
optimize texture lod calculation for decals

Paul Melamed 6 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 23 次插入25 次删除
  1. 48


matMask |= mapMask;
float ComputeTextureLOD(float2 uv, float2 uvdx, float2 uvdy, float2 scale)
float ComputeTextureLOD(float2 uvdx, float2 uvdy, float2 scale)
float2 ddx_ = scale * (uvdx - uv);
float2 ddy_ = scale * (uvdy - uv);
float2 ddx_ = scale * uvdx;
float2 ddy_ = scale * uvdy;
float d = max(dot(ddx_, ddx_), dot(ddy_, ddy_));
return max(0.5 * log2(d), 0.0);

float3 positionWS = GetAbsolutePositionWS(posInput.positionWS);
// get world space position for adjacent pixels to be used later in mipmap lod calculation
float3 positionWSDX = positionWS + ddx(positionWS);
float3 positionWSDY = positionWS + ddy(positionWS);
// get world space ddx/ddy for adjacent pixels to be used later in mipmap lod calculation
float3 positionWSDdx = ddx(positionWS);
float3 positionWSDdy = ddy(positionWS);
// need to compute the mipmap LOD manually because we are sampling inside a loop
float3 positionDSDX = mul(decalData.worldToDecal, float4(positionWSDX, 1.0)).xyz;
float3 positionDSDY = mul(decalData.worldToDecal, float4(positionWSDY, 1.0)).xyz;
positionDS = positionDS * float3(1.0, -1.0, 1.0) + float3(0.5, 0.0f, 0.5); // decal clip space
positionDS = positionDS * float3(1.0, -1.0, 1.0) + float3(0.5, 0.0f, 0.5);
positionDSDX = positionDSDX * float3(1.0, -1.0, 1.0) + float3(0.5, 0.0f, 0.5);
positionDSDY = positionDSDY * float3(1.0, -1.0, 1.0) + float3(0.5, 0.0f, 0.5);
float2 sampleDiffuseDX = positionDSDX.xz * decalData.diffuseScaleBias.xy + decalData.diffuseScaleBias.zw;
float2 sampleDiffuseDY = positionDSDY.xz * decalData.diffuseScaleBias.xy + decalData.diffuseScaleBias.zw;
float2 sampleNormalDX = positionDSDX.xz * decalData.normalScaleBias.xy + decalData.normalScaleBias.zw;
float2 sampleNormalDY = positionDSDY.xz * decalData.normalScaleBias.xy + decalData.normalScaleBias.zw;
float2 sampleMaskDX = positionDSDX.xz * decalData.maskScaleBias.xy + decalData.maskScaleBias.zw;
float2 sampleMaskDY = positionDSDY.xz * decalData.maskScaleBias.xy + decalData.maskScaleBias.zw;
float lodDiffuse = ComputeTextureLOD(sampleDiffuse, sampleDiffuseDX, sampleDiffuseDY, _DecalAtlasResolution);
float lodNormal = ComputeTextureLOD(sampleNormal, sampleNormalDX, sampleNormalDY, _DecalAtlasResolution);
float lodMask = ComputeTextureLOD(sampleMask, sampleMaskDX, sampleMaskDY, _DecalAtlasResolution);
// need to compute the mipmap LOD manually because we are sampling inside a loop
float3 positionDSDdx = mul(decalData.worldToDecal, float4(positionWSDdx, 0.0)).xyz; // transform the derivatives to decal space, any translation is irrelevant
float3 positionDSDdy = mul(decalData.worldToDecal, float4(positionWSDdy, 0.0)).xyz;
float2 sampleDiffuseDdx = positionDSDdx.xz * decalData.diffuseScaleBias.xy; // factor in the atlas scale
float2 sampleDiffuseDdy = positionDSDdy.xz * decalData.diffuseScaleBias.xy;
float lodDiffuse = ComputeTextureLOD(sampleDiffuseDdx, sampleDiffuseDdy, _DecalAtlasResolution);
float2 sampleNormalDdx = positionDSDdx.xz * decalData.normalScaleBias.xy;
float2 sampleNormalDdy = positionDSDdy.xz * decalData.normalScaleBias.xy;
float lodNormal = ComputeTextureLOD(sampleNormalDdx, sampleNormalDdy, _DecalAtlasResolution);
float2 sampleMaskDdx = positionDSDdx.xz * decalData.maskScaleBias.xy;
float2 sampleMaskDdy = positionDSDdy.xz * decalData.maskScaleBias.xy;
float lodMask = ComputeTextureLOD(sampleMaskDdx, sampleMaskDdy, _DecalAtlasResolution);
float decalBlend = decalData.normalToWorld[0][3];
