
Generate eye index, and start using to index proj matrices

The eye index is generated from the GroupID.z value, which will be doubled in stereo case.
Robert Srinivasiah 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 49 次插入47 次删除
  1. 96


// XRTODO: Stereo-ize access to g_mInvScrProjection, pass in eyeIndex
float GetLinearDepth(float zDptBufSpace) // 0 is near 1 is far
float GetLinearDepth(float zDptBufSpace, uint eyeIndex) // 0 is near 1 is far
float4x4 g_mInvScrProjection = g_mInvScrProjectionArr[0];
float4x4 g_mInvScrProjection = g_mInvScrProjectionArr[eyeIndex];
// for perspective projection m22 is zero and m23 is +1/-1 (depends on left/right hand proj)
// however this function must also work for orthographic projection so we keep it like this.

//return v4Pres.z / v4Pres.w;
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize access to g_mScrProjection, pass in eyeIndex
float3 GetViewPosFromLinDepth(float2 v2ScrPos, float fLinDepth)
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize access to g_mScrProjection, pass in eyeIndex
float3 GetViewPosFromLinDepth(float2 v2ScrPos, float fLinDepth, uint eyeIndex)
float4x4 g_mScrProjection = g_mScrProjectionArr[0];
float4x4 g_mScrProjection = g_mScrProjectionArr[eyeIndex];
bool isOrthographic = g_isOrthographic!=0;
float fSx = g_mScrProjection[0].x;

return float3(isOrthographic ? p.xy : (fLinDepth*p.xy), fLinDepth);
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize access to g_mScrProjection, pass in eyeIndex
float GetOnePixDiagWorldDistAtDepthOne()
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize access to g_mScrProjection, pass in eyeIndex
float GetOnePixDiagWorldDistAtDepthOne(uint eyeIndex)
float4x4 g_mScrProjection = g_mScrProjectionArr[0];
float4x4 g_mScrProjection = g_mScrProjectionArr[eyeIndex];
float fSx = g_mScrProjection[0].x;
float fSy = g_mScrProjection[1].y;

// in lightlistbuild-bigtile.compute. But would need more re-factoring than needed
// right now.
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize these functions with eyeIndex
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize these functions with eyeIndex
int CullByExactEdgeTests(uint threadID, int iNrCoarseLights, uint2 viTilLL, uint2 viTilUR, float fTileFarPlane);
int CullByExactEdgeTests(uint threadID, int iNrCoarseLights, uint2 viTilLL, uint2 viTilUR, float fTileFarPlane, uint eyeIndex);
int SphericalIntersectionTests(uint threadID, int iNrCoarseLights, float2 screenCoordinate);
int SphericalIntersectionTests(uint threadID, int iNrCoarseLights, float2 screenCoordinate, uint eyeIndex);

float4 FetchPlane(int l, int p);
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize due to access to GetViewPosFromLinDepth
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize due to access to GetViewPosFromLinDepth
bool CheckIntersection(int l, int k, uint2 viTilLL, uint2 viTilUR, float suggestedBase)
bool CheckIntersection(int l, int k, uint2 viTilLL, uint2 viTilUR, float suggestedBase, uint eyeIndex)
// If this light's screen space depth bounds intersect this cluster...simple cluster test
// TODO: Unify this code with the code in CheckIntersectionBasic...

float x = (i&1)==0 ? viTilLL.x : viTilUR.x;
float y = (i&2)==0 ? viTilLL.y : viTilUR.y;
float z = (i&4)==0 ? depthAtNearZ : depthAtFarZ;
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize this by passing in eyeIndex
float3 vP = GetViewPosFromLinDepth( float2(x, y), z);
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize this by passing in eyeIndex
float3 vP = GetViewPosFromLinDepth( float2(x, y), z, eyeIndex);
// Test each corner of the cluster against the light bounding box planes
bAllInvisib = bAllInvisib && dot(plane, float4(vP,1.0))>0;

[numthreads(NR_THREADS, 1, 1)]
void LIGHTLISTGEN(uint threadID : SV_GroupIndex, uint3 u3GroupID : SV_GroupID)
// XRTODO: Generate eyeIndex from u3GroupID.z
// XRTODO - DONE: Generate eyeIndex from u3GroupID.z
uint eyeIndex = u3GroupID.z;
uint2 tileIDX = u3GroupID.xy;
uint t=threadID;

