// Define refraction keyword helpers |
# include "../../../Core/ShaderLibrary/Refraction.hlsl" |
# if defined(_REFRACTION_PLANE) |
# define REFRACTION_MODEL(V, posInputs, bsdfData) RefractionModel_Plane(V, posInputs.positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, bsdfData.ior, bsdfData.thickness) |
# elif defined(_REFRACTION_SPHERE) |
# define REFRACTION_MODEL(V, posInputs, bsdfData) RefractionModel_Sphere(V, posInputs.positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, bsdfData.ior, bsdfData.thickness) |
# endif |
#endif |
// In case we pack data uint16 buffer we need to change the output render target format to uint16 |
// TODO: Is there a way to automate these output type based on the format declare in lit.cs ? |
// General constant |
#define MIN_N_DOT_V 0.0001 // The minimum value of 'NdotV' |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Helper for cheap screen space raycasting |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
float3 EstimateRaycast(float3 V, PositionInputs posInputs, float3 positionWS, float3 rayWS) |
{ |
// For all refraction approximation, to calculate the refracted point in world space, |
// we approximate the scene as a plane (back plane) with normal -V at the depth hit point. |
// (We avoid to raymarch the depth texture to get the refracted point.) |
uint2 depthSize = uint2(_PyramidDepthMipSize.xy); |
// Get the depth of the approximated back plane |
float pyramidDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_PyramidDepthTexture, posInputs.positionSS * (depthSize >> 2), 2).r; |
float depth = LinearEyeDepth(pyramidDepth, _ZBufferParams); |
// Distance from point to the back plane |
float depthFromPositionInput = depth - posInputs.depthVS; |
float offset = dot(-V, positionWS - posInputs.positionWS); |
float depthFromPosition = depthFromPositionInput - offset; |
float hitDistanceFromPosition = depthFromPosition / dot(-V, rayWS); |
return positionWS + rayWS * hitDistanceFromPosition; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Ligth and material classification for the deferred rendering path |
float ltcClearCoatFresnelTerm; |
float3x3 ltcCoatT; |
// Refraction |
float3 transmissionRefractV; // refracted view vector after exiting the shape |
float3 transmissionPositionWS; // start of the refracted ray after exiting the shape |
float transmissionOpticalDepth; // length of the transmission during refraction through the shape |
float3 transmissionTransmittance; // transmittance due to absorption |
float transmissionSSMipLevel; // mip level of the screen space gaussian pyramid for rough refraction |
float globalFogExtinction; |
#endif |
preLightData.globalFogExtinction = _GlobalFog_Extinction; |
#endif |
RefractionModelResult refraction = REFRACTION_MODEL(V, posInput, bsdfData); |
preLightData.transmissionRefractV = refraction.rayWS; |
preLightData.transmissionPositionWS = refraction.positionWS; |
preLightData.transmissionOpticalDepth = refraction.opticalDepth; |
preLightData.transmissionTransmittance = exp(-bsdfData.absorptionCoefficient * refraction.opticalDepth); |
preLightData.transmissionSSMipLevel = PerceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel(bsdfData.perceptualRoughness, uint(_GaussianPyramidColorMipSize.z)); |
#else |
preLightData.transmissionRefractV = -V; |
preLightData.transmissionPositionWS = posInput.positionWS; |
preLightData.transmissionOpticalDepth = 0; |
preLightData.transmissionTransmittance = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); |
preLightData.transmissionSSMipLevel = 0; |
#endif |
return preLightData; |
// a. Get the corresponding color depending on the roughness from the gaussian pyramid of the color buffer |
// b. Multiply by the transmittance for absorption (depends on the optical depth) |
float3 refractedBackPointWS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
float opticalDepth = 0.0; |
uint2 depthSize = uint2(_PyramidDepthMipSize.xy); |
// For all refraction approximation, to calculate the refracted point in world space, |
// we approximate the scene as a plane (back plane) with normal -V at the depth hit point. |
// (We avoid to raymarch the depth texture to get the refracted point.) |
#if defined(_REFRACTION_PLANE) |
// Plane shape model: |
// We approximate locally the shape of the object as a plane with normal {bsdfData.normalWS} at {bsdfData.positionWS} |
// with a thickness {bsdfData.thickness} |
// Refracted ray |
float3 R = refract(-V, bsdfData.normalWS, 1.0 / bsdfData.ior); |
// Get the depth of the approximated back plane |
float pyramidDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_PyramidDepthTexture, posInput.positionSS * (depthSize >> 2), 2).r; |
float depth = LinearEyeDepth(pyramidDepth, _ZBufferParams); |
// Distance from point to the back plane |
float distFromP = depth - posInput.depthVS; |
