您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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44 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Reflection;
using Unity.Collections;
namespace Unity.Netcode
/// <summary>
/// The base class to override to write network code. Inherits MonoBehaviour
/// </summary>
public abstract class NetworkBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // disable naming rule violation check
// RuntimeAccessModifiersILPP will make this `protected`
internal enum __RpcExecStage
None = 0,
Server = 1,
Client = 2
// NetworkBehaviourILPP will override this in derived classes to return the name of the concrete type
internal virtual string __getTypeName() => nameof(NetworkBehaviour);
// RuntimeAccessModifiersILPP will make this `protected`
internal __RpcExecStage __rpc_exec_stage = __RpcExecStage.None;
#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // restore naming rule violation check
private const int k_RpcMessageDefaultSize = 1024; // 1k
private const int k_RpcMessageMaximumSize = 1024 * 64; // 64k
#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // disable naming rule violation check
// RuntimeAccessModifiersILPP will make this `protected`
internal FastBufferWriter __beginSendServerRpc(uint rpcMethodId, ServerRpcParams serverRpcParams, RpcDelivery rpcDelivery)
#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // restore naming rule violation check
return new FastBufferWriter(k_RpcMessageDefaultSize, Allocator.Temp, k_RpcMessageMaximumSize);
#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // disable naming rule violation check
// RuntimeAccessModifiersILPP will make this `protected`
internal void __endSendServerRpc(ref FastBufferWriter bufferWriter, uint rpcMethodId, ServerRpcParams serverRpcParams, RpcDelivery rpcDelivery)
#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // restore naming rule violation check
var serverRpcMessage = new ServerRpcMessage
Metadata = new RpcMetadata
NetworkObjectId = NetworkObjectId,
NetworkBehaviourId = NetworkBehaviourId,
NetworkRpcMethodId = rpcMethodId,
WriteBuffer = bufferWriter
NetworkDelivery networkDelivery;
switch (rpcDelivery)
case RpcDelivery.Reliable:
networkDelivery = NetworkDelivery.ReliableFragmentedSequenced;
case RpcDelivery.Unreliable:
if (bufferWriter.Length > MessagingSystem.NON_FRAGMENTED_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE)
throw new OverflowException("RPC parameters are too large for unreliable delivery.");
networkDelivery = NetworkDelivery.Unreliable;
var rpcWriteSize = 0;
// If we are a server/host then we just no op and send to ourself
if (IsHost || IsServer)
using var tempBuffer = new FastBufferReader(bufferWriter, Allocator.Temp);
var context = new NetworkContext
SenderId = NetworkManager.ServerClientId,
Timestamp = Time.realtimeSinceStartup,
SystemOwner = NetworkManager,
// header information isn't valid since it's not a real message.
// RpcMessage doesn't access this stuff so it's just left empty.
Header = new MessageHeader(),
SerializedHeaderSize = 0,
MessageSize = 0
serverRpcMessage.ReadBuffer = tempBuffer;
serverRpcMessage.Handle(ref context);
rpcWriteSize = tempBuffer.Length;
rpcWriteSize = NetworkManager.SendMessage(ref serverRpcMessage, networkDelivery, NetworkManager.ServerClientId);
if (NetworkManager.__rpc_name_table.TryGetValue(rpcMethodId, out var rpcMethodName))
#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // disable naming rule violation check
// RuntimeAccessModifiersILPP will make this `protected`
internal FastBufferWriter __beginSendClientRpc(uint rpcMethodId, ClientRpcParams clientRpcParams, RpcDelivery rpcDelivery)
#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // restore naming rule violation check
return new FastBufferWriter(k_RpcMessageDefaultSize, Allocator.Temp, k_RpcMessageMaximumSize);
#pragma warning disable IDE1006 // disable naming rule violation check
// RuntimeAccessModifiersILPP will make this `protected`
internal void __endSendClientRpc(ref FastBufferWriter bufferWriter, uint rpcMethodId, ClientRpcParams clientRpcParams, RpcDelivery rpcDelivery)
#pragma warning restore IDE1006 // restore naming rule violation check
var clientRpcMessage = new ClientRpcMessage
Metadata = new RpcMetadata
NetworkObjectId = NetworkObjectId,
NetworkBehaviourId = NetworkBehaviourId,
NetworkRpcMethodId = rpcMethodId,
WriteBuffer = bufferWriter
NetworkDelivery networkDelivery;
switch (rpcDelivery)
case RpcDelivery.Reliable:
networkDelivery = NetworkDelivery.ReliableFragmentedSequenced;
case RpcDelivery.Unreliable:
if (bufferWriter.Length > MessagingSystem.NON_FRAGMENTED_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE)
throw new OverflowException("RPC parameters are too large for unreliable delivery.");
networkDelivery = NetworkDelivery.Unreliable;
var rpcWriteSize = 0;
// We check to see if we need to shortcut for the case where we are the host/server and we can send a clientRPC
// to ourself. Sadly we have to figure that out from the list of clientIds :(
bool shouldSendToHost = false;
if (clientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIds != null)
foreach (var targetClientId in clientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIds)
if (targetClientId == NetworkManager.ServerClientId)
shouldSendToHost = true;
// Check to make sure we are sending to only observers, if not log an error.