// XRTODO: Stereo-ize by passing in eyeIndex
iNrCoarseLights = SphericalIntersectionTests( t, iNrCoarseLights, float2(min(viTilLL.xy+uint2(TILE_SIZE_CLUSTERED/2,TILE_SIZE_CLUSTERED/2), uint2(g_screenSize.x-1, g_screenSize.y-1))) );
iNrCoarseLights = SphericalIntersectionTests( t, iNrCoarseLights, float2(min(viTilLL.xy+uint2(TILE_SIZE_CLUSTERED/2,TILE_SIZE_CLUSTERED/2), uint2(g_screenSize.x-1, g_screenSize.y-1))), eyeIndex );
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize access to GetLinearDepth with eyeIndex
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize access to GetLinearDepth with eyeIndex
float fTileFarPlane = GetLinearDepth(dpt_ma);
float fTileFarPlane = GetLinearDepth(dpt_ma, eyeIndex);
float fTileFarPlane = -GetLinearDepth(dpt_ma);
float fTileFarPlane = -GetLinearDepth(dpt_ma, eyeIndex);
float suggestedBase = SuggestLogBase50(fTileFarPlane);

// XRTODO: Stereo-ize by passing in eyeIndex
iNrCoarseLights = CullByExactEdgeTests(t, iNrCoarseLights, viTilLL.xy, viTilUR.xy, fTileFarPlane);
iNrCoarseLights = CullByExactEdgeTests(t, iNrCoarseLights, viTilLL.xy, viTilUR.xy, fTileFarPlane, eyeIndex);
// sort lights (gives a more efficient execution in both deferred and tiled forward lighting).

// It's for the cluster in the tile (the depth layer slice whatever)
const int l0 = coarseList[2*l+0], l1 = coarseList[min(2*l+1,iNrCoarseLights-1)];
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize GetLinearDepth with eyeIndex
const unsigned int clustIdxMi0 = (const unsigned int) min(255,SnapToClusterIdx(GetLinearDepth(g_vBoundsBuffer[l0].z), suggestedBase));
const unsigned int clustIdxMa0 = (const unsigned int) min(255,SnapToClusterIdx(GetLinearDepth(g_vBoundsBuffer[l0+g_iNrVisibLights].z), suggestedBase));
const unsigned int clustIdxMi1 = (const unsigned int) min(255,SnapToClusterIdx(GetLinearDepth(g_vBoundsBuffer[l1].z), suggestedBase));
const unsigned int clustIdxMa1 = (const unsigned int) min(255,SnapToClusterIdx(GetLinearDepth(g_vBoundsBuffer[l1+g_iNrVisibLights].z), suggestedBase));
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize GetLinearDepth with eyeIndex
const unsigned int clustIdxMi0 = (const unsigned int)min(255, SnapToClusterIdx(GetLinearDepth(g_vBoundsBuffer[l0].z, eyeIndex), suggestedBase));
const unsigned int clustIdxMa0 = (const unsigned int)min(255, SnapToClusterIdx(GetLinearDepth(g_vBoundsBuffer[l0 + g_iNrVisibLights].z, eyeIndex), suggestedBase));
const unsigned int clustIdxMi1 = (const unsigned int)min(255, SnapToClusterIdx(GetLinearDepth(g_vBoundsBuffer[l1].z, eyeIndex), suggestedBase));
const unsigned int clustIdxMa1 = (const unsigned int)min(255, SnapToClusterIdx(GetLinearDepth(g_vBoundsBuffer[l1 + g_iNrVisibLights].z, eyeIndex), suggestedBase));
clusterIdxs[l] = (clustIdxMa1<<24) | (clustIdxMi1<<16) | (clustIdxMa0<<8) | (clustIdxMi0<<0);

for(int l=ll; l<min(iNrCoarseLights,(ll+4)); l++)
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize CheckIntersection by passing in eyeIndex to GetViewPosFromLinDepth
if(offs<(start+iSpaceAvail) && i<nrClusters && CheckIntersection(l, i, viTilLL.xy, viTilUR.xy, suggestedBase) )
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize CheckIntersection by passing in eyeIndex to GetViewPosFromLinDepth
if(offs<(start+iSpaceAvail) && i<nrClusters && CheckIntersection(l, i, viTilLL.xy, viTilUR.xy, suggestedBase, eyeIndex) )
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize index into _LightVolumeData, run coarseList[l] thru GenerateLightCullDataIndex
uint lightCategory = _LightVolumeData[coarseList[l]].lightCategory;

