Sebastien Lagarde
7 年前
共有 7 个文件被更改,包括 191 次插入 和 178 次删除
// Return camera relative probe volume world to object transformation |
float4x4 GetProbeVolumeWorldToObject() |
{ |
return ApplyCameraTranslationToInverseMatrix(unity_ProbeVolumeWorldToObject); |
} |
// In unity we can have a mix of fully baked lightmap (static lightmap) + enlighten realtime lightmap (dynamic lightmap) |
// for each case we can have directional lightmap or not. |
// Else we have lightprobe for dynamic/moving entity. Either SH9 per object lightprobe or SH4 per pixel per object volume probe |
float3 SampleBakedGI(float3 positionRWS, float3 normalWS, float2 uvStaticLightmap, float2 uvDynamicLightmap) |
{ |
// If there is no lightmap, it assume lightprobe |
#if !defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) && !defined(DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON) |
// TODO: Confirm with Ionut but it seems that UNITY_LIGHT_PROBE_PROXY_VOLUME is always define for high end and |
// unity_ProbeVolumeParams always bind. |
if (unity_ProbeVolumeParams.x == 0.0) |
{ |
// TODO: pass a tab of coefficient instead! |
real4 SHCoefficients[7]; |
SHCoefficients[0] = unity_SHAr; |
SHCoefficients[1] = unity_SHAg; |
SHCoefficients[2] = unity_SHAb; |
SHCoefficients[3] = unity_SHBr; |
SHCoefficients[4] = unity_SHBg; |
SHCoefficients[5] = unity_SHBb; |
SHCoefficients[6] = unity_SHC; |
return SampleSH9(SHCoefficients, normalWS); |
} |
else |
{ |
return SampleProbeVolumeSH4(TEXTURE3D_PARAM(unity_ProbeVolumeSH, samplerunity_ProbeVolumeSH), positionRWS, normalWS, GetProbeVolumeWorldToObject(), |
unity_ProbeVolumeParams.y, unity_ProbeVolumeParams.z, unity_ProbeVolumeMin, unity_ProbeVolumeSizeInv); |
} |
#else |
float3 bakeDiffuseLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
bool useRGBMLightmap = false; |
float4 decodeInstructions = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Never used but needed for the interface since it supports gamma lightmaps |
#else |
bool useRGBMLightmap = true; |
float4 decodeInstructions = float4(34.493242, 2.2, 0.0, 0.0); // range^2.2 = 5^2.2, gamma = 2.2 |
#else |
float4 decodeInstructions = float4(2.0, 2.2, 0.0, 0.0); // range = 2.0^2.2 = 4.59 |
#endif |
#endif |
#ifdef LIGHTMAP_ON |
bakeDiffuseLighting += SampleDirectionalLightmap(TEXTURE2D_PARAM(unity_Lightmap, samplerunity_Lightmap), |
TEXTURE2D_PARAM(unity_LightmapInd, samplerunity_Lightmap), |
uvStaticLightmap, unity_LightmapST, normalWS, useRGBMLightmap, decodeInstructions); |
#else |
bakeDiffuseLighting += SampleSingleLightmap(TEXTURE2D_PARAM(unity_Lightmap, samplerunity_Lightmap), uvStaticLightmap, unity_LightmapST, useRGBMLightmap, decodeInstructions); |
#endif |
#endif |
bakeDiffuseLighting += SampleDirectionalLightmap(TEXTURE2D_PARAM(unity_DynamicLightmap, samplerunity_DynamicLightmap), |
TEXTURE2D_PARAM(unity_DynamicDirectionality, samplerunity_DynamicLightmap), |
uvDynamicLightmap, unity_DynamicLightmapST, normalWS, false, decodeInstructions); |
#else |
bakeDiffuseLighting += SampleSingleLightmap(TEXTURE2D_PARAM(unity_DynamicLightmap, samplerunity_DynamicLightmap), uvDynamicLightmap, unity_DynamicLightmapST, false, decodeInstructions); |
#endif |
#endif |
return bakeDiffuseLighting; |
#endif |
} |
float4 SampleShadowMask(float3 positionRWS, float2 uvStaticLightmap) // normalWS not use for now |
{ |
#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) |
float2 uv = uvStaticLightmap * unity_LightmapST.xy +; |
float4 rawOcclusionMask = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(unity_ShadowMask, samplerunity_Lightmap, uv); // Reuse sampler from Lightmap |
#else |
float4 rawOcclusionMask; |
if (unity_ProbeVolumeParams.x == 1.0) |
{ |
rawOcclusionMask = SampleProbeOcclusion(TEXTURE3D_PARAM(unity_ProbeVolumeSH, samplerunity_ProbeVolumeSH), positionRWS, GetProbeVolumeWorldToObject(), |
unity_ProbeVolumeParams.y, unity_ProbeVolumeParams.z, unity_ProbeVolumeMin, unity_ProbeVolumeSizeInv); |
} |
else |
{ |