if (NetworkManager.LogLevel >= LogLevel.Error && !NetworkObject.Observers.Contains(targetClientId))
NetworkLog.LogError(GenerateObserverErrorMessage(clientRpcParams, targetClientId));
rpcWriteSize = NetworkManager.SendMessage(ref clientRpcMessage, networkDelivery, in clientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIds);
else if (clientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIdsNativeArray != null)
foreach (var targetClientId in clientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIdsNativeArray)
if (targetClientId == NetworkManager.ServerClientId)
shouldSendToHost = true;
// Check to make sure we are sending to only observers, if not log an error.
if (NetworkManager.LogLevel >= LogLevel.Error && !NetworkObject.Observers.Contains(targetClientId))
NetworkLog.LogError(GenerateObserverErrorMessage(clientRpcParams, targetClientId));
rpcWriteSize = NetworkManager.SendMessage(ref clientRpcMessage, networkDelivery, clientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIdsNativeArray.Value);
var observerEnumerator = NetworkObject.Observers.GetEnumerator();
while (observerEnumerator.MoveNext())
// Skip over the host
if (IsHost && observerEnumerator.Current == NetworkManager.LocalClientId)
shouldSendToHost = true;
rpcWriteSize = NetworkManager.MessagingSystem.SendMessage(ref clientRpcMessage, networkDelivery, observerEnumerator.Current);
// If we are a server/host then we just no op and send to ourself
if (shouldSendToHost)
using var tempBuffer = new FastBufferReader(bufferWriter, Allocator.Temp);
var context = new NetworkContext
SenderId = NetworkManager.ServerClientId,
Timestamp = Time.realtimeSinceStartup,
SystemOwner = NetworkManager,
// header information isn't valid since it's not a real message.
// RpcMessage doesn't access this stuff so it's just left empty.
Header = new MessageHeader(),
SerializedHeaderSize = 0,
MessageSize = 0
clientRpcMessage.ReadBuffer = tempBuffer;
clientRpcMessage.Handle(ref context);
if (NetworkManager.__rpc_name_table.TryGetValue(rpcMethodId, out var rpcMethodName))
if (clientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIds != null)
foreach (var targetClientId in clientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIds)
else if (clientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIdsNativeArray != null)
foreach (var targetClientId in clientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIdsNativeArray)
var observerEnumerator = NetworkObject.Observers.GetEnumerator();
while (observerEnumerator.MoveNext())
internal string GenerateObserverErrorMessage(ClientRpcParams clientRpcParams, ulong targetClientId)
var containerNameHoldingId = clientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIds != null ? nameof(ClientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIds) : nameof(ClientRpcParams.Send.TargetClientIdsNativeArray);
return $"Sending ClientRpc to non-observer! {containerNameHoldingId} contains clientId {targetClientId} that is not an observer!";
/// <summary>
/// Gets the NetworkManager that owns this NetworkBehaviour instance
/// See note around `NetworkObject` for how there is a chicken / egg problem when we are not initialized
/// </summary>
public NetworkManager NetworkManager
if (NetworkObject?.NetworkManager != null)
return NetworkObject?.NetworkManager;
return NetworkManager.Singleton;
/// <summary>
/// If a NetworkObject is assigned, it will return whether or not this NetworkObject
/// is the local player object. If no NetworkObject is assigned it will always return false.
