
Merge pull request #1237 from Unity-Technologies/enableShadow-mask-in-framesettings

Enableshadow mask in framesettings
GitHub 6 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 18 次插入14 次删除
  1. 30
  2. 2


## [Unreleased]
### Added
- Planar Reflection Probe support roughness (gaussian convolution of captured probe)
- Screen Space Refraction projection model (Proxy raycasting, HiZ raymarching)
- Screen Space Refraction settings as volume component
- Added buffered frame history per camera
- Depth and color pyramid are properly computed and sampled when the camera renders inside a viewport of a RTHandle.
- Forced Planar Probe update modes to (Realtime, Every Update, Mirror Camera)
- Removed Planar Probe mirror plane position and normal fields in inspector, always display mirror plane and normal gizmos
- Screen Space Refraction proxy model uses the proxy of the first environment light (Reflection probe/Planar probe) or the sky
- Moved RTHandle static methods to RTHandles
- Renamed RTHandle to RTHandleSystem.RTHandle
## [0.1.6] - 2018-xx-yy

- Fix numerical issues in IntersectRayAABB().
- Fix alpha blending of volumetric lighting with transparent objects.
- Fix the near plane of the V-Buffer causing out-of-bounds look-ups in the clustered data structure.
- Depth and color pyramid are properly computed and sampled when the camera renders inside a viewport of a RTHandle.
### Miscellaneous improvements
### Changed, Removals and deprecations
- EnableShadowMask in FrameSettings (But shadowMaskSupport still disable by default)
- Forced Planar Probe update modes to (Realtime, Every Update, Mirror Camera)
- Removed Planar Probe mirror plane position and normal fields in inspector, always display mirror plane and normal gizmos
- Screen Space Refraction proxy model uses the proxy of the first environment light (Reflection probe/Planar probe) or the sky
- Moved RTHandle static methods to RTHandles
- Renamed RTHandle to RTHandleSystem.RTHandle
### Improvements
- Planar Reflection Probe support roughness (gaussian convolution of captured probe)
### Removals and deprecations
### Features
- Screen Space Refraction projection model (Proxy raycasting, HiZ raymarching)
- Screen Space Refraction settings as volume component
- Added buffered frame history per camera


public bool enableMSAA = false;
public MSAASamples msaaSampleCount { get; private set; }
public bool enableShadowMask = false;
public bool enableShadowMask = true;
public LightLoopSettings lightLoopSettings = new LightLoopSettings();
