// dirVS must be normalized
const float2 CROSS_OFFSET = float2(1, 1);
const float2 CROSS_OFFSET = float2(2, 2);
const int MAX_ITERATIONS = 32;
float4 startPositionCS = mul(input.projectionMatrix, float4(input.startPositionVS, 1));
float l = length(dirCS.xy);
float3 dirNDC = dirCS.xyz / l;
float2 invDirNDC = 1 / dirNDC.xy;
int2 cellPlanes = clamp(sign(dirNDC.xy), 0, 1);
float2 invDirNDC = float2(1, 1) / dirNDC.xy;
int2 cellPlanes = sign(dirNDC.xy);
float2 crossOffset = CROSS_OFFSET * cellPlanes;
cellPlanes = clamp(cellPlanes, 0, 1);
int2 startPositionTXS = int2(startPositionNDC * input.bufferSize);
int2 cellCount = input.bufferSize >> currentLevel;
uint2 cellCount = input.bufferSize >> currentLevel;
uint2 cellSize = uint2(1, 1) << currentLevel;
// store linear depth in z
int maxUsedLevel = currentLevel;
uint2 debugCellSize = cellSize;
float3 debugPositionTXS = positionTXS;
uint2 debugCellSize = uint2(10000, 10000);
float3 debugPositionTXS = float3(0, 0, 0);
if (iteration < MAX_ITERATIONS)
if (iteration >= MAX_ITERATIONS)
hitSuccessful = false;
// Planes to check
int2 planes = (cellId + cellPlanes) * cellSize;
// Hit distance to each planes
float2 planeHits = (planes - positionTXS.xy) * invDirNDC;
float2 distanceToCellAxes = float2(planes - positionTXS.xy) * invDirNDC; // (distance to x axis, distance to y axis)
float rayOffsetTestLength = min(planeHits.x, planeHits.y);
float3 testHitPositionTXS = positionTXS + dirNDC * rayOffsetTestLength;
float distanceToCell = min(distanceToCellAxes.x, distanceToCellAxes.y);
float3 testHitPositionTXS = positionTXS + dirNDC * distanceToCell;
testHitPositionTXS.xy += (planeHits.x < planeHits.y) ? float2(CROSS_OFFSET.x, 0) : float2(0, CROSS_OFFSET.y);
testHitPositionTXS.xy += (distanceToCellAxes.x < distanceToCellAxes.y)
? float2(crossOffset.x, 0)
: float2(0, crossOffset.y);
if (any(testHitPositionTXS.xy > input.bufferSize)
|| any(testHitPositionTXS.xy < 0))
float pyramidDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_PyramidDepthTexture, int2(testHitPositionTXS.xy) >> currentLevel, currentLevel).r;
float hiZLinearDepth = LinearEyeDepth(pyramidDepth, _ZBufferParams);
if (hiZLinearDepth > testHitPositionTXS.z)
if (hiZLinearDepth < testHitPositionTXS.z)
currentLevel = min(input.maxLevel, currentLevel + 1);
hit.distance += rayOffsetTestLength;
hit.distance += distanceToCell;
hit.debugOutput = float3(dirNDC.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, dirNDC.z);
hit.debugOutput = hit.distance;
hit.debugOutput = frac(hit.distance * 0.1);
hit.debugOutput = hit.linearDepth;
hit.debugOutput = frac(hit.linearDepth * 0.1);
hit.debugOutput = hitSuccessful;