Arnaud Carre
8 年前
共有 40 个文件被更改,包括 6406 次插入 和 0 次删除
9Assets/TestScenes/HDTest/NewBatcherTest/skin/CMU Mocap.meta
1001Assets/TestScenes/HDTest/NewBatcherTest/skin/CMU Mocap/85_03.fbx
834Assets/TestScenes/HDTest/NewBatcherTest/skin/CMU Mocap/85_03.fbx.meta
9Assets/TestScenes/HDTest/NewBatcherTest/skin/CMU Mocap/Acknowledgement.txt
8Assets/TestScenes/HDTest/NewBatcherTest/skin/CMU Mocap/Acknowledgement.txt.meta
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The motion-captured animation data in this directory is originally created by |
Carnegie Mellon University Graphics Lab. |
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cMonkeys converted these mocap data into FBX files for ease of importing into |
Unity. These FBX files are distributed on Unity Asset Store. |
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Reference in new issue