public static GUIContent enableVertexLightLabel = new GUIContent ( "Enable Vertex Light" ,
"If enabled, shades additional lights exceeding maxAdditionalPixelLights per-vertex up to the maximum of 8 lights." ) ;
public static GUIContent enableSoftParticles = new GUIContent ( "Enable Soft Particles" , "By enabled this the pipeline will generate depth texture necessary for SoftParticles " ) ;
public static GUIContent requireCameraDepthTexture = new GUIContent ( "Camera Depth Texture" , "If enabled the the pipeline will generate depth texture necessary for some effects like soft particles. " ) ;
public static GUIContent shadowType = new GUIContent ( "Shadow Type" ,
"Single directional shadow supported. SOFT_SHADOWS applies shadow filtering." ) ;
private SerializedProperty m_RenderScale ;
private SerializedProperty m_MaxPixelLights ;
private SerializedProperty m_SupportsVertexLightProp ;
private SerializedProperty m_SupportSoftParticles Prop ;
private SerializedProperty m_RequireCameraDepthTexture Prop ;
private SerializedProperty m_ShadowTypeProp ;
private SerializedProperty m_ShadowNearPlaneOffsetProp ;
private SerializedProperty m_ShadowDistanceProp ;
m_RenderScale = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_RenderScale" ) ;
m_MaxPixelLights = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_MaxPixelLights" ) ;
m_SupportsVertexLightProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_SupportsVertexLight" ) ;
m_SupportSoftParticles Prop = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_SupportSoftParticles " ) ;
m_RequireCameraDepthTexture Prop = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_RequireCameraDepthTexture " ) ;
m_ShadowTypeProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_ShadowType" ) ;
m_ShadowNearPlaneOffsetProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_ShadowNearPlaneOffset" ) ;
m_ShadowDistanceProp = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "m_ShadowDistance" ) ;
m_MaxPixelLights . intValue = EditorGUILayout . IntSlider ( m_MaxPixelLights . intValue , 0 , kMaxSupportedPixelLights ) ;
EditorGUILayout . EndHorizontal ( ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_SupportsVertexLightProp , Styles . enableVertexLightLabel ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_SupportSoftParticles Prop , Styles . enableSoftParticles ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_RequireCameraDepthTexture Prop , Styles . requireCameraDepthTexture ) ;
EditorGUILayout . PropertyField ( m_MSAA , Styles . msaaContent ) ;
EditorGUI . indentLevel - - ;