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190 行
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
using Unity.Netcode.TestHelpers.Runtime;
namespace Unity.Netcode.RuntimeTests
/// <summary>
/// Tests the times of two clients connecting to a server using the SIPTransport (returns 50ms RTT but has no latency simulation)
/// </summary>
public class TimeIntegrationTest : NetcodeIntegrationTest
private const double k_AdditionalTimeTolerance = 0.3d; // magic number and in theory not needed but without this mac os test fail in Yamato because it looks like we get random framerate drops during unit test.
private NetworkTimeState m_ServerState;
private NetworkTimeState m_Client1State;
private NetworkTimeState m_Client2State;
protected override int NumberOfClients => 2;
protected override NetworkManagerInstatiationMode OnSetIntegrationTestMode()
return NetworkManagerInstatiationMode.DoNotCreate;
private void UpdateTimeStates(NetworkManager[] networkManagers)
var server = networkManagers.First(t => t.IsServer);
var firstClient = networkManagers.First(t => t.IsClient);
var secondClient = networkManagers.Last(t => t.IsClient);
Assert.AreNotEqual(firstClient, secondClient);
m_ServerState = new NetworkTimeState(server);
m_Client1State = new NetworkTimeState(firstClient);
m_Client2State = new NetworkTimeState(secondClient);
[TestCase(60, 30u, ExpectedResult = null)]
[TestCase(30, 30u, ExpectedResult = null)]
[TestCase(40, 30u, ExpectedResult = null)]
[TestCase(10, 30u, ExpectedResult = null)]
[TestCase(60, 60u, ExpectedResult = null)]
[TestCase(60, 10u, ExpectedResult = null)]
public IEnumerator TestTimeIntegrationTest(int targetFrameRate, uint tickRate)
yield return StartSomeClientsAndServerWithPlayersCustom(true, NumberOfClients, targetFrameRate, tickRate);
double frameInterval = 1d / targetFrameRate;
double tickInterval = 1d / tickRate;
var networkManagers = NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers.NetworkManagerInstances.ToArray();
var server = networkManagers.First(t => t.IsServer);
var firstClient = networkManagers.First(t => !t.IsServer);
var secondClient = networkManagers.Last(t => !t.IsServer);
Assert.AreNotEqual(firstClient, secondClient);
// increase the buffer time of client 2 // the values for client 1 are 0.0333/0.0333 here
secondClient.NetworkTimeSystem.LocalBufferSec = 0.2;
secondClient.NetworkTimeSystem.ServerBufferSec = 0.1;
// wait for at least one tick to pass
yield return new WaitUntil(() => m_ServerState.LocalTime.Tick != server.NetworkTickSystem.LocalTime.Tick);
yield return new WaitUntil(() => m_Client1State.LocalTime.Tick != firstClient.NetworkTickSystem.LocalTime.Tick);
yield return new WaitUntil(() => m_Client2State.LocalTime.Tick != secondClient.NetworkTickSystem.LocalTime.Tick);
var framesToRun = 3d / frameInterval;
for (int i = 0; i < framesToRun; i++)
yield return null;
// compares whether client times have the correct offset to server
m_ServerState.AssertCheckDifference(m_Client1State, tickInterval, tickInterval, tickInterval * 2 + frameInterval * 2 + k_AdditionalTimeTolerance);
m_ServerState.AssertCheckDifference(m_Client2State, 0.2, 0.1, tickInterval * 2 + frameInterval * 2 + k_AdditionalTimeTolerance);
// compares the two client times, only difference should be based on buffering.
m_Client1State.AssertCheckDifference(m_Client2State, 0.2 - tickInterval, (0.1 - tickInterval), tickInterval * 2 + frameInterval * 2 + k_AdditionalTimeTolerance);
protected override IEnumerator OnTearDown()
// Always "shutdown in a tear-down" otherwise you can cause all proceeding tests to fail
yield return base.OnTearDown();
// This is from NetcodeIntegrationTest but we need a custom version of this to modifiy the config
private IEnumerator StartSomeClientsAndServerWithPlayersCustom(bool useHost, int nbClients, int targetFrameRate, uint tickRate)
// Create multiple NetworkManager instances
if (!NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers.Create(nbClients, out NetworkManager server, out NetworkManager[] clients, targetFrameRate))
Debug.LogError("Failed to create instances");
Assert.Fail("Failed to create instances");
m_ClientNetworkManagers = clients;
m_ServerNetworkManager = server;
// Create playerPrefab
m_PlayerPrefab = new GameObject("Player");
NetworkObject networkObject = m_PlayerPrefab.AddComponent<NetworkObject>();
* Normally we would only allow player prefabs to be set to a prefab. Not runtime created objects.
* In order to prevent having a Resource folder full of a TON of prefabs that we have to maintain,
* NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers has a helper function that lets you mark a runtime created object to be
* treated as a prefab by the Netcode. That's how we can get away with creating the player prefab
* at runtime without it being treated as a SceneObject or causing other conflicts with the Netcode.
// Make it a prefab
// Set the player prefab
server.NetworkConfig.PlayerPrefab = m_PlayerPrefab;
for (int i = 0; i < clients.Length; i++)
clients[i].NetworkConfig.PlayerPrefab = m_PlayerPrefab;
clients[i].NetworkConfig.TickRate = tickRate;
server.NetworkConfig.TickRate = tickRate;
// Start the instances
if (!NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers.Start(useHost, server, clients))
Debug.LogError("Failed to start instances");
Assert.Fail("Failed to start instances");
// Wait for connection on client and server side
yield return WaitForClientsConnectedOrTimeOut();
AssertOnTimeout($"Timed-out waiting for all clients to connect!");
private readonly struct NetworkTimeState : IEquatable<NetworkTimeState>
public NetworkTime LocalTime { get; }
public NetworkTime ServerTime { get; }
public NetworkTimeState(NetworkManager manager)
LocalTime = manager.NetworkTickSystem.LocalTime;
ServerTime = manager.NetworkTickSystem.ServerTime;
public void AssertCheckDifference(NetworkTimeState clientState, double localBufferDifference, double serverBufferDifference, double tolerance)
var difLocalAbs = Math.Abs(clientState.LocalTime.Time - LocalTime.Time - localBufferDifference);
var difServerAbs = Math.Abs(ServerTime.Time - clientState.ServerTime.Time - serverBufferDifference);
Assert.True(difLocalAbs < tolerance, $"localtime difference: {difLocalAbs} bigger than tolerance: {tolerance}");
Assert.True(difServerAbs < tolerance, $"servertime difference: {difServerAbs} bigger than tolerance: {tolerance}");
public bool Equals(NetworkTimeState other)
return LocalTime.Time.Equals(other.LocalTime.Time) && ServerTime.Time.Equals(other.ServerTime.Time);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is NetworkTimeState other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
return (LocalTime.Time.GetHashCode() * 397) ^ ServerTime.Time.GetHashCode();