/// </summary>
public bool IsLocalPlayer { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets if the object is owned by the local player or if the object is the local player object
/// </summary>
public bool IsOwner { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets if we are executing as server
/// </summary>
protected bool IsServer { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets if we are executing as client
/// </summary>
protected bool IsClient { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets if we are executing as Host, I.E Server and Client
/// </summary>
protected bool IsHost { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets Whether or not the object has a owner
/// </summary>
public bool IsOwnedByServer { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Used to determine if it is safe to access NetworkObject and NetworkManager from within a NetworkBehaviour component
/// Primarily useful when checking NetworkObject/NetworkManager properties within FixedUpate
/// </summary>
public bool IsSpawned { get; internal set; }
internal bool IsBehaviourEditable()
// Only server can MODIFY. So allow modification if network is either not running or we are server
return !m_NetworkObject ||
m_NetworkObject.NetworkManager == null ||
m_NetworkObject.NetworkManager.IsListening == false ||
/// TODO: this needs an overhaul. It's expensive, it's ja little naive in how it looks for networkObject in
/// its parent and worst, it creates a puzzle if you are a NetworkBehaviour wanting to see if you're live or not
/// (e.g. editor code). All you want to do is find out if NetworkManager is null, but to do that you
/// need NetworkObject, but if you try and grab NetworkObject and NetworkManager isn't up you'll get
/// the warning below. This is why IsBehaviourEditable had to be created. Matt was going to re-do
/// how NetworkObject works but it was close to the release and too risky to change
/// <summary>
/// Gets the NetworkObject that owns this NetworkBehaviour instance
/// </summary>
public NetworkObject NetworkObject
if (m_NetworkObject == null)
m_NetworkObject = GetComponentInParent<NetworkObject>();
catch (Exception)
return null;
// ShutdownInProgress check:
// This prevents an edge case scenario where the NetworkManager is shutting down but user code
// in Update and/or in FixedUpdate could still be checking NetworkBehaviour.NetworkObject directly (i.e. does it exist?)
// or NetworkBehaviour.IsSpawned (i.e. to early exit if not spawned) which, in turn, could generate several Warning messages
// per spawned NetworkObject. Checking for ShutdownInProgress prevents these unnecessary LogWarning messages.
// We must check IsSpawned, otherwise a warning will be logged under certain valid conditions (see OnDestroy)
if (IsSpawned && m_NetworkObject == null && (NetworkManager.Singleton == null || !NetworkManager.Singleton.ShutdownInProgress))
if (NetworkLog.CurrentLogLevel <= LogLevel.Normal)
NetworkLog.LogWarning($"Could not get {nameof(NetworkObject)} for the {nameof(NetworkBehaviour)}. Are you missing a {nameof(NetworkObject)} component?");
return m_NetworkObject;
/// <summary>
/// Gets whether or not this NetworkBehaviour instance has a NetworkObject owner.
/// </summary>
public bool HasNetworkObject => NetworkObject != null;
private NetworkObject m_NetworkObject = null;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the NetworkId of the NetworkObject that owns this NetworkBehaviour
/// </summary>
public ulong NetworkObjectId { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets NetworkId for this NetworkBehaviour from the owner NetworkObject
/// </summary>
public ushort NetworkBehaviourId { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Internally caches the Id of this behaviour in a NetworkObject. Makes look-up faster
/// </summary>
internal ushort NetworkBehaviourIdCache = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a the NetworkBehaviour with a given BehaviourId for the current NetworkObject
/// </summary>
/// <param name="behaviourId">The behaviourId to return</param>
/// <returns>Returns NetworkBehaviour with given behaviourId</returns>
protected NetworkBehaviour GetNetworkBehaviour(ushort behaviourId)
return NetworkObject.GetNetworkBehaviourAtOrderIndex(behaviourId);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the ClientId that owns the NetworkObject
/// </summary>
public ulong OwnerClientId { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Updates properties with network session related
/// dependencies such as a NetworkObject's spawned
/// state or NetworkManager's session state.