// XRTODO: Stereo-ize for a bunch of use cases! Pass in eyeIndex!
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize for a bunch of use cases! Pass in eyeIndex!
int SphericalIntersectionTests(uint threadID, int iNrCoarseLights, float2 screenCoordinate)
int SphericalIntersectionTests(uint threadID, int iNrCoarseLights, float2 screenCoordinate, uint eyeIndex)
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize access with eyeIndex
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize access with eyeIndex
float3 V = GetViewPosFromLinDepth( screenCoordinate, 1.0);
float3 V = GetViewPosFromLinDepth( screenCoordinate, 1.0, eyeIndex);
float3 V = GetViewPosFromLinDepth( screenCoordinate, -1.0);
float3 V = GetViewPosFromLinDepth( screenCoordinate, -1.0, eyeIndex);
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize access with eyeIndex
float onePixDiagDist = GetOnePixDiagWorldDistAtDepthOne();
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize access with eyeIndex
float onePixDiagDist = GetOnePixDiagWorldDistAtDepthOne(eyeIndex);
float halfTileSizeAtZDistOne = (TILE_SIZE_CLUSTERED/2)*onePixDiagDist; // scale by half a tile
for(int l=threadID; l<iNrCoarseLights; l+=NR_THREADS)

// XRTODO: Stereo-ize for access to GetViewPosFromLinDepth, use eyeIndex
float3 GetTileVertex(uint2 viTilLL, uint2 viTilUR, int i, float fTileFarPlane)
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize for access to GetViewPosFromLinDepth, use eyeIndex
float3 GetTileVertex(uint2 viTilLL, uint2 viTilUR, int i, float fTileFarPlane, uint eyeIndex)
float x = (i&1)==0 ? viTilLL.x : viTilUR.x;
float y = (i&2)==0 ? viTilLL.y : viTilUR.y;

return GetViewPosFromLinDepth( float2(x, y), z);
// XRTODO - DONE: Pass in eyeIndex
return GetViewPosFromLinDepth( float2(x, y), z, eyeIndex);
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize for access to GetTileVertex, use eyeIndex
void GetFrustEdge(out float3 vP0, out float3 vE0, const int e0, uint2 viTilLL, uint2 viTilUR, float fTileFarPlane)
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize for access to GetTileVertex, use eyeIndex
void GetFrustEdge(out float3 vP0, out float3 vE0, const int e0, uint2 viTilLL, uint2 viTilUR, float fTileFarPlane, uint eyeIndex)
vP0 = GetTileVertex(uint2(viTilLL.x, viTilUR.y), uint2(viTilUR.x, viTilLL.y), i, fTileFarPlane);
// XRTODO: Pass in eyeIndex
vP0 = GetTileVertex(uint2(viTilLL.x, viTilUR.y), uint2(viTilUR.x, viTilLL.y), i, fTileFarPlane, eyeIndex);
float3 edgeSectionZero = g_isOrthographic==0 ? vP0 : float3(0.0,0.0,1.0);

// XRTODO: Stereo-ize with eyeIndex, used for indexing _LightVolumeData and g_data,
// and with GetFrustEdge and GetTileVertex functions
int CullByExactEdgeTests(uint threadID, int iNrCoarseLights, uint2 viTilLL, uint2 viTilUR, float fTileFarPlane)
int CullByExactEdgeTests(uint threadID, int iNrCoarseLights, uint2 viTilLL, uint2 viTilUR, float fTileFarPlane, uint eyeIndex)
if(threadID==0) lightOffs2 = 0;

float3 vP1, vE1;
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize to use GetFrustEdge, use eyeIndex
GetFrustEdge(vP1, vE1, e1, viTilLL, viTilUR, fTileFarPlane);
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize to use GetFrustEdge, use eyeIndex
GetFrustEdge(vP1, vE1, e1, viTilLL, viTilUR, fTileFarPlane, eyeIndex);
// potential separation plane
float3 vN = cross(vE0, vE1);

positive=0; negative=0;
for(int j=0; j<8; j++)
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize to use GetTileVertex, use eyeIndex
float3 vPf = GetTileVertex(viTilLL, viTilUR, j, fTileFarPlane);
// XRTODO - DONE: Stereo-ize to use GetTileVertex, use eyeIndex
float3 vPf = GetTileVertex(viTilLL, viTilUR, j, fTileFarPlane, eyeIndex);
float fSignDist = dot(vN, vPf-vP0);
if(fSignDist>0) ++positive; else if(fSignDist<0) ++negative;
