
minor cleanup and silence more strict warnings

Filip Iliescu 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 56 次插入45 次删除
  1. 101


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.OnTileDeferredRenderPipeline

// This must match MAX_LIGHTS in UnityStandardForwardMobile
const int k_MaxLights = 100;
const float FLT_MAX = float.PositiveInfinity;
const float FLT_MIN = float.NegativeInfinity;
// arrays for shader data
private Vector4[] m_LightData = new Vector4[k_MaxLights]; // x:Light_type, y:ShadowIndex z:w:UNUSED

void ExecuteRenderLoop(Camera camera, CullResults cullResults, ScriptableRenderContext loop)
using (RenderPass rp = new RenderPass (loop, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight, 1, s_SupportsReadOnlyDepth ?
using (var rp = new RenderPass (loop, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight, 1, s_SupportsReadOnlyDepth ?
new[] { s_GBufferAlbedo, s_GBufferSpecRough, s_GBufferNormal, s_GBufferEmission } :
new[] { s_GBufferAlbedo, s_GBufferSpecRough, s_GBufferNormal, s_GBufferEmission, s_GBufferRedF32 }, s_Depth)) {

using (var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "Deferred Lighting and Reflections Pass"} )
RenderLightsDeferred (camera, cullResults, cmd, loop);
RenderReflections (camera, cmd, cullResults, loop);
RenderLightsDeferred (cullResults, cmd);
RenderReflections (camera, cmd, cullResults);

using (var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "Forwward Lighting Setup"} )
SetupLightShaderVariables (cullResults, camera, loop, cmd);
SetupLightShaderVariables (cullResults, camera, cmd);
var settings = new DrawRendererSettings(camera, new ShaderPassName("ForwardSinglePass"))

static Matrix4x4 GetFlipMatrix()
Matrix4x4 flip = Matrix4x4.identity;
bool isLeftHand = ((int)LightDefinitions.USE_LEFTHAND_CAMERASPACE) != 0;
bool isLeftHand = (LightDefinitions.USE_LEFTHAND_CAMERASPACE) != 0;
if (isLeftHand) flip.SetColumn(2, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f));
return flip;

// Reflections
void RenderReflections(Camera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, CullResults cullResults, ScriptableRenderContext loop)
void RenderReflections(Camera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, CullResults cullResults)
var probes = cullResults.visibleReflectionProbes;
var worldToView = camera.worldToCameraMatrix; //WorldToCamera(camera);

var viewDir = camera.cameraToWorldMatrix.GetColumn(2);
var viewDirNormalized = -1 * Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3 (viewDir.x, viewDir.y, viewDir.z));
Plane eyePlane = new Plane ();
var eyePlane = new Plane ();
eyePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(viewDirNormalized, camera.transform.position);
// Note: Optimization for tiled GPUs: render all probes in reverse order so they are blended into the existing emission buffer with the correct blend settings as follows:

cmd.SetGlobalTexture ("unity_SpecCube0", topCube);
cmd.SetGlobalVector ("unity_SpecCube0_HDR", defdecode);
float max = float.PositiveInfinity;
float min = float.NegativeInfinity;
cmd.SetGlobalVector("unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin", new Vector4(min, min, min, 1));
cmd.SetGlobalVector("unity_SpecCube0_BoxMax", new Vector4(max, max, max, 1));
cmd.SetGlobalVector("unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin", new Vector4(FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, 1));
cmd.SetGlobalVector("unity_SpecCube0_BoxMax", new Vector4(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, 1));
cmd.SetGlobalVector ("unity_SpecCube0_ProbePosition", new Vector4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
cmd.SetGlobalVector ("unity_SpecCube1_ProbePosition", new Vector4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

Matrix4x4 SpotlightMatrix (VisibleLight light, Matrix4x4 worldToLight, float range, float chsa)
Matrix4x4 SpotlightMatrix (Matrix4x4 worldToLight, float range, float chsa)
Matrix4x4 temp1 = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3 (-.5f, -.5f, 1.0f));
Matrix4x4 temp2 = Matrix4x4.Translate( new Vector3 (.5f, .5f, 0.0f));

void RenderSpotlight(VisibleLight light, CommandBuffer cmd, MaterialPropertyBlock properties, bool renderAsQuad, bool intersectsNear, bool deferred)
void RenderSpotlight(VisibleLight light, CommandBuffer cmd, MaterialPropertyBlock properties, bool renderAsQuad, bool intersectsNear)
float range = light.range;
var lightToWorld = light.localToWorld;