/// </summary>
internal void UpdateNetworkProperties()
// Set NetworkObject dependent properties
if (NetworkObject != null)
// Set identification related properties
NetworkObjectId = NetworkObject.NetworkObjectId;
IsLocalPlayer = NetworkObject.IsLocalPlayer;
// This is "OK" because GetNetworkBehaviourOrderIndex uses the order of
// NetworkObject.ChildNetworkBehaviours which is set once when first
// accessed.
NetworkBehaviourId = NetworkObject.GetNetworkBehaviourOrderIndex(this);
// Set ownership related properties
IsOwnedByServer = NetworkObject.IsOwnedByServer;
IsOwner = NetworkObject.IsOwner;
OwnerClientId = NetworkObject.OwnerClientId;
// Set NetworkManager dependent properties
if (NetworkManager != null)
IsHost = NetworkManager.IsListening && NetworkManager.IsHost;
IsClient = NetworkManager.IsListening && NetworkManager.IsClient;
IsServer = NetworkManager.IsListening && NetworkManager.IsServer;
else // Shouldn't happen, but if so then set the properties to their default value;
OwnerClientId = NetworkObjectId = default;
IsOwnedByServer = IsOwner = IsHost = IsClient = IsServer = default;
NetworkBehaviourId = default;
/// <summary>
/// Gets called when the <see cref="NetworkObject"/> gets spawned, message handlers are ready to be registered and the network is setup.
/// </summary>
public virtual void OnNetworkSpawn() { }
/// <summary>
/// Gets called when the <see cref="NetworkObject"/> gets despawned. Is called both on the server and clients.
/// </summary>
public virtual void OnNetworkDespawn() { }
internal void InternalOnNetworkSpawn()
IsSpawned = true;
internal void VisibleOnNetworkSpawn()
catch (Exception e)
if (IsServer)
// Since we just spawned the object and since user code might have modified their NetworkVariable, esp.
// NetworkList, we need to mark the object as free of updates.
// This should happen for all objects on the machine triggering the spawn.
internal void InternalOnNetworkDespawn()
IsSpawned = false;
catch (Exception e)
/// <summary>
/// Gets called when the local client gains ownership of this object
/// </summary>
public virtual void OnGainedOwnership() { }
internal void InternalOnGainedOwnership()
/// <summary>
/// Gets called when we loose ownership of this object
/// </summary>
public virtual void OnLostOwnership() { }
internal void InternalOnLostOwnership()
/// <summary>
/// Gets called when the parent NetworkObject of this NetworkBehaviour's NetworkObject has changed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentNetworkObject">the new <see cref="NetworkObject"/> parent</param>
public virtual void OnNetworkObjectParentChanged(NetworkObject parentNetworkObject) { }
private bool m_VarInit = false;
private readonly List<HashSet<int>> m_DeliveryMappedNetworkVariableIndices = new List<HashSet<int>>();
private readonly List<NetworkDelivery> m_DeliveryTypesForNetworkVariableGroups = new List<NetworkDelivery>();
internal readonly List<NetworkVariableBase> NetworkVariableFields = new List<NetworkVariableBase>();
private static Dictionary<Type, FieldInfo[]> s_FieldTypes = new Dictionary<Type, FieldInfo[]>();
private static FieldInfo[] GetFieldInfoForType(Type type)
if (!s_FieldTypes.ContainsKey(type))
s_FieldTypes.Add(type, GetFieldInfoForTypeRecursive(type));
return s_FieldTypes[type];
private static FieldInfo[] GetFieldInfoForTypeRecursive(Type type, List<FieldInfo> list = null)
if (list == null)
list = new List<FieldInfo>();
list.AddRange(type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance));
list.AddRange(type.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance));
if (type.BaseType != null && type.BaseType != typeof(NetworkBehaviour))
return GetFieldInfoForTypeRecursive(type.BaseType, list);
return list.OrderBy(x => x.Name, StringComparer.Ordinal).ToArray();
internal void InitializeVariables()
if (m_VarInit)
m_VarInit = true;
var sortedFields = GetFieldInfoForType(GetType());
for (int i = 0; i < sortedFields.Length; i++)
var fieldType = sortedFields[i].FieldType;