// Note: Default value when the feature is not enabled is float(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) in C++ |
rawOcclusionMask = unity_ProbesOcclusion; |
} |
#endif |
return rawOcclusionMask; |
} |
// Calculate velocity in Clip space [-1..1] |
float2 CalculateVelocity(float4 positionCS, float4 previousPositionCS) |
{ |
// This test on define is required to remove warning of divide by 0 when initializing empty struct |
// TODO: Add forward opaque MRT case... |
// Encode velocity |
positionCS.xy = positionCS.xy / positionCS.w; |
previousPositionCS.xy = previousPositionCS.xy / previousPositionCS.w; |
float2 velocity = (positionCS.xy - previousPositionCS.xy); |
velocity.y = -velocity.y; |
#endif |
return velocity; |
#else |
return float2(0.0, 0.0); |
#endif |
} |
// For builtinData we want to allow the user to overwrite default GI in the surface shader / shader graph. |
// So we perform the following order of operation: |
// 1. InitBuiltinData - Init bakeDiffuseLighting and backBakeDiffuseLighting |
// 2. User can overwrite these value in the surface shader / shader graph |
// 3. PostInitBuiltinData - Handle debug mode + allow the current lighting model to update the data with ModifyBakedDiffuseLighting |
// This method initialize BuiltinData usual values and after update of builtinData by the caller must be follow by PostInitBuiltinData |
void InitBuiltinData( float alpha, float3 normalWS, float3 backNormalWS, float3 positionRWS, float2 texCoord1, float2 texCoord2, |
out BuiltinData builtinData) |
{ |
ZERO_INITIALIZE(BuiltinData, builtinData); |
builtinData.opacity = alpha; |
// Sample lightmap/lightprobe/volume proxy |
builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting = SampleBakedGI(positionRWS, normalWS, texCoord1, texCoord2); |
// We also sample the back lighting in case we have transmission. If not use this will be optimize out by the compiler |
// For now simply recall the function with inverted normal, the compiler should be able to optimize the lightmap case to not resample the directional lightmap |
// however it may not optimize the lightprobe case due to the proxy volume relying on dynamic if (to verify), not a problem for SH9, but a problem for proxy volume. |
// TODO: optimize more this code. |
builtinData.backBakeDiffuseLighting = SampleBakedGI(positionRWS, backNormalWS, texCoord1, texCoord2); |
float4 shadowMask = SampleShadowMask(positionRWS, texCoord1); |
builtinData.shadowMask0 = shadowMask.x; |
builtinData.shadowMask1 = shadowMask.y; |
builtinData.shadowMask2 = shadowMask.z; |
builtinData.shadowMask3 = shadowMask.w; |
#endif |
// Use uniform directly - The float need to be cast to uint (as unity don't support to set a uint as uniform) |
builtinData.renderingLayers = _EnableLightLayers ? asuint(unity_RenderingLayer.x) : DEFAULT_LIGHT_LAYERS; |
} |
// InitBuiltinData must be call before calling PostInitBuiltinData |
void PostInitBuiltinData( float3 V, PositionInputs posInput, SurfaceData surfaceData, |
inout BuiltinData builtinData) |
{ |
if (_DebugLightingMode == DEBUGLIGHTINGMODE_LUX_METER) |
{ |
// The lighting in SH or lightmap is assume to contain bounced light only (i.e no direct lighting), |
// and is divide by PI (i.e Lambert is apply), so multiply by PI here to get back the illuminance |
builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting *= PI; // don't take into account backBakeDiffuseLighting |
} |
else |
#endif |
{ |
// Apply control from the indirect lighting volume settings - This is apply here so we don't affect emissive |
// color in case of lit deferred for example and avoid material to have to deal with it |
builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting *= _IndirectLightingMultiplier.x; |
builtinData.backBakeDiffuseLighting *= _IndirectLightingMultiplier.x; |
ModifyBakedDiffuseLighting(V, posInput, surfaceData, builtinData); |
#endif |
} |
} |
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Reference in new issue