// Optical depth within the thin plane |
opticalDepth = bsdfData.thickness / dot(R, -bsdfData.normalWS); |
// The refracted ray exiting the thin plane is the same as the incident ray (parallel interfaces and same ior) |
float VoR = dot(-V, R); |
float VoN = dot(V, bsdfData.normalWS); |
refractedBackPointWS = posInput.positionWS + R * opticalDepth - V * (distFromP - VoR * opticalDepth); |
#elif defined(_REFRACTION_SPHERE) |
// Sphere shape model: |
// We approximate locally the shape of the object as sphere, that is tangent to the shape. |
// The sphere has a diameter of {bsdfData.thickness} |
// The center of the sphere is at {bsdfData.positionWS} - {bsdfData.normalWS} * {bsdfData.thickness} |
// |
// So the light is refracted twice: in and out of the tangent sphere |
// Get the depth of the approximated back plane |
float pyramidDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_PyramidDepthTexture, posInput.positionSS * (depthSize >> 2), 2).r; |
float depth = LinearEyeDepth(pyramidDepth, _ZBufferParams); |
// Distance from point to the back plane |
float depthFromPosition = depth - posInput.depthVS; |
// First refraction (tangent sphere in) |
// Refracted ray |
float3 R1 = refract(-V, bsdfData.normalWS, 1.0 / bsdfData.ior); |
// Center of the tangent sphere |
float3 C = posInput.positionWS - bsdfData.normalWS * bsdfData.thickness * 0.5; |
// Second refraction (tangent sphere out) |
float NoR1 = dot(bsdfData.normalWS, R1); |
// Optical depth within the sphere |
opticalDepth = -NoR1 * bsdfData.thickness; |
// Out hit point in the tangent sphere |
float3 P1 = posInput.positionWS + R1 * opticalDepth; |
// Out normal |
float3 N1 = normalize(C - P1); |
// Out refracted ray |
float3 R2 = refract(R1, N1, bsdfData.ior); |
float N1oR2 = dot(N1, R2); |
float VoR1 = dot(V, R1); |
// Refracted source point |
refractedBackPointWS = P1 - R2 * (depthFromPosition - NoR1 * VoR1 * bsdfData.thickness) / N1oR2; |
#endif |
float3 refractedBackPointWS = EstimateRaycast(V, posInput, preLightData.transmissionPositionWS, preLightData.transmissionRefractV); |
uint2 depthSize = uint2(_PyramidDepthMipSize.xy); |
float refractedBackPointDepth = LinearEyeDepth(LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_PyramidDepthTexture, refractedBackPointSS * depthSize, 0).r, _ZBufferParams); |
// Exit if texel is out of color buffer |
} |
// Map the roughness to the correct mip map level of the color pyramid |
float mipLevel = PerceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel(bsdfData.perceptualRoughness, uint(_GaussianPyramidColorMipSize.z)); |
lighting.specularTransmitted = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_GaussianPyramidColorTexture, s_trilinear_clamp_sampler, refractedBackPointSS, mipLevel).rgb; |
lighting.specularTransmitted = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_GaussianPyramidColorTexture, s_trilinear_clamp_sampler, refractedBackPointSS, preLightData.transmissionSSMipLevel).rgb; |
float3 transmittance = exp(-bsdfData.absorptionCoefficient * opticalDepth); |
lighting.specularTransmitted *= transmittance; |
lighting.specularTransmitted *= preLightData.transmissionTransmittance; |
float weight = 1.0; |
UpdateLightingHierarchyWeights(hierarchyWeight, weight); // Shouldn't be needed, but safer in case we decide to change hiearchy priority |
{ |
// This is the same code than what is use in screen space refraction |
// TODO: put this code into a function |
#if defined(_REFRACTION_PLANE) |
R = refract(-V, bsdfData.normalWS, 1.0 / bsdfData.ior); |
#elif defined(_REFRACTION_SPHERE) |
float3 R1 = refract(-V, bsdfData.normalWS, 1.0 / bsdfData.ior); |
// Center of the tangent sphere |
float3 C = posInput.positionWS - bsdfData.normalWS * bsdfData.thickness * 0.5; |
// Second refraction (tangent sphere out) |
float NoR1 = dot(bsdfData.normalWS, R1); |
// Optical depth within the sphere |
float opticalDepth = -NoR1 * bsdfData.thickness; |
// Out hit point in the tangent sphere |
float3 P1 = posInput.positionWS + R1 * opticalDepth; |
// Out normal |
float3 N1 = normalize(C - P1); |
// Out refracted ray |
R = refract(R1, N1, bsdfData.ior); |
#endif |
positionWS = preLightData.transmissionPositionWS; |
R = preLightData.transmissionRefractV; |
} |
// In Unity the cubemaps are capture with the localToWorld transform of the component. |
} |
float4 preLD = SampleEnv(lightLoopContext, lightData.envIndex, R, preLightData.iblMipLevel); |
envLighting += F * preLD.rgb * preLightData.specularFGD; |
envLighting += F * preLD.rgb; |
#endif |
lighting.specularReflected = envLighting * weight; |
lighting.specularReflected = envLighting * preLightData.specularFGD * weight; |
lighting.specularTransmitted = envLighting * weight; |
lighting.specularTransmitted = envLighting * preLightData.transmissionTransmittance * weight; |
return lighting; |
} |