if (fieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(NetworkVariableBase)))
var instance = (NetworkVariableBase)sortedFields[i].GetValue(this);
if (instance == null)
throw new Exception($"{GetType().FullName}.{sortedFields[i].Name} cannot be null. All {nameof(NetworkVariableBase)} instances must be initialized.");
var instanceNameProperty = fieldType.GetProperty(nameof(NetworkVariableBase.Name));
var sanitizedVariableName = sortedFields[i].Name.Replace("<", string.Empty).Replace(">k__BackingField", string.Empty);
instanceNameProperty?.SetValue(instance, sanitizedVariableName);
// Create index map for delivery types
var firstLevelIndex = new Dictionary<NetworkDelivery, int>();
int secondLevelCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NetworkVariableFields.Count; i++)
var networkDelivery = NetworkVariableBase.Delivery;
if (!firstLevelIndex.ContainsKey(networkDelivery))
firstLevelIndex.Add(networkDelivery, secondLevelCounter);
if (firstLevelIndex[networkDelivery] >= m_DeliveryMappedNetworkVariableIndices.Count)
m_DeliveryMappedNetworkVariableIndices.Add(new HashSet<int>());
internal void PreNetworkVariableWrite()
// reset our "which variables got written" data
internal void PostNetworkVariableWrite(bool forced = false)
if (forced)
// Mark every variable as no longer dirty. We just spawned the object and whatever the game code did
// during OnNetworkSpawn has been sent and needs to be cleared
for (int i = 0; i < NetworkVariableFields.Count; i++)
// mark any variables we wrote as no longer dirty
for (int i = 0; i < NetworkVariableIndexesToReset.Count; i++)
internal void PreVariableUpdate()
if (!m_VarInit)
internal void VariableUpdate(ulong targetClientId)
NetworkVariableUpdate(targetClientId, NetworkBehaviourId);
internal readonly List<int> NetworkVariableIndexesToReset = new List<int>();
internal readonly HashSet<int> NetworkVariableIndexesToResetSet = new HashSet<int>();
private void NetworkVariableUpdate(ulong targetClientId, int behaviourIndex)
if (!CouldHaveDirtyNetworkVariables())
for (int j = 0; j < m_DeliveryMappedNetworkVariableIndices.Count; j++)
var shouldSend = false;
for (int k = 0; k < NetworkVariableFields.Count; k++)
var networkVariable = NetworkVariableFields[k];
if (networkVariable.IsDirty() && networkVariable.CanClientRead(targetClientId))
shouldSend = true;
if (shouldSend)
var message = new NetworkVariableDeltaMessage
NetworkObjectId = NetworkObjectId,
NetworkBehaviourIndex = NetworkObject.GetNetworkBehaviourOrderIndex(this),
NetworkBehaviour = this,
TargetClientId = targetClientId,
DeliveryMappedNetworkVariableIndex = m_DeliveryMappedNetworkVariableIndices[j]
// TODO: Serialization is where the IsDirty flag gets changed.
// Messages don't get sent from the server to itself, so if we're host and sending to ourselves,
// we still have to actually serialize the message even though we're not sending it, otherwise
// the dirty flag doesn't change properly. These two pieces should be decoupled at some point
// so we don't have to do this serialization work if we're not going to use the result.
if (IsServer && targetClientId == NetworkManager.ServerClientId)
var tmpWriter = new FastBufferWriter(MessagingSystem.NON_FRAGMENTED_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE, Allocator.Temp, MessagingSystem.FRAGMENTED_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE);
using (tmpWriter)
message.Serialize(tmpWriter, message.Version);
NetworkManager.SendMessage(ref message, m_DeliveryTypesForNetworkVariableGroups[j], targetClientId);
private bool CouldHaveDirtyNetworkVariables()
// TODO: There should be a better way by reading one dirty variable vs. 'n'
for (int i = 0; i < NetworkVariableFields.Count; i++)
if (NetworkVariableFields[i].IsDirty())
return true;
return false;
internal void MarkVariablesDirty(bool dirty)
for (int j = 0; j < NetworkVariableFields.Count; j++)
/// <summary>
/// Synchronizes by setting only the NetworkVariable field values that the client has permission to read.
