
Cleaned up profiling marker usage in HDRenderLoop (Will need PR "ignore empty named Cmd Buffer marker" to be complete)

Julien Ignace 8 年前
共有 5 个文件被更改,包括 228 次插入139 次删除
  1. 251
  2. 2
  3. 2
  4. 33
  5. 79


RenderTargetIdentifier m_CameraDepthBufferRT;
RenderTargetIdentifier m_VelocityBufferRT;
RenderTargetIdentifier m_DistortionBufferRT;
public class LightList
public List<DirectionalLightData> directionalLights;

m_SkyRenderer = new SkyRenderer();
m_FinalPassMaterial = Utilities.CreateEngineMaterial("Hidden/HDRenderLoop/FinalPass");
m_DebugViewMaterialGBuffer = Utilities.CreateEngineMaterial("Hidden/HDRenderLoop/DebugViewMaterialGBuffer");

void InitAndClearBuffer(Camera camera, RenderLoop renderLoop)
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("InitAndClearBuffer", renderLoop))
var cmd = new CommandBuffer();
cmd.name = "InitGBuffers and clear Depth/Stencil";
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("InitGBuffers and clear Depth/Stencil", renderLoop))
var cmd = new CommandBuffer();
cmd.name = "";
// Init buffer
// With scriptable render loop we must allocate ourself depth and color buffer (We must be independent of backbuffer for now, hope to fix that later).
// Also we manage ourself the HDR format, here allocating fp16 directly.
// With scriptable render loop we can allocate temporary RT in a command buffer, they will not be release with ExecuteCommandBuffer
// These temporary surface are release automatically at the end of the scriptable renderloop if not release explicitly
int w = camera.pixelWidth;
int h = camera.pixelHeight;
// Init buffer
// With scriptable render loop we must allocate ourself depth and color buffer (We must be independent of backbuffer for now, hope to fix that later).
// Also we manage ourself the HDR format, here allocating fp16 directly.
// With scriptable render loop we can allocate temporary RT in a command buffer, they will not be release with ExecuteCommandBuffer
// These temporary surface are release automatically at the end of the scriptable renderloop if not release explicitly
int w = camera.pixelWidth;
int h = camera.pixelHeight;
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_CameraColorBuffer, w, h, 0, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_CameraDepthBuffer, w, h, 24, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.Depth);
if (!debugParameters.useForwardRenderingOnly)
m_gbufferManager.InitGBuffers(w, h, cmd);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_CameraColorBuffer, w, h, 0, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_CameraDepthBuffer, w, h, 24, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.Depth);
if (!debugParameters.useForwardRenderingOnly)
m_gbufferManager.InitGBuffers(w, h, cmd);
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT, ClearFlag.ClearDepth);
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT, ClearFlag.ClearDepth);
// TEMP: As we are in development and have not all the setup pass we still clear the color in emissive buffer and gbuffer, but this will be removed later.
// Clear HDR target
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Clear HDR target", renderLoop))
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT, ClearFlag.ClearColor, Color.black);
// TEMP: As we are in development and have not all the setup pass we still clear the color in emissive buffer and gbuffer, but this will be removed later.
// Clear HDR target
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT, ClearFlag.ClearColor, Color.black, "Clear HDR target");
// Clear GBuffers
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Clear GBuffer", renderLoop))
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_gbufferManager.GetGBuffers(), m_CameraDepthBufferRT, ClearFlag.ClearColor, Color.black);
// Clear GBuffers
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_gbufferManager.GetGBuffers(), m_CameraDepthBufferRT, ClearFlag.ClearColor, Color.black, "Clear GBuffer");
void RenderOpaqueRenderList(CullResults cull, Camera camera, RenderLoop renderLoop, string passName, RendererConfiguration rendererConfiguration = 0)

if (!debugParameters.useDepthPrepass)
// TODO: Must do opaque then alpha masked for performance!
// TODO: front to back for opaque and by materal for opaque tested when we split in two
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraDepthBufferRT, "Depth Prepass");
RenderOpaqueRenderList(cull, camera, renderLoop, "DepthOnly");
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Depth Prepass", renderLoop))
// TODO: Must do opaque then alpha masked for performance!
// TODO: front to back for opaque and by materal for opaque tested when we split in two
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraDepthBufferRT);
RenderOpaqueRenderList(cull, camera, renderLoop, "DepthOnly");
void RenderGBuffer(CullResults cull, Camera camera, RenderLoop renderLoop)

return ;
// setup GBuffer for rendering
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_gbufferManager.GetGBuffers(), m_CameraDepthBufferRT, "GBuffer Pass");
// render opaque objects into GBuffer
RenderOpaqueRenderList(cull, camera, renderLoop, "GBuffer", Utilities.kRendererConfigurationBakedLighting);
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("GBuffer Pass", renderLoop))
// setup GBuffer for rendering
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_gbufferManager.GetGBuffers(), m_CameraDepthBufferRT);
// render opaque objects into GBuffer
RenderOpaqueRenderList(cull, camera, renderLoop, "GBuffer", Utilities.kRendererConfigurationBakedLighting);
// This pass is use in case of forward opaque and deferred rendering. We need to render forward objects before tile lighting pass