// Setup Light Matrix
properties.SetMatrix ("_LightMatrix0", SpotlightMatrix(light, worldToLight, range, chsa));
properties.SetMatrix ("_LightMatrix0", SpotlightMatrix(worldToLight, range, chsa));
// Setup Spot Rendering mesh matrix
float sideLength = range / chsa;

void RenderPointLight(VisibleLight light, CommandBuffer cmd, MaterialPropertyBlock properties, bool renderAsQuad, bool intersectsNear, bool deferred)
void RenderPointLight(VisibleLight light, CommandBuffer cmd, MaterialPropertyBlock properties, bool renderAsQuad, bool intersectsNear)
Vector3 lightPos = light.localToWorld.GetColumn (3); //position
float range = light.range;

return temp2 * temp1 * worldToLight;
void RenderDirectionalLight(VisibleLight light, CommandBuffer cmd, MaterialPropertyBlock properties, bool intersectsNear)
void RenderDirectionalLight(VisibleLight light, CommandBuffer cmd, MaterialPropertyBlock properties)
var lightToWorld = light.localToWorld;
var worldToLight = lightToWorld.inverse;

cmd.DrawMesh (m_QuadMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, m_DirectionalDeferredLightingMaterial, 0, 0, properties);
void RenderLightsDeferred (Camera camera, CullResults inputs, CommandBuffer cmd, ScriptableRenderContext loop)
void RenderLightsDeferred (CullResults inputs, CommandBuffer cmd)
int lightCount = inputs.visibleLights.Count;
for (int lightNum = 0; lightNum < lightCount; lightNum++)

Vector3 lightDir = light.localToWorld.GetColumn (2); //z axis
float range = light.range;
var lightToWorld = light.localToWorld;
var worldToLight = lightToWorld.inverse;
cmd.SetGlobalMatrix ("unity_WorldToLight", lightToWorld.inverse);

props.SetVector ("_LightColor", light.finalColor);
int shadowIdx;
float lightShadowNDXOrNot = m_ShadowIndices.TryGetValue( (int) lightNum, out shadowIdx ) ? (float) shadowIdx : -1.0f;
float lightShadowNDXOrNot = m_ShadowIndices.TryGetValue( lightNum, out shadowIdx ) ? (float) shadowIdx : -1.0f;
props.SetFloat ("_LightIndexForShadowMatrixArray", lightShadowNDXOrNot);
props.SetFloat ("_useLegacyCookies", UseLegacyCookies?1.0f:0.0f);

switch (light.lightType)
case LightType.Point:
RenderPointLight (light, cmd, props, renderAsQuad, intersectsNear, true);
RenderPointLight (light, cmd, props, renderAsQuad, intersectsNear);
RenderSpotlight (light, cmd, props, renderAsQuad, intersectsNear, true);
RenderSpotlight (light, cmd, props, renderAsQuad, intersectsNear);
RenderDirectionalLight(light, cmd, props, intersectsNear);
RenderDirectionalLight(light, cmd, props);

private void SetupLightShaderVariables(CullResults cull, Camera camera, ScriptableRenderContext context, CommandBuffer cmd)
private void SetupLightShaderVariables(CullResults cull, Camera camera, CommandBuffer cmd)
int totalLightCount = cull.visibleLights.Count;

Vector3 lightPos = light.localToWorld.GetColumn (3); //position
Vector3 lightDir = light.localToWorld.GetColumn (2); //z axis
float range = light.range;
float rangeSq = light.range * light.range;
float rangeSq = range * range;
var cookie = light.light.cookie;
m_WorldToLightMatrix[i] = worldToLight;

// color
m_LightColors [i] = light.finalColor;
if (light.lightType == LightType.Point) {
m_LightData[i].x = LightDefinitions.SPHERE_LIGHT;
switch (light.lightType)
case LightType.Point:
m_LightData[i].x = LightDefinitions.SPHERE_LIGHT;
if (light.light.cookie != null)
m_LightData[i].z = m_CubeCookieTexArray.FetchSlice(light.light.cookie);
if (cookie != null)
m_LightData[i].z = m_CubeCookieTexArray.FetchSlice(cookie);
} else if (light.lightType == LightType.Spot) {
m_LightData[i].x = LightDefinitions.SPOT_LIGHT;
case LightType.Spot:
m_LightData[i].x = LightDefinitions.SPOT_LIGHT;
float chsa = GetCotanHalfSpotAngle (light.spotAngle);
float chsa = GetCotanHalfSpotAngle (light.spotAngle);
// Setup Light Matrix
m_LightMatrix[i] = SpotlightMatrix (light, worldToLight, range, chsa);
// Setup Light Matrix
m_LightMatrix[i] = SpotlightMatrix (worldToLight, range, chsa);
if (light.light.cookie != null)
m_LightData[i].z = m_CookieTexArray.FetchSlice (light.light.cookie);
m_LightData [i].z = m_CookieTexArray.FetchSlice (m_DefaultSpotCookie);
} else if (light.lightType == LightType.Directional) {
m_LightData[i].x = LightDefinitions.DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT;
// If light has cookie use it, otherwise use default cookie set on asset
if (cookie != null)
m_LightData[i].z = m_CookieTexArray.FetchSlice (cookie);
m_LightData [i].z = m_CookieTexArray.FetchSlice (m_DefaultSpotCookie);
case LightType.Directional:
m_LightData[i].x = LightDefinitions.DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT;
// Setup Light Matrix
m_LightMatrix[i] = DirectionalLightmatrix (light, worldToLight);
// Setup Light Matrix
m_LightMatrix[i] = DirectionalLightmatrix (light, worldToLight);
if (light.light.cookie != null)
m_LightData[i].z = m_CookieTexArray.FetchSlice (light.light.cookie);
if (cookie != null)
m_LightData[i].z = m_CookieTexArray.FetchSlice (cookie);