/// Note: This is only invoked when first synchronizing a NetworkBehaviour (i.e. late join or spawned NetworkObject)
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When NetworkConfig.EnsureNetworkVariableLengthSafety is enabled each NetworkVariable field will be preceded
/// by the number of bytes written for that specific field.
/// </remarks>
internal void WriteNetworkVariableData(FastBufferWriter writer, ulong targetClientId)
if (NetworkVariableFields.Count == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < NetworkVariableFields.Count; j++)
if (NetworkVariableFields[j].CanClientRead(targetClientId))
if (NetworkManager.NetworkConfig.EnsureNetworkVariableLengthSafety)
var writePos = writer.Position;
// Note: This value can't be packed because we don't know how large it will be in advance
// we reserve space for it, then write the data, then come back and fill in the space
// to pack here, we'd have to write data to a temporary buffer and copy it in - which
// isn't worth possibly saving one byte if and only if the data is less than 63 bytes long...
// The way we do packing, any value > 63 in a ushort will use the full 2 bytes to represent.
var startPos = writer.Position;
var size = writer.Position - startPos;
writer.Seek(startPos + size);
else // Only if EnsureNetworkVariableLengthSafety, otherwise just skip
if (NetworkManager.NetworkConfig.EnsureNetworkVariableLengthSafety)
/// <summary>
/// Synchronizes by setting only the NetworkVariable field values that the client has permission to read.
/// Note: This is only invoked when first synchronizing a NetworkBehaviour (i.e. late join or spawned NetworkObject)
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When NetworkConfig.EnsureNetworkVariableLengthSafety is enabled each NetworkVariable field will be preceded
/// by the number of bytes written for that specific field.
/// </remarks>
internal void SetNetworkVariableData(FastBufferReader reader, ulong clientId)
if (NetworkVariableFields.Count == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < NetworkVariableFields.Count; j++)
var varSize = (ushort)0;
var readStartPos = 0;
if (NetworkManager.NetworkConfig.EnsureNetworkVariableLengthSafety)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out varSize);
if (varSize == 0)
readStartPos = reader.Position;
else // If the client cannot read this field, then skip it
if (!NetworkVariableFields[j].CanClientRead(clientId))
if (NetworkManager.NetworkConfig.EnsureNetworkVariableLengthSafety)
if (reader.Position > (readStartPos + varSize))
if (NetworkLog.CurrentLogLevel <= LogLevel.Normal)
NetworkLog.LogWarning($"Var data read too far. {reader.Position - (readStartPos + varSize)} bytes.");
reader.Seek(readStartPos + varSize);
else if (reader.Position < (readStartPos + varSize))
if (NetworkLog.CurrentLogLevel <= LogLevel.Normal)
NetworkLog.LogWarning($"Var data read too little. {(readStartPos + varSize) - reader.Position} bytes.");
reader.Seek(readStartPos + varSize);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the local instance of a object with a given NetworkId
/// </summary>
/// <param name="networkId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected NetworkObject GetNetworkObject(ulong networkId)
return NetworkManager.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects.TryGetValue(networkId, out NetworkObject networkObject) ? networkObject : null;
/// <summary>
/// Override this method if your derived NetworkBehaviour requires custom synchronization data.
/// Note: Use of this method is only for the initial client synchronization of NetworkBehaviours
/// and will increase the payload size for client synchronization and dynamically spawned
/// <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When serializing (writing) this will be invoked during the client synchronization period and
/// when spawning new NetworkObjects.
/// When deserializing (reading), this will be invoked prior to the NetworkBehaviour's associated
/// NetworkObject being spawned.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="serializer">The serializer to use to read and write the data.</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">
/// Either BufferSerializerReader or BufferSerializerWriter, depending whether the serializer
/// is in read mode or write mode.