// TODO: Use the render queue index to only send the forward opaque!
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraDepthBufferRT, "Clear HDR target");
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraDepthBufferRT, "Depth Prepass");
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("DebugView Material Mode Pass", renderLoop))
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT, Utilities.kClearAll, Color.black, "DebugView Material Mode Pass");
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT, Utilities.kClearAll, Color.black);
Shader.SetGlobalInt("_DebugViewMaterial", (int)debugParameters.debugViewMaterial);

return ;
// Bind material data
m_SinglePassLightLoop.RenderDeferredLighting(camera, renderLoop, m_CameraColorBuffer);
// m_TilePassLightLoop.RenderDeferredLighting(camera, renderLoop, );
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Single Pass - Deferred Lighting Pass", renderLoop))
// Bind material data
m_SinglePassLightLoop.RenderDeferredLighting(camera, renderLoop, m_CameraColorBuffer);
// m_TilePassLightLoop.RenderDeferredLighting(camera, renderLoop, );
void RenderSky(Camera camera, RenderLoop renderLoop)

void RenderForward(CullResults cullResults, Camera camera, RenderLoop renderLoop)
// Bind material data
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Forward Pass", renderLoop))
// Bind material data
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT, "Forward Pass");
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT);
if (debugParameters.useForwardRenderingOnly)
RenderOpaqueRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "Forward");
if (debugParameters.useForwardRenderingOnly)
RenderOpaqueRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "Forward");
RenderTransparentRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "Forward", Utilities.kRendererConfigurationBakedLighting);
RenderTransparentRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "Forward", Utilities.kRendererConfigurationBakedLighting);
// Bind material data
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Forward Unlit Pass", renderLoop))
// Bind material data
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT, "Forward Unlit Pass");
RenderOpaqueRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "ForwardUnlit");
RenderTransparentRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "ForwardUnlit");
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT);
RenderOpaqueRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "ForwardUnlit");
RenderTransparentRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "ForwardUnlit");
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Velocity Pass", renderLoop))
#pragma warning disable 162, 429
// If opaque velocity have been render during GBuffer no need to render it here
if ((ShaderConfig.VelocityInGbuffer == 0) || debugParameters.useForwardRenderingOnly)
return ;
#pragma warning disable 162, 429
// If opaque velocity have been render during GBuffer no need to render it here
if ((ShaderConfig.VelocityInGbuffer == 0) || debugParameters.useForwardRenderingOnly)
return ;
int w = camera.pixelWidth;
int h = camera.pixelHeight;
int w = camera.pixelWidth;
int h = camera.pixelHeight;
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "Velocity Pass" };
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_VelocityBuffer, w, h, 0, FilterMode.Point, Builtin.RenderLoop.GetVelocityBufferFormat(), Builtin.RenderLoop.GetVelocityBufferReadWrite());
cmd.SetRenderTarget(m_VelocityBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT);
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "" };
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_VelocityBuffer, w, h, 0, FilterMode.Point, Builtin.RenderLoop.GetVelocityBufferFormat(), Builtin.RenderLoop.GetVelocityBufferReadWrite());
cmd.SetRenderTarget(m_VelocityBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT);
RenderOpaqueRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "MotionVectors");
#pragma warning restore 162, 429
RenderOpaqueRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "MotionVectors");
#pragma warning restore 162, 429
int w = camera.pixelWidth;
int h = camera.pixelHeight;
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Distortion Pass", renderLoop))
int w = camera.pixelWidth;
int h = camera.pixelHeight;
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "Distortion Pass" };
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_DistortionBuffer, w, h, 0, FilterMode.Point, Builtin.RenderLoop.GetDistortionBufferFormat(), Builtin.RenderLoop.GetDistortionBufferReadWrite());
cmd.SetRenderTarget(m_DistortionBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT);
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "" };
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_DistortionBuffer, w, h, 0, FilterMode.Point, Builtin.RenderLoop.GetDistortionBufferFormat(), Builtin.RenderLoop.GetDistortionBufferReadWrite());
cmd.SetRenderTarget(m_DistortionBufferRT, m_CameraDepthBufferRT);
// Only transparent object can render distortion vectors
RenderTransparentRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "DistortionVectors");
// Only transparent object can render distortion vectors
RenderTransparentRenderList(cullResults, camera, renderLoop, "DistortionVectors");
// Those could be tweakable for the neutral tonemapper, but in the case of the LookDev we don't need that
const float blackIn = 0.02f;
const float whiteIn = 10.0f;
const float blackOut = 0.0f;
const float whiteOut = 10.0f;
const float whiteLevel = 5.3f;
const float whiteClip = 10.0f;
const float dialUnits = 20.0f;
const float halfDialUnits = dialUnits * 0.5f;
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Final Pass", renderLoop))
// Those could be tweakable for the neutral tonemapper, but in the case of the LookDev we don't need that
const float blackIn = 0.02f;
const float whiteIn = 10.0f;
const float blackOut = 0.0f;
const float whiteOut = 10.0f;
const float whiteLevel = 5.3f;
const float whiteClip = 10.0f;
const float dialUnits = 20.0f;
const float halfDialUnits = dialUnits * 0.5f;
// converting from artist dial units to easy shader-lerps (0-1)
var tonemapCoeff1 = new Vector4((blackIn * dialUnits) + 1.0f, (blackOut * halfDialUnits) + 1.0f, (whiteIn / dialUnits), (1.0f - (whiteOut / dialUnits)));
var tonemapCoeff2 = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, whiteLevel, whiteClip / halfDialUnits);
// converting from artist dial units to easy shader-lerps (0-1)
var tonemapCoeff1 = new Vector4((blackIn * dialUnits) + 1.0f, (blackOut * halfDialUnits) + 1.0f, (whiteIn / dialUnits), (1.0f - (whiteOut / dialUnits)));
var tonemapCoeff2 = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, whiteLevel, whiteClip / halfDialUnits);
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetVector("_ToneMapCoeffs1", tonemapCoeff1);
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetVector("_ToneMapCoeffs2", tonemapCoeff2);
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetVector("_ToneMapCoeffs1", tonemapCoeff1);
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetVector("_ToneMapCoeffs2", tonemapCoeff2);
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetFloat("_EnableToneMap", debugParameters.enableTonemap ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetFloat("_Exposure", debugParameters.exposure);
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetFloat("_EnableToneMap", debugParameters.enableTonemap ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetFloat("_Exposure", debugParameters.exposure);
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "FinalPass" };
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "" };
// Resolve our HDR texture to CameraTarget.
cmd.Blit(m_CameraColorBufferRT, BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget, m_FinalPassMaterial, 0);
// Resolve our HDR texture to CameraTarget.
cmd.Blit(m_CameraColorBufferRT, BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget, m_FinalPassMaterial, 0);
// Function to prepare light structure for GPU lighting

