
TriPlanar now has blend and tile properties

vlad 8 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 22 次插入14 次删除
  1. 36


namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph
[Title("UV/Tri-Planar Mapping")]
public class UVTriPlanar : Function2Input, IGeneratesFunction, IMayRequireNormal, IMayRequireWorldPosition
public class UVTriPlanar : Function3Input, IGeneratesFunction, IMayRequireNormal, IMayRequireWorldPosition
private const string kTileSlotName = "Tile";
private const string kBlendSlotName = "Blend";
protected override string GetFunctionName()

protected override MaterialSlot GetInputSlot2()
return new MaterialSlot(InputSlot2Id, kBlendSlotName, kBlendSlotName, SlotType.Input, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.one);
return new MaterialSlot(InputSlot2Id, kTileSlotName, kTileSlotName, SlotType.Input, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.one);
protected override MaterialSlot GetInputSlot3()
return new MaterialSlot(InputSlot3Id, kBlendSlotName, kBlendSlotName, SlotType.Input, SlotValueType.Vector1, Vector4.one);
protected override MaterialSlot GetOutputSlot()

protected override string GetFunctionPrototype(string arg1Name, string arg2Name)
protected override string GetFunctionPrototype(string arg1Name, string arg2Name, string arg3Name)
+ "sampler2D " + arg1Name + ", " + precision + " " + arg2Name + ", float3 normal, float3 pos)";
+ "sampler2D " + arg1Name + ", "
+ precision + " " + arg2Name + ", "
+ precision + " " + arg3Name +
", float3 normal, float3 pos)";
protected override string GetFunctionCallBody(string input1Value, string input2Value)
protected override string GetFunctionCallBody(string input1Value, string input2Value, string input3Value)
return GetFunctionName() + " (" + input1Value + ", " + input2Value + ", IN.worldNormal, IN.worldPos)";
return GetFunctionName() + " (" + input1Value + ", " + input2Value + ", " + input3Value + ", IN.worldNormal, IN.worldPos)";
public override void GeneratePropertyUsages(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode)

outputString.AddShaderChunk(GetFunctionPrototype("arg1", "arg2"), false);
outputString.AddShaderChunk(GetFunctionPrototype("arg1", "arg2", "arg3"), false);
// create UVs from position
outputString.AddShaderChunk("fixed3 uvs = pos * arg2;", false);
outputString.AddShaderChunk("half3 blend = abs(normal);", false);
//control the influence of the blend
outputString.AddShaderChunk("blend = lerp(0, 1, arg2);", false);
outputString.AddShaderChunk("half3 blend = pow(abs(normal), arg3);", false);
outputString.AddShaderChunk("fixed4 cx = tex2D(arg1, pos.yz);", false);
outputString.AddShaderChunk("fixed4 cy = tex2D(arg1, pos.xz);", false);
outputString.AddShaderChunk("fixed4 cz = tex2D(arg1, pos.xy);", false);
outputString.AddShaderChunk("fixed4 cx = tex2D(arg1, uvs.yz);", false);
outputString.AddShaderChunk("fixed4 cy = tex2D(arg1, uvs.xz);", false);
outputString.AddShaderChunk("fixed4 cz = tex2D(arg1, uvs.xy);", false);
// blend the textures based on weights
