// This mean that m_Lightmapping.enumValueIndex is enum { Stationary=0, Static=1, Dynamic=2 }
// This mean that m_Lightmapping.enumValueIndex is enum { Mixed=0, Baked=1, Realtime=2 }
publicstaticGUIContentSpotLightShape=newGUIContent("SpotLightShape","The shape use for the spotlight. Have impact on cookie transformation and light angular attenuation.");
publicstaticGUIContentSpotAngle=newGUIContent("Spot Angle","Controls the angle in degrees at the base of a Spot light's cone.");
publicstaticGUIContentSpotInnerAngle=newGUIContent("Spot Inner Angle","Controls the inner angle in percent of the base angle of a Spot light's cone.");
publicstaticGUIContentSpotInnerPercent=newGUIContent("Spot Inner Percent","Controls the inner angle in percent of the base angle of a Spot light's cone.");
publicstaticGUIContentColor=newGUIContent("Color","Controls the color being emitted by the light.");
publicstaticGUIContentIntensity=newGUIContent("Intensity","Controls the brightness of the light. Light color is multiplied by this value.");
publicstaticGUIContentAffectDiffuse=newGUIContent("AffectDiffuse","This will disable diffuse lighting for this light. Don't save performance, diffuse lighting is still.");
publicstaticGUIContentAffectSpecular=newGUIContent("AffectSpecular","This will disable specular lighting for this light. Don't save performance, specular lighting is still.");
publicstaticGUIContentAffectDiffuse=newGUIContent("AffectDiffuse","This will disable diffuse lighting for this light. Don't save performance, diffuse lighting is still computed.");
publicstaticGUIContentAffectSpecular=newGUIContent("AffectSpecular","This will disable specular lighting for this light. Don't save performance, specular lighting is still computed.");
publicstaticGUIContentFadeDistance=newGUIContent("FadeDistance","The light color will fade at distance FadeDistance before being culled to minimize popping.");
publicstaticGUIContentLightDimmer=newGUIContent("LightDimmer","Aim to be use with script, timeline or animation. It allow to dim one or multiple lights of heterogeneous intensity easily (Else you need to know the intensity of each light)");
publicstaticGUIContentApplyRangeAttenuation=newGUIContent("ApplyRangeAttenuation","Allow to disable range attenuation. This aim to be use indoor (like a room) to avoid to have to setup a large range for a light to get correct inverse square attenuation that may leak out of the indoor");