
Added block of comment to explain the system

Sebastien Lagarde 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 14 次插入3 次删除
  1. 17


namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline
// GlobalFrameSettings represent settings that are immutable at runtime.
// There is a dedicated RenderRenderPipelineSettings for each platform
// GlobalFrameSettings define settings that can't be change during runtime. It is equivalent to the GraphicsSettings of Unity (Tiers + shader variant removal).
// This allow to allocate resource or not for a given feature.
// FrameSettings control within a frame what is enable or not(enableShadow, enableStereo, enableDistortion...).
// HDRenderPipelineAsset reference the current GlobalFrameSettings use, there is one per supported platform(Currently this feature is not implemented and only one GlobalFrameSettings is available).
// A Camera with HDAdditionalData have one FrameSettings that configure how it will render.For example a camera use for reflection will disable distortion and postprocess.
// Additionaly on a Camera there is another Framesettings call EffectiveFrameSettings that is created on the fly based on FrameSettings and allow modificaiton for debugging purpose at runtime without being serialized on disk.
// The EffectiveFrameSettings is register in the debug windows at the creation of the camera.
// A Camera with HDAdditionalData have a RenderPath that define if it use a "Default" FrameSettings, a preset of FrameSettings or a custom one.
// HDRenderPipelineAsset contain a "Default" FrameSettings that can be reference by any camera with RenderPath.Defaut or when the camera don't have HDAdditionalData like the camera of the Editor.
// It also contain a DefaultEffectiveFrameSettings
// GlobalFrameSettings represent settings that are immutable at runtime.
// There is a dedicated RenderRenderPipelineSettings for each platform
public class GlobalFrameSettings
