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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UniGLTF;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UniVRM10
/// <summary>
/// 座標系を変換した Model により、Mesh, Node, BindMatrices を更新する。
/// * gltf.images の参照する bufferView
/// * gltf.meshes の参照する index, VERTEX, MorphTarget の accessor, bufferView
/// * gltf.nodes の参照する skin の inverseBindMatrices 向けの accessor, bufferView
/// を詰め込みなすことで bin を再構築する
/// </summary>
class MeshUpdater
GltfData _data;
ArrayByteBuffer _buffer;
List<glTFBufferView> _bufferViews = new List<glTFBufferView>();
List<glTFAccessor> _accessors = new List<glTFAccessor>();
MeshUpdater(GltfData data)
_data = data;
_buffer = new ArrayByteBuffer(new byte[data.Bin.Length]);
/// <summary>
/// data を model で更新する
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">更新前のオリジナル</param>
/// <param name="model">座標系の変換などの操作済み</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static (glTF, ArraySegment<byte>) Execute(GltfData data, VrmLib.Model model)
return new MeshUpdater(data).Update(model);
int AddBuffer(NativeArray<byte> bytes, glBufferTarget target)
var bufferView = _buffer.Extend(bytes, target);
var index = _bufferViews.Count;
// padding for 4byte alignment
var mod = bytes.Length % 4;
if (mod != 0)
_buffer.Extend(new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[4 - mod]));
return index;
static (float[], float[]) GetMinMax(NativeArray<Vector3> v)
var minX = float.PositiveInfinity;
var minY = float.PositiveInfinity;
var minZ = float.PositiveInfinity;
var maxX = float.NegativeInfinity;
var maxY = float.NegativeInfinity;
var maxZ = float.NegativeInfinity;
for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; ++i)
if (v[i].x < minX) minX = v[i].x;
if (v[i].y < minY) minY = v[i].y;
if (v[i].z < minZ) minZ = v[i].z;
if (v[i].x > maxX) maxX = v[i].x;
if (v[i].y > maxY) maxY = v[i].y;
if (v[i].z > maxZ) maxZ = v[i].z;
return (new float[] { minX, minY, minZ }, new float[] { maxX, maxY, maxZ });
int AddAccessor<T>(NativeArray<T> span, glBufferTarget target, bool minMaxBounds) where T : struct
var bufferViewIndex = AddBuffer(span.Reinterpret<byte>(Marshal.SizeOf<T>()), target);
var accessor = new glTFAccessor
bufferView = bufferViewIndex,
count = span.Length,
byteOffset = 0,
componentType = glTFExtensions.GetComponentType<T>(),
type = glTFExtensions.GetAccessorType<T>(),
if (minMaxBounds)
if (span is NativeArray<Vector3> positions)
var (min, max) = GetMinMax(positions);
accessor.min = min;
accessor.max = max;
var index = _accessors.Count;
return index;
int? AddAccessor<T>(BufferAccessor buffer, glBufferTarget target, bool minMaxBounds) where T : struct
if (buffer == null)
return default;
return AddAccessor(buffer.GetSpan<T>(), target, minMaxBounds);
struct MorphAccessor
public int? Position;
public int? Normal;
/// <summary>
/// bufferView, accessor を push することで bin を再構築する
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">meshの右手左手変換結果</param>
/// <returns></returns>
(glTF, ArraySegment<byte>) Update(VrmLib.Model model)
var gltf = _data.GLTF;
// copy images
foreach (var image in gltf.images)
var bytes = _data.GetBytesFromBufferView(image.bufferView);
image.bufferView = AddBuffer(bytes, default);
// copy mesh
if (model.MeshGroups.All(x => x.Meshes.Count == 1))
// update nodes and remove unused skin
var skins = gltf.skins.ToArray();
foreach (var (gltfNode, node) in Enumerable.Zip(gltf.nodes, model.Nodes, (l, r) => (l, r)))
gltfNode.translation = node.LocalTranslation.ToFloat3();
gltfNode.rotation = node.LocalRotation.ToFloat4();
gltfNode.scale = node.LocalScaling.ToFloat3();
if (gltfNode.mesh >= 0)
if (gltfNode.skin >= 0)
// mesh with skin
// only this case, skin is enable
// [SkinnedMeshRenderer]
var gltfSkin = skins[gltfNode.skin];
// get or create
var skinIndex = gltf.skins.IndexOf(gltfSkin);
if (skinIndex == -1)
skinIndex = gltf.skins.Count;
gltfSkin.inverseBindMatrices = AddAccessor(node.MeshGroup.Skin.InverseMatrices.GetSpan<Matrix4x4>(), default, false);
// multi nodes sharing a same skin may be error ?
// edge case.
// update
gltfNode.skin = skinIndex;
// mesh without skin
// [MeshRenderer]
if (gltfNode.skin >= 0)
// no mesh but skin
// fix error
gltfNode.skin = -1;
// no mesh no skin
// replace
gltf.buffers[0].byteLength = _buffer.Bytes.Count;
gltf.bufferViews = _bufferViews;
gltf.accessors = _accessors;
return (gltf, _buffer.Bytes);
/// <summary>
/// model はひとつのノードに複数の mesh をぶら下げることができる(meshGroup)
/// gltf.meshes[i].primitives[j] <-> model.meshGroups[i].meshes[0].submeshes[j]
/// </summary>
void UpdateSharedVertexBuffer(VrmLib.Model model)
var gltf = _data.GLTF;
// gltfMeshes[i] <=> MeshGroups[i].Meshes[0] ( MeshGroups[i].Meshes.Count == 1 )
foreach (var (gltfMesh, mesh) in Enumerable.Zip(gltf.meshes, model.MeshGroups, (l, r) => (l, r.Meshes[0])))
NativeArray<uint> indices;
switch (mesh.IndexBuffer.Stride)
case 1:
// byte
var byte_indices = mesh.IndexBuffer.GetSpan<byte>();
indices = _data.NativeArrayManager.Convert(byte_indices, (byte x) => (uint)x);
case 2:
// ushort
var ushort_indices = mesh.IndexBuffer.GetSpan<ushort>();
indices = _data.NativeArrayManager.Convert(ushort_indices, (ushort x) => (uint)x);
case 4:
// uint
indices = mesh.IndexBuffer.GetSpan<uint>();
throw new NotImplementedException();
var position = AddAccessor<Vector3>(mesh.VertexBuffer.Positions, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, true);
var normal = AddAccessor<Vector3>(mesh.VertexBuffer.Normals, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
var uv = AddAccessor<Vector2>(mesh.VertexBuffer.TexCoords, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
var weights = AddAccessor<Vector4>(mesh.VertexBuffer.Weights, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
var joints = AddAccessor<UShort4>(mesh.VertexBuffer.Joints, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
var color = AddAccessor<Vector4>(mesh.VertexBuffer.Colors, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
var morphTargets = new MorphAccessor[] { };
if (mesh.MorphTargets != null)
morphTargets = mesh.MorphTargets.Select(x => new MorphAccessor
Position = AddAccessor<Vector3>(x.VertexBuffer.Positions, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, true),
Normal = AddAccessor<Vector3>(x.VertexBuffer.Normals, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false),
// gltfPrim[j] <=> mesh.Submeshes[j]
foreach (var (gltfPrim, submesh) in Enumerable.Zip(gltfMesh.primitives, mesh.Submeshes, (l, r) => (l, r)))
var subIndices = indices.GetSubArray(submesh.Offset, submesh.DrawCount);
gltfPrim.indices = AddAccessor(subIndices, glBufferTarget.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
gltfPrim.attributes.POSITION = position.Value;
gltfPrim.attributes.NORMAL = normal.GetValueOrDefault(-1); // たぶん、ありえる
gltfPrim.attributes.TANGENT = -1;
gltfPrim.attributes.COLOR_0 = color.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
gltfPrim.attributes.TEXCOORD_0 = uv.GetValueOrDefault(-1); // ありえる?
gltfPrim.attributes.TEXCOORD_1 = -1;
gltfPrim.attributes.WEIGHTS_0 = weights.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
gltfPrim.attributes.JOINTS_0 = joints.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
foreach (var (gltfMorph, morph) in Enumerable.Zip(gltfPrim.targets, morphTargets, (l, r) => (l, r)))
gltfMorph.POSITION = morph.Position.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
gltfMorph.NORMAL = morph.Normal.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
gltfMorph.TANGENT = -1;
/// <summary>
/// model はひとつのノードに複数の mesh をぶら下げることができる(meshGroup)
/// gltf.meshes[i].primitives[j] <-> model.meshGroups[i].meshes[j].submeshes[0]
/// </summary>
void UpdateDividedVertexBuffer(VrmLib.Model model)
var gltf = _data.GLTF;
// gltfMesh[i] <=> meshGroups[i]
foreach (var (gltfMesh, meshGroup) in Enumerable.Zip(gltf.meshes, model.MeshGroups, (l, r) => (l, r)))
// gltfPrimitives[j] <=> meshGroup.Meshes[j] (meshGroup.Meshes[j].Submeshes.Count==1)
foreach (var (gltfPrim, mesh) in Enumerable.Zip(gltfMesh.primitives, meshGroup.Meshes, (l, r) => (l, r)))
NativeArray<uint> indices;
switch (mesh.IndexBuffer.Stride)
case 1:
// byte
var byte_indices = mesh.IndexBuffer.GetSpan<byte>();
indices = _data.NativeArrayManager.Convert(byte_indices, (byte x) => (uint)x);
case 2:
// ushort
var ushort_indices = mesh.IndexBuffer.GetSpan<ushort>();
indices = _data.NativeArrayManager.Convert(ushort_indices, (ushort x) => (uint)x);
case 4:
// uint
indices = mesh.IndexBuffer.GetSpan<uint>();
throw new NotImplementedException();
var position = AddAccessor<Vector3>(mesh.VertexBuffer.Positions, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, true);
var normal = AddAccessor<Vector3>(mesh.VertexBuffer.Normals, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
var uv = AddAccessor<Vector2>(mesh.VertexBuffer.TexCoords, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
var weights = AddAccessor<Vector4>(mesh.VertexBuffer.Weights, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
var joints = AddAccessor<UShort4>(mesh.VertexBuffer.Joints, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
var color = AddAccessor<Vector4>(mesh.VertexBuffer.Colors, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
var morphTargets = new MorphAccessor[] { };
if (mesh.MorphTargets != null)
morphTargets = mesh.MorphTargets.Select(x => new MorphAccessor
Position = AddAccessor<Vector3>(x.VertexBuffer.Positions, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, true),
Normal = AddAccessor<Vector3>(x.VertexBuffer.Normals, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER, false),
gltfPrim.indices = AddAccessor(indices, glBufferTarget.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, false);
gltfPrim.attributes.POSITION = position.Value;
gltfPrim.attributes.NORMAL = normal.GetValueOrDefault(-1); // たぶん、ありえる
gltfPrim.attributes.TANGENT = -1;
gltfPrim.attributes.COLOR_0 = color.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
gltfPrim.attributes.TEXCOORD_0 = uv.GetValueOrDefault(-1); // ありえる?
gltfPrim.attributes.TEXCOORD_1 = -1;
gltfPrim.attributes.WEIGHTS_0 = weights.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
gltfPrim.attributes.JOINTS_0 = joints.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
foreach (var (gltfMorph, morph) in Enumerable.Zip(gltfPrim.targets, morphTargets, (l, r) => (l, r)))
gltfMorph.POSITION = morph.Position.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
gltfMorph.NORMAL = morph.Normal.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
gltfMorph.TANGENT = -1;