ) , GUILayout . Width ( 2 8f ) , GUILayout . MinHeight ( 2 2f ) , GUILayout . MaxHeight ( ( advanced ? 2 : 1 ) * ( EditorGUIUtility . singleLineHeight + 3 ) ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
if ( advanced & & drawFace )
EditorGUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
CoreEditorUtils . DrawVector6 (
CoreEditorUtils . GetContent ( "Face fade|Fade faces of the cubemap." ) ,
d . boxSideFadePositive , d . boxSideFadeNegative , Vector3 . zero , Vector3 . one , HDReflectionProbeEditor . k_handlesColor ) ;
CoreEditorUtils . DrawVector6 ( faceFadeContent , d . boxSideFadePositive , d . boxSideFadeNegative , Vector3 . zero , Vector3 . one , HDReflectionProbeEditor . k_handlesColor ) ;
GUILayout . Space ( 2 8f + 9f ) ; //add right margin for alignment
EditorGUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
distance = EditorGUILayout . FloatField ( content , distance ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
distance = Mathf . Clamp ( distance , 0f , Mathf . Max ( maxBlendDistance . x , maxBlendDistance . y , maxBlendDistance . z ) ) ;
Vector3 decal = Vector3 . one * distance ;
bdp . x = Mathf . Clamp ( decal . x , 0f , maxBlendDistance . x ) ;
bdp . y = Mathf . Clamp ( decal . y , 0f , maxBlendDistance . y ) ;
EditorGUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . sphereRadius , _ . GetContent ( "Radius" ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . sphereRadius , radiusContent ) ;
HDProbeUI . Drawer_ToolBarButton ( HDProbeUI . ToolBar . InfluenceShape , o , GUILayout . Width ( 2 8f ) , GUILayout . MinHeight ( 2 2f ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . offset , _ . GetContent ( "Offset" ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . offset , offsetContent ) ;
HDReflectionProbeUI . Drawer_ToolBarButton ( HDProbeUI . ToolBar . CapturePosition , o , GUILayout . Width ( 2 8f ) , GUILayout . MinHeight ( 2 2f ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . sphereBlendDistance , _ . GetContent ( "Blend Distance|Area around the probe where it is blended with other probes. Only used in deferred probes." ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . sphereBlendDistance , blendDistanceContent ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
d . sphereBlendDistance . floatValue = Mathf . Clamp ( d . sphereBlendDistance . floatValue , 0 , maxBlendDistance ) ;
EditorGUILayout . BeginHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . sphereBlendNormalDistance , _ . GetContent ( "Blend Distance|Area around the probe where it is blended with other probes. Only used in deferred probes." ) ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( d . sphereBlendNormalDistance , blendNormalDistanceContent ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
d . sphereBlendNormalDistance . floatValue = Mathf . Clamp ( d . sphereBlendNormalDistance . floatValue , 0 , maxBlendDistance ) ;