/// </typeparam>
protected virtual void OnSynchronize<T>(ref BufferSerializer<T> serializer) where T : IReaderWriter
/// <summary>
/// Internal method that determines if a NetworkBehaviour has additional synchronization data to
/// be synchronized when first instantiated prior to its associated NetworkObject being spawned.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This includes try-catch blocks to recover from exceptions that might occur and continue to
/// synchronize any remaining NetworkBehaviours.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>true if it wrote synchronization data and false if it did not</returns>
internal bool Synchronize<T>(ref BufferSerializer<T> serializer) where T : IReaderWriter
if (serializer.IsWriter)
// Get the writer to handle seeking and determining how many bytes were written
var writer = serializer.GetFastBufferWriter();
// Save our position before we attempt to write anything so we can seek back to it (i.e. error occurs)
var positionBeforeWrite = writer.Position;
// Save our position where we will write the final size being written so we can skip over it in the
// event an exception occurs when deserializing.
var sizePosition = writer.Position;
// Save our position before synchronizing to determine how much was written
var positionBeforeSynchronize = writer.Position;
var threwException = false;
OnSynchronize(ref serializer);
catch (Exception ex)
threwException = true;
if (NetworkManager.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Normal)
NetworkLog.LogWarning($"{name} threw an exception during synchronization serialization, this {nameof(NetworkBehaviour)} is being skipped and will not be synchronized!");
if (NetworkManager.LogLevel == LogLevel.Developer)
NetworkLog.LogError($"{ex.Message}\n {ex.StackTrace}");
var finalPosition = writer.Position;
// If we wrote nothing then skip writing anything for this NetworkBehaviour
if (finalPosition == positionBeforeSynchronize || threwException)
return false;
// Write the number of bytes serialized to handle exceptions on the deserialization side
var bytesWritten = finalPosition - positionBeforeSynchronize;
return true;
var reader = serializer.GetFastBufferReader();
// We will always read the expected byte count
reader.ReadValueSafe(out ushort expectedBytesToRead);
// Save our position before we begin synchronization deserialization
var positionBeforeSynchronize = reader.Position;
var synchronizationError = false;
// Invoke synchronization
OnSynchronize(ref serializer);
catch (Exception ex)
if (NetworkManager.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Normal)
NetworkLog.LogWarning($"{name} threw an exception during synchronization deserialization, this {nameof(NetworkBehaviour)} is being skipped and will not be synchronized!");
if (NetworkManager.LogLevel == LogLevel.Developer)
NetworkLog.LogError($"{ex.Message}\n {ex.StackTrace}");
synchronizationError = true;
var totalBytesRead = reader.Position - positionBeforeSynchronize;
if (totalBytesRead != expectedBytesToRead)
if (NetworkManager.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Normal)
NetworkLog.LogWarning($"{name} read {totalBytesRead} bytes but was expected to read {expectedBytesToRead} bytes during synchronization deserialization! This {nameof(NetworkBehaviour)} is being skipped and will not be synchronized!");
synchronizationError = true;
// Skip over the entry if deserialization fails
if (synchronizationError)
var skipToPosition = positionBeforeSynchronize + expectedBytesToRead;
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when the <see cref="GameObject"/> the <see cref="NetworkBehaviour"/> is attached to.
/// NOTE: If you override this, you will want to always invoke this base class version of this
/// <see cref="OnDestroy"/> method!!
/// </summary>
public virtual void OnDestroy()
if (NetworkObject != null && NetworkObject.IsSpawned && IsSpawned)
// If the associated NetworkObject is still spawned then this
// NetworkBehaviour will be removed from the NetworkObject's
// ChildNetworkBehaviours list.
// this seems odd to do here, but in fact especially in tests we can find ourselves
// here without having called InitializedVariables, which causes problems if any
// of those variables use native containers (e.g. NetworkList) as they won't be
// registered here and therefore won't be cleaned up.
// we should study to understand the initialization patterns
if (!m_VarInit)
for (int i = 0; i < NetworkVariableFields.Count; i++)