ShadowOutput shadows;
m_ShadowPass.Render(renderLoop, cullResults, out shadows);
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Shadow Pass", renderLoop))
m_ShadowPass.Render(renderLoop, cullResults, out shadows);
PrepareLightsForGPU(cullResults, camera, ref shadows, ref m_lightList);
m_TilePassLightLoop.BuildGPULightLists(camera, renderLoop, m_lightList, m_CameraDepthBuffer);
PushGlobalParams(camera, renderLoop, m_lightList);
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Build Light list", renderLoop))
PrepareLightsForGPU(cullResults, camera, ref shadows, ref m_lightList);
m_TilePassLightLoop.BuildGPULightLists(camera, renderLoop, m_lightList, m_CameraDepthBuffer);
PushGlobalParams(camera, renderLoop, m_lightList);
RenderDeferredLighting(camera, renderLoop);
RenderSky(camera, renderLoop);


// m_gbufferManager.BindBuffers(m_DeferredMaterial);
// TODO: Bind depth textures
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "Single Pass - Deferred Ligthing Pass" };
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "" };
cmd.Blit(null, colorBuffer, m_DeferredMaterial, 0);


var projscr = temp * proj;
var invProjscr = projscr.inverse;
var cmd = new CommandBuffer() { name = "Build light list" };
var cmd = new CommandBuffer() { name = "" };
// generate screen-space AABBs (used for both fptl and clustered).


m_SkyHDRIMaterial.SetTexture("_Cubemap", skyParameters.skyHDRI);
m_SkyHDRIMaterial.SetVector("_SkyParam", new Vector4(skyParameters.exposure, skyParameters.multiplier, skyParameters.rotation, 0.0f));
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "Skybox" };
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "" };
cmd.DrawMesh(skyMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, m_SkyHDRIMaterial);

using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Sky Pass", renderLoop))
//using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(m_LookDevEnvLibrary.hdriList.Count <= 1))
// Render sky into a cubemap - doesn't happen every frame, can be control
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Sky Pass: Render Cubemap", renderLoop))
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_SkyboxCubemapRT, "", 0, (CubemapFace)i);
Camera faceCamera = m_CubemapFaceCamera[i].GetComponent<Camera>();
RenderSky(faceCamera, skyParameters, true, renderLoop);
// Render sky into a cubemap - doesn't happen every frame, can be control
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, m_SkyboxCubemapRT, 0, (CubemapFace)i);
Camera faceCamera = m_CubemapFaceCamera[i].GetComponent<Camera>();
RenderSky(faceCamera, skyParameters, true, renderLoop);
m_StandardSkyboxMaterial.SetTexture("_Tex", m_SkyboxCubemapRT);
RenderSettings.skybox = m_StandardSkyboxMaterial; // Setup this material as the default to be use in RenderSettings
RenderSettings.ambientIntensity = 1.0f; // fix this to 1, this parameter should not exist!
RenderSettings.ambientMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode.Skybox; // Force skybox for our HDRI
RenderSettings.reflectionIntensity = 1.0f;
m_StandardSkyboxMaterial.SetTexture("_Tex", m_SkyboxCubemapRT);
RenderSettings.skybox = m_StandardSkyboxMaterial; // Setup this material as the default to be use in RenderSettings
RenderSettings.ambientIntensity = 1.0f; // fix this to 1, this parameter should not exist!
RenderSettings.ambientMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode.Skybox; // Force skybox for our HDRI
RenderSettings.reflectionIntensity = 1.0f;
// TODO: do a render to texture here

// Render the sky itself
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffer, depthBuffer, "Sky Pass");
Utilities.SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffer, depthBuffer);
RenderSky(camera, skyParameters, false, renderLoop);


// Render Target Management.
public const ClearFlag kClearAll = ClearFlag.ClearDepth | ClearFlag.ClearColor;
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier buffer, string name = "", int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown)
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier buffer, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown)
cmd.name = name;
cmd.name = "";
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier colorBuffer, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, string name = "", int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown)
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier colorBuffer, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown)
SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffer, depthBuffer, ClearFlag.ClearNone, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), name, miplevel, cubemapFace);
SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffer, depthBuffer, ClearFlag.ClearNone, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), miplevel, cubemapFace);
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier colorBuffer, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, string name = "", int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown)
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier colorBuffer, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown)
SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffer, depthBuffer, clearFlag, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), name, miplevel, cubemapFace);
SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffer, depthBuffer, clearFlag, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), miplevel, cubemapFace);
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier colorBuffer, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor, string name = "", int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown)
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier colorBuffer, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown)
cmd.name = name;
cmd.name = "";
cmd.SetRenderTarget(colorBuffer, depthBuffer, miplevel, cubemapFace);
if (clearFlag != ClearFlag.ClearNone)
cmd.ClearRenderTarget((clearFlag & ClearFlag.ClearDepth) != 0, (clearFlag & ClearFlag.ClearColor) != 0, clearColor);

public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, string name = "")
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer)
SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffers, depthBuffer, ClearFlag.ClearNone, Color.black, name);
SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffers, depthBuffer, ClearFlag.ClearNone, Color.black);
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag = ClearFlag.ClearNone, string name = "")
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag = ClearFlag.ClearNone)
SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffers, depthBuffer, clearFlag, Color.black, name);
SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffers, depthBuffer, clearFlag, Color.black);
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor, string name = "")
public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor)
cmd.name = name;
cmd.name = "";
cmd.SetRenderTarget(colorBuffers, depthBuffer);
if (clearFlag != ClearFlag.ClearNone)
cmd.ClearRenderTarget((clearFlag & ClearFlag.ClearDepth) != 0, (clearFlag & ClearFlag.ClearColor) != 0, clearColor);

public class ProfilingSample
: IDisposable
bool disposed = false;
RenderLoop renderLoop;
string name;
public ProfilingSample(string _name, RenderLoop _renderloop)
renderLoop = _renderloop;
name = _name;
CommandBuffer cmd = new CommandBuffer();
cmd.name = "";
public void Dispose()
// Protected implementation of Dispose pattern.
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposed)
if (disposing)
CommandBuffer cmd = new CommandBuffer();
cmd.name = "";
disposed = true;
public static Matrix4x4 GetViewProjectionMatrix(Camera camera)
// The actual projection matrix used in shaders is actually massaged a bit to work across all platforms
