publicstaticGUIContentppdMinSamplesText=newGUIContent("Minimum steps","Minimum steps (texture sample) to use with per pixel displacement mapping");
publicstaticGUIContentppdMaxSamplesText=newGUIContent("Maximum steps","Maximum steps (texture sample) to use with per pixel displacement mapping");
publicstaticGUIContentppdLodThresholdText=newGUIContent("Fading mip level start","Starting heightmap mipmap lod number where the parallax occlusion mapping effect start to disappear");
publicstaticGUIContentperPixelDisplacementObjectScaleText=newGUIContent("Lock with object scale","Per Pixel displacement will take into account the tiling scale - Only work with uniform positive scale");
publicstaticGUIContentperPixelDisplacementObjectScaleText=newGUIContent("Lock with object scale","Per Pixel displacement will take into account the tiling scale - Only work with uniform positive scale");