m_DbufferManager.enableDBuffer=true;// mesh decals are renderers managed by c++ runtime and we have no way to query if any are visible, so set to true
m_DbufferManager.enableDecals=true;// mesh decals are renderers managed by c++ runtime and we have no way to query if any are visible, so set to true
DecalSystem.instance.UpdateCachedMaterialData();// textures, alpha or fade distances could've changed
DecalSystem.instance.CreateDrawData();// prepare data is separate from draw
DecalSystem.instance.UpdateTextureAtlas(cmd);// as this is only used for transparent pass, would've been nice not to have to do this if no transparent renderers are visible, needs to happen after CreateDrawData
// If we enable DBuffer, we need a full depth prepass
using(newProfilingSample(cmd,m_DbufferManager.enableDBuffer?"Depth Prepass (deferred) force by DBuffer":"Depth Prepass (deferred)",CustomSamplerId.DepthPrepass.GetSampler()))
using(newProfilingSample(cmd,m_DbufferManager.enableDecals?"Depth Prepass (deferred) force by Decals":"Depth Prepass (deferred)",CustomSamplerId.DepthPrepass.GetSampler()))
cmd.DisableShaderKeyword("WRITE_NORMAL_BUFFER");// Note: This only disable the output of normal buffer for Lit shader, not the other shader that don't